Maja Krzic |
UBC Vancouver |
Linking soil science research with teaching along with community involvement to create educational environment where students can actively engage in ‘real-world’ problems; Combining soil science concepts and the impact of humans on soil properties and processes in crop, grassland, and forest ecosystems; Exploring the role of soil in addressing some of the existential global sustainability challenges we are facing. |
Faculty of Land and Food Systems |
Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Applied Biology Program; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems |
Terrestrial Ecosystems, Forestry, Agriculture, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy |
McKenzie Kuhn |
UBC Vancouver |
Consequences of climate change on boreal-Arctic ecosystems; Exchange of carbon and greenhouse gases between freshwaters, plants, soils, and the atmosphere; Influence of disturbances and management on freshwater carbon and nutrient cycling; Interactions of between northern freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems and global change. |
Faculty of Arts |
Department of Geography |
Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Carbon Cycle, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Freshwater Systems |
Nadja Kunz |
UBC Vancouver |
Works at the interface of research and practice to resolve private sector water challenges, with a focus on the mining and resources sector. |
Faculty of Arts |
School of Public Policy and Global Affairs; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining; Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering; Future Minerals Initiative |
Mining, Water Resources and Supply, Climate Justice, Climate Risk Management, Policy and Governance, Waste and Waste Management |
Marysa Laguë |
UBC Vancouver |
How terrestrial processes impact the atmosphere and surface climate from the scale of a single plant to the scale of a planet, by modulating fluxes of water and energy between the land and the atmosphere. |
Faculty of Arts |
Department of Geography |
Atmospheric Science, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Carbon Cycle, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis |
Frank Lam |
UBC Vancouver |
Wood products; Solid sawn timber; Wood-based composites; Engineered wood systems; Timber engineering; Wood-based composites mechanics. |
Faculty of Forestry |
Department of Wood Science; Timber Engineering and Applied Mechanics Laboratory |
Sustainable Materials and Composites, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design |
Anthony Lau |
UBC Vancouver |
Environmental engineering; Waste-to-resource recycling; Composting; Odor control; Biohydrogen energy. |
Faculty of Applied Science |
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Master in Engineering Leadership; Biomass and Bioenergy Research Group at UBC; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) |
Biofuels and Biomass, Waste and Waste Management, Product Lifecycle or Circular Economy |
Nathanael Lauster |
UBC Vancouver |
Housing justice and health; Housing; Immigration; Population; Environment; Built Environment; Urban Sociology; Life Course; Community & Demography. |
Faculty of Arts |
Department of Sociology; Balanced Supply of Housing Research Cluster |
Housing, Urban Planning and Cities, Policy and Governance, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Health and Wellbeing |
Bernard Laval |
UBC Vancouver |
Environmental fluid mechanics; Water management; Rehabilitation of lakes; Mine tailings; Dispersion of nutrients and pollutants in lakes and coastal waters; Movement of toxic materials in aquatic environments. |
Faculty of Applied Science |
Department of Civil Engineering |
Freshwater Systems, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Mining |
Suzie Lavallee |
UBC Vancouver |
How ecological pressures can shift the investment of resources in insects; Experiential learning; Impact of conservation and forest resources management on the livelihoods of people and the vast biodiversity of India. |
Faculty of Forestry |
Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences |
Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Forestry, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies |
Leslie Lavkulich |
UBC Vancouver |
Soil resources; Soil and environmental chemistry; Mine reclamation and maintenance of environmental services; Perspectives on resources and environment; Sustainable agricultural systems; Land use hydrology; Mining and the environment; Land-water interactions and uncertainty in natural science and policy development. |
Faculty of Land and Food Systems |
Department of Global Resource Systems; Mother Tree Project |
Agriculture, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Land Use, Water Resources and Supply, Policy and Governance, Carbon Cycle |
Gregory Lawrence |
UBC Vancouver |
Environmental fluid mechanics; Hydraulics; Hydrodynamic stability and mixing; Physical limnology; Water quality management. |
