Climate Researcher Database

With over 500 faculty members investigating climate-related topics across two UBC campuses, it can be hard to know where to start. 

This page provides a searchable list of UBC faculty members conducting climate and climate-related research across the university. 

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Name Campus Research Interests Faculty Department, School, Affiliations Research Theme(s)
Ifeoma Adaji UBC Okanagan Designing and developing behavior change systems and persuasive technologies such as serious games and mobile/web applications; Modelling the behaviour of online users in social networks and e-commerce systems; Data science; Social computing; Ethics and trust in persuasive technologies. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Environmental Psychology, Business Processes and Corporate Governance
Natasha Affolder UBC Vancouver The diffusion of climate law and transnational environmental legal practices; How environmental law and legal ideas spread; International environmental law; International climate law; Transnational carbon contracting; Law and sustainability; Transnational law; Comparative climate law; Global climate litigation; Global law methodologies. Peter A. Allard School of Law Allard School of Law History Project; Centre for Law and the Environment; Centre for Feminist Legal Studies Environmental Law, Climate Justice, Policy and Governance, International Negotiations and Treaties
Luis Aguiar UBC Okanagan The globalization of the "Justice for Janitors" campaigns; Global unions; Eddie Melo: What were you? The neoliberal university; Whiteness; Canadian Hinterland. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Department of History and Sociology Agriculture, Climate Justice
Cash Ahenakew UBC Vancouver Cultural studies; Higher education; Indigenous studies; Leadership and organizations; Post-colonial studies; Race/ethnicity; Research methodologies; Social justice; Sociology of education. Faculty of Education Department of Educational Studies; Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Health and Wellbeing, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Suborna Ahmed UBC Vancouver Quantitative analysis of complex forestry datasets in various areas: tree improvement, tree plantation, experimental trials, permanent sample plots (PSPs), fertilization trials etc.; Educational research on subject-specific teaching evaluation and identifying effective implementation plans; Effectiveness of open sources for teaching and learning geospatial data analysis using Python; Quantifying quality control tool based on machine learning approaches. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Forest Measurements and Biometrics Forestry, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Sally Aitken UBC Vancouver Population genetic structure of temperate and boreal trees and the evolutionary dynamics that have resulted in that structure; Extent of local adaptation to climate in tree populations; Phenotypic traits and genes involved in local adaptation, and the capacity of those populations to adapt to new climates; Ecological genetics; Conservation genetics. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Centre for Forest Conservation Genetics; Institute of Applied Mathematics; The CoAdapTree Project; Biodiversity Research Centre Forestry, Biodiversity, Natural Resource Management, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Policy and Governance
Shahria Alam UBC Okanagan Smart materials; Seismic rehabilitation of steel, concrete, masonry; Seismic analysis and building design. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Civil); Applied Laboratory for Advanced Materials & Structures; Alam Research Group; UBC Microplastic Cluster; Green Construction Research Centre; Disaster Resilience Research Cluster Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Sustainable Materials and Composites, Waste and Waste Management
Younes Alila UBC Vancouver Forest hydrology; Watershed management; Regional hydrology with a main focus on the transfer of information related to low-flows, floods and precipitation from gauged to ungauged sites. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management Water Resources and Supply, Freshwater Systems, Forestry, Land Use
Susan Allen UBC Vancouver Prediction and climatic modeling; Oceans and inland waters; Coastal oceanography; Mesoscale meteorology and biogeochemical-physical interactions in the ocean. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Microplastic Cluster Oceans and Coastal Systems, Carbon Cycle, Atmospheric Science
Andrew Almas UBC Vancouver Role of native species and other urban forest issues on municipal planning and resident attitudes, actions, and knowledge; Educational leadership components of urban forestry. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Urban Forests Research Hub Forestry, Urban Planning and Cities, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Ali Ameli UBC Vancouver Water conservation; Water protection; Groundwater ecohydrology; Hydro-geological engineering; Watershed management; Applied hydro-geochemistry; Groundwater - surfacewater & land interaction; Water resources engineering; Statistical machine learning; Functional data analysis. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Institute of Applied Mathematics; HydroGeoScience For Watershed Management Laboratory Water Resources and Supply, Freshwater Systems, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Land Use
Kiana Amini UBC Vancouver Electrochemical energy storage and conversion; Redox flow batteries; Electrochemical carbon capture systems; In situ characterization of electrochemical processes. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Materials Engineering; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Electricity, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Carbon Management
Leonora Angeles UBC Vancouver Gender analysis; Gender mainstreaming and other gender planning related tools; Feminist critiques and perspectives on the integration of gender and other social axes of difference and diversity in community planning and international development work. Faculty of Arts School of Community and Regional Planning; Asian Canadian and Asian Migration Studies; Women's Health Research Cluster; Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice; Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies Policy and Governance, Climate Justice, Urban Planning and Cities, Agriculture, Poverty