Faculty of Applied Science |
Department of Civil Engineering |
Pollution, Freshwater Systems, Water Resources and Supply, Waste and Waste Management |
Philippe Le Billon |
UBC Vancouver |
Political geography; Political ecology; War studies; Links between natural resources and armed conflicts; Political economy of war and reconstruction; Resource curse; Corruption; Natural disasters; Governance of extractive sectors; Food security. |
Faculty of Arts |
Department of Geography; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; School of Public Policy and Global Affairs; Disaster Resilience Research Network |
International Negotiations and Treaties, Policy and Governance, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Climate Finance and Investment, Poverty, Climate Justice, Oil and Gas |
Valerie LeMay |
UBC Vancouver |
Biometrics; Forest measurements; Modelling; Sampling design; Stand Dynamics; Stand regeneration estimation; Genetic impacts on growth at the stand level. |
Faculty of Forestry |
Department of Forest Resource Management; Forest Measurements and Biometrics |
Forestry, Carbon Management |
Barbara Lence |
UBC Vancouver |
Optimizing design and operational strategies of water resources projects; Reliable withdrawal-treatment strategies for contaminated groundwater supply systems; Water distribution system operational procedures to meet hydraulic and water quality objectives. |
Faculty of Applied Science |
Department of Civil Engineering; Master in Engineering Leadership |
Pollution, Policy and Governance, Water Resources and Supply, Freshwater Systems, Climate Risk Management, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design |
Avi Lewis |
UBC Vancouver |
Social and political change; Communication, education and documentary filmmaking; Climate justice. |
Faculty of Arts |
Department of Geography; Centre for Climate Justice |
Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Climate Justice, Policy and Governance, Climate Activism and Social Movements, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change |
Eric Li |
UBC Okanagan |
Consumer culture; Social innovation and social enterprise; Healthy living and well-being; Food consumption and food security; Digital economy, Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of People (IoP); Social media marketing and consumption; Ethical consumerism and prosocial behaviour; Corporate philanthropy; Fashion marketing and consumption. |
Faculty of Management |
Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention (IHLCDP); Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies; Institute for Community Engaged Research (ICER); Battery Innovation Research Excellence Cluster |
Environmental Psychology, Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Poverty, Health and Wellbeing, Rural and Northern Communities |
Loretta Li |
UBC Vancouver |
Contaminated site investigation and management; Environmental monitoring; Risk and impact assessment; Soil-contaminant interactions; Mobility and migration of contaminants; Remediation technology; Mine tailings waste disposal and treatment processes. |
Faculty of Applied Science |
Department of Civil Engineering; Microplastic Cluster; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Climate Change Health Effects, Adaptation, and ResiLience (HEAL) |
Pollution, Water Resources and Supply, Waste and Waste Management, Biofuels and Biomass, Mining, Policy and Governance |
Sunny Li |
UBC Okanagan |
Enhanced heat transfer; Multiphase flows; Aerosol (Airborne) transmission; Electronics cooling; Thermal-fluidics in sustainable energy systems; Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning. |
Faculty of Applied Science |
School of Engineering (Mechanical); UBC Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Natural Gas Fuel System Laboratory (NGFSL); Airborne Disease Transmission Research Cluster; Thermal Management and Multi-phase Flows Lab (TMMFL) |
Sustainable Materials and Composites, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions |
Carol Liao |
UBC Vancouver |
Social enterprise law; Business ethics; Corporate law and sustainability; Climate governance; Social justice; Climate risk disclosures; Fiduciary obligations. |
Peter A. Allard School of Law |
Centre for Law and the Environment; Centre for Business Law; Centre for Asian Legal Studies; Centre for Feminist Legal Studies; Allard School of Law History Project; Decision Insights for Business & Society (DIBS); Future Minerals Initiative |
Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Environmental Law, Mining, Climate Justice, International Negotiations and Treaties |
Jim Lim |
UBC Vancouver |
Spouting and fluidization phenomena; Biomass gasification with CO2 capture in a circulating fluidized bed; Hydrogen production in a fluidized bed membrane reactor from steam reforming of higher hydrocarbons; Performance of limestone for CO2 capture from a high-temperature/ pressure reactor over many calcinations/carbonation cycles; Chemical looping combustion for CO2 separation; Development of thin Pd-based composite membrane suitable for hydrogen separation at high temperature/pressure. |
Faculty of Applied Science |
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Biomass and Bioenergy Research Group at UBC; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Fluidization Research Centre |
Biofuels and Biomass, Hydrogen, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Carbon Management, Waste and Waste Management |
Liwen Lin |
UBC Vancouver |
Comparative corporate governance; Corporate social responsibility; State capitalism; Chinese law; Law and economic sociology. |
Peter A. Allard School of Law |
Centre for Asian Legal Studies; Centre for Business Law |
Environmental Law, Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Policy and Governance |
Charles (Robin) Lindsey |
UBC Vancouver |
Traffic congestion; Road pricing; Financing transportation infrastructure; Public transit; Advanced traveler information systems. |
Sauder School of Business |
Operations and Logistics Division; Commerce and Business Administration |
Transportation, Economic Modeling and Data Analysis, Climate Finance and Investment, Environmental Psychology, Urban Planning and Cities |
Jane Lister |
UBC Vancouver |
Corporate social responsibility; Environmental governance; Sustainable supply chain management; Maritime policy and trade. |
Faculty of Science, Sauder School of Business |
Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Operations and Logistics Division; Global Reporting Centre Commerce and Business Administration; Centre for Transportation Studies; Green Shipping Project |
Business Processes and Corporate Governance, International Negotiations and Treaties, Carbon Management, Policy and Governance, Environmental Psychology, Transportation |
Jian Liu |
UBC Okanagan |
Advanced nanofabrication; Nanomaterials and nanotechnology; Energy storage systems; Next-generation batteries. |
Faculty of Applied Science |
School of Engineering (Mechanical); Advanced Materials for Energy Storage Lab; Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions; Battery Innovation Research Excellence Cluster; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) |
Electricity, Sustainable Materials and Composites |
Wenying Liu |
UBC Vancouver |
Use of sea water in heap leaching; Release of selenium and associated toxic elements from mine waste materials; Heap leach modelling. |
Faculty of Applied Science |
Department of Materials Engineering; Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining |
Mining, Waste and Waste Management, Water Resources and Supply |
Kees Lokman |
UBC Vancouver |
Sea level rise adaptation; Energy transition; Design challenges related to water and food shortages; Depleting energy resources; Climate change; Ongoing urbanization. |
Faculty of Applied Science |
School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture; Collaborative for Advanced Landscape Planning; Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions; UBC Coastal Adaptation Lab; Disaster Resilience Research Network |
Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Urban Planning and Cities, Climate Risk Management, Policy and Governance |
Tina Loo |
UBC Vancouver |
Environmental history of Canada; Postwar Canada; Canadian wildlife; Rivers; State power; Dams; Caribou. |
Faculty of Arts |
Department of History |
Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change |
Gordon Lovegrove |
UBC Okanagan |
SMARTer Growth; Sustainable community planning & design; Sustainable transport & safety; Hydrail powered, zero-emission regional passenger & freight rail; Affordable housing & Cohousing. |
Faculty of Applied Science |
School of Engineering (Civil); Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention (IHLCDP); SMARTer Growth Partnership; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) |
Health and Wellbeing, Housing, Transportation, Urban Planning and Cities, Hydrogen |
Maggie Low |
UBC Vancouver |
Indigenous-state relations; Indigenous community planning; Indigenous-led reconciliation efforts; Indigenous sovereignty and jurisdiction; Environmentalism and climate change; Public sector innovation labs. |
Faculty of Applied Science |
School of Community and Regional Planning; Centre for Climate Justice; Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions; UBC Indigenous Community Planning Program; Balanced Supply of Housing Research Clutster; Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice; Disaster Resilience Research Network |
Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Urban Planning and Cities, Climate Justice, Housing |
Juliet Lu |
UBC Vancouver |
Conflicts and governance issues around resource extraction and intensive land use; Transnational land investments; Chinese rubber plantations in Laos; Promotion of monoculture plantations at the expense of more biodiverse systems; Rise of private sector sustainable governance initiatives worldwide. |
Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Forestry |
Department of Forest Resource Management; School of Public Policy and Global Affairs; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS) |
Policy and Governance, Land Use, Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Forestry, International Negotiations and Treaties |
Allison Macfarlane |
UBC Vancouver |
Technical, social, and policy aspects of nuclear energy production and nuclear waste management and disposal; Regulation, nuclear nonproliferation, and energy policy. |
Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science |
School of Public Policy and Global Affairs; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Liu Institute for Global Issues; Future Minerals Initiative |
Policy and Governance, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Waste and Waste Management |
Mark MacLachlan |
UBC Vancouver |
Developing new organic and inorganic materials with interesting properties that may find applications in electronics, photonics, catalysis, and other applications; Combating environmental problems or improving alternative energy applications, such as solar energy conversion and hydrogen fuel cells. |
Faculty of Science |
Department of Chemistry; Nanomat: Create Nanomaterials Science & Technology Program; Maclachlan Group |
Sustainable Materials and Composites, Solar Energy, Sustainable Materials and Composites |
John Madden |
UBC Vancouver |
New and unusual electronic materials for application in solar cells, energy storage (batteries and supercapacitors), printable electronics and as artificial muscle. |
Faculty of Applied Science |
School of Biomedical Engineering; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Molecular Mechatronics Lab; Microsystems and Nanotechnology (MiNa) Group |
Electricity, Solar Energy, Sustainable Materials and Composites |
Ali Madiseh |
UBC Vancouver |
Mine-mechanical equipment; Energy systems; Energy efficiency; Renewable energy systems; Energy conservation; Energy storage; Energy decarbonization. |
Faculty of Applied Science |
Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining; Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering |
Mining, Oil and Gas, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Manufacturing and Heavy Industry, Sustainable Materials and Composites, Waste and Waste Management |
Maria T. (Maite) Maldonado |
UBC Vancouver |
The role of trace metal availability in controlling the ecology and evolution of marine phytoplankton and bacteria; Role of the biota in controlling biogeochemical cycles of trace elements in the ocean; Trace elements regulation of harmful algal blooms; 'Biological carbon pump'; Regulation of the global carbon cycle. |
Faculty of Science |
Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Microplastic Cluster |
Oceans and Coastal Systems, Carbon Cycle, Biodiversity, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic |
Kirby Manià |
UBC Vancouver |
Urban ecology; Postcolonial ecocriticism; Literary studies; Post-apartheid/post-transitional South African literature(s); Environmental justice; Crime writing; Writing pedagogy; Urban studies; Postapartheid studies; Gold-rush imaginaries; Writing studies. |
Faculty of Arts |
School of Journalism, Writing, and Media |
Climate Justice, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Activism and Social Movements, Urban Planning and Cities |
Shawn Mansfield |
UBC Vancouver |
Tree biotechnology; Trees and the environment; Remediation of anthropogenic contaminants: Phosphorous, salt, heavy metals. |
Faculty of Forestry |
Department of Wood Science; Department of Botany; Biodiversity Research Centre; Tree Molecular Biology Research Lab; Bioproducts Institute |
Bioprocesses and Biotechnology, Pollution, Forestry, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Terrestrial Ecosystems |
Matias Margulis |
UBC Vancouver |
Global governance of food security; Food insecurity; Renewed centrality of food security in global governance and policy, especially in the context of agricultural trade liberalization, large-scale land acquisitions (A.K.A. “land grabs”), international human rights agreements and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. |
Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Land and Food Systems |
Food and Resource Economics Program; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; School of Public Policy and Global Affairs |
International Negotiations and Treaties, Policy and Governance, Climate Justice, Poverty, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems |
Katie Marshall |
UBC Vancouver |
How abiotic stress filters through physiology to shape species abundance and distribution; How impact of frequency of stress (rather than the duration or intensity of stress) is a superior predictor of both survival and reproductive success. |
Faculty of Science |
Department of Zoology; Biodiversity Research Centre; Marshall Lab |
Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Oceans and Coastal Systems |
Peter Marshall |
UBC Vancouver |
Quantifying and forecasting stand and forest dynamics, particularly with respect to uneven-aged and/or mixed species (complex) stands; Biometrics; Forest measurements; Modelling; Sampling design; Stand dynamics. |
Faculty of Forestry |
Department of Forest Resource Management; Forest Measurements and Biometrics |
Forestry, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Terrestrial Ecosystems |
José Martí |
UBC Vancouver |
Computer modelling of response to disasters; Infrastructures Interdependencies Simulation (I2Sim) project; Electric power; Energy systems. |
Faculty of Applied Science |
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Power Group; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) |
Electricity |
Kathy Martin |
UBC Vancouver |
Conservation of birds in high elevation habitats; Nest webs – cavity nesting bird community dynamics in natural and managed forests in relation to forest cutting regimes and natural disturbance events. |
Faculty of Forestry |
Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Biodiversity Research Centre; Centre for Alpine Studies |
Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Forestry |
Tara Martin |
UBC Vancouver |
Biodiversity; Climate change; Climate models; Conservation; Ecological monitoring; Ecology; Land-use change; Landscape ecology; Landscape planning; Modelling. |
Faculty of Forestry |
Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); Martin Conservation Decisions Lab |
Biodiversity, Freshwater Systems, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Forestry |
Patrick Martone |
UBC Vancouver |
Biology and biodiversity of seaweeds; Plant cell walls; Tissue development; Ecophysiology; Ecology and community structure; Intertidal zones; Coralline algal evolution, phylogenetics, and taxonomy; Algal physiology and climate change. |
Department of Botany; Martone Lab; Biodiversity Research Centre |
Oceans and Coastal Systems, Biodiversity |
Renisa Mawani |
UBC Vancouver |
Law and society; Historical methods; Social and cultural theory; Sociology of knowledge and culture; Political philosophies of law and justice; Histories of colonial dispossession; Indigenous peoples and restrictions imposed on marginalized groups; Colonial legal processes; State racisms produced through land, law, and labor. |
Faculty of Arts |
Department of Sociology |
Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change |
Ulrich Mayer |
UBC Vancouver |
Geochemical evolution of low-temperature groundwater systems with a focus on groundwater contamination and remediation; Groundwater contamination problems and remediation solutions. |
Faculty of Science |
Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Energy and Environment Research Initiative; Carbon Mineralization Lab |
Freshwater Systems, Pollution, Mining |
Murdoch McAllister |
UBC Vancouver |
Statistical methods for fisheries risk assessment; Estimations; Decision analysis and management strategy evaluation. |
Faculty of Science |
Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries |
Fisheries, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Policy and Governance, Climate Risk Management |
Carol McAusland |
UBC Vancouver |
Interactions between globalization and public good provision; Impacts of trade liberalization on environmental politics; Potential use of trade policy to stem damages from exotic species introductions and biological invasions; Environmental impacts of international trade; Implications of skilled labor migration for the global provision of public goods. |
Faculty of Land and Food Systems |
Food and Resource Economics Program |
Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Policy and Governance, International Negotiations and Treaties, Transportation, Carbon Management, Climate Finance and Investment |
Kathryn McConnell |
UBC Vancouver |
Relationship between the environment and migration; Changes to housing and infrastructure as a result of and in response to climate-related hazards; Politics of building and development under climate change; Wildfires and rural communities; Social dynamics of climate change. |
Faculty of Arts |
Department of Sociology; Disaster Resilience Research Network |
Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change |
Tim McDaniels |
UBC Vancouver |
Climate change adaptation in linked human/ ecological systems; Building regional resilience in infrastructure systems; Citizen involvement in complex policy decisions. |
Faculty of Applied Science |
School of Community and Regional Planning; Climate and Energy Decision Making Center; Disaster Resilience Network |
Natural Hazards and Disaster Response, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Climate Risk Management, Health and Wellbeing, Policy and Governance |