Amy Angert UBC Vancouver Biodiversity and biocomplexity; Biogeography; Ecological and ecophysiological processes; Evolutionary ecology; Population biology; Biological responses to climate change; Conservation biology. Faculty of Science Department of Botany; Department of Zoology; Biodiversity Research Centre; Angert Lab Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic
Yassi Annalee UBC Vancouver Community-based health research; Transdisciplinarity and North-South partnerships; Ethics of global health research; Linking environmental/ecosystem threats and the social determination of health; Use of arts-based research methods as well as arts-infused social justice and community-based health interventions. Faculty of Medicine School of Population and Public Health; Global Health Research Program Health and Wellbeing, Climate Justice
Werner Antweiler UBC Vancouver International environmental issues; Trade and the environment; Canada’s National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI); Environmental economics and management; Energy and electricity economics. Sauder School of Business Entrepreneurship & Innovation Group; Strategy and Business Economics Division; Future Minerals Initiative; Green Shipping Project Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Economic Modeling and Data Analysis, Electricity, International Negotiations and Treaties, Policy and Governance
Peter Arcese UBC Vancouver Population demography and genetics of vertebrates; Biogeography of native plant and animal communities; Adaptive management and monitoring of rare species and ecosystems; Conservation area design. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Peter Arcese Lab; Biodiversity Research Centre; Centre for Applied Conservation Research Forestry, Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Land Use
Mohammed Rafi Arefin UBC Vancouver Urban environmental politics; Infrastructural geographies; Urban political ecology; Environmental justice; Geographical political economy; Science and technology studies; Discard studies; Politics of urban waste and sanitation; Wastewater epidemiology. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography; Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice; Centre for Climate Justice Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Urban Planning and Cities, Climate Justice, Housing, Waste and Waste Management, Policy and Governance
Mohammad Arjmand UBC Okanagan Synthesis of multifunctional conductive and magnetic nanomaterials; Polymer processing and forming; Multifunctional polymer nanocomposites; Gas sensors; 3D printed polymer nanocomposites; Circular economy and plastic recycling. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Mechanical); Nanomaterials and Polymer Nanocomposites laboratory; Bioproducts Institute Product Lifecycle or Circular Economy, Electricity, Sustainable Materials and Composites
Jeannette Armstrong UBC Okanagan Indigenous philosophies; Okanagan Syilx thought and environmental ethics coded into Syilx literatures. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Department of Community, Culture and Global Studies; Watershed Ecosystems Project Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies
Adeniyi Asiyanbi UBC Okanagan Political ecology; Governmentality; Environmental governance; Forest-based climate change mitigation; Wildfires; Nature conservation; Global development; Community engagement; Nigeria, Ghana, Canada (British Columbia and Alberta). Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Department of Community, Culture and Global Studies; Centre for Climate Justice; Cluster of Research Excellence in Living with Wildfire in the BC Southern Interior Climate Justice, Forestry, Policy and Governance, Wildfires and Forest Fires, Carbon Management, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Edouard Asselin UBC Vancouver Hydrometallurgy; Electrochemistry; Corrosion; Novel hydrometallurgy processes and applications; Extracting resources from lower grade ores in an economically viable and environmentally sustainable manner. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Materials Engineering; Corrosion and Applied Electrochemistry Group Mining, Waste and Waste Management
Nima Atabaki UBC Vancouver Ventilation; Experimental and theoretical research in the field of heat and mass transfer; Conversion, storage, and use of energy resources. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Mechanical Engineering Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Electricity, Solar Energy, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions
Marie Auger-Méthé UBC Vancouver Statistical ecology; Polar and marine ecosystems; Challenging ecological questions; Movement strategies used by animals to find resources and cope with the dynamics of their habitat; Statistical methods to help identify important habitats for marine animals. Faculty of Science Department of Statistics; Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries; Biodiversity Research Centre; Marine Mammal Research Unit Oceans and Coastal Systems, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Biodiversity, Indigenous Ways of Knowing
Philip Austin UBC Vancouver "Cloud physics"; Cloud aerosol feedbacks and climate; Ways in which stratus and cirrus clouds form, persist, and dissipate; Global climate; Climate change; Greenhouse effect; Global warming; Lightning; Storms; Cloud physics. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences Atmospheric Science, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Leticia Avilés UBC Vancouver Ecology and biogeography of social evolution; Short and long term consequences of inbreeding; Evolution of life history traits and local population dynamics in metapopulations; Sociality and community assembly. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); Biodiversity Research Centre Terrestrial Ecosystems, Biodiversity
Jemima Baada UBC Vancouver Gendered lenses to examine how diversely situated individuals and groups are affected by climate change, domestic and foreign investment, health inequalities and rural migration in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and other parts of the world; Experiences of rural dwellers, women and those whose livelihoods depend on environmental/natural resources (e.g., farmers); How factors such as gender, climate-vulnerability and migration status may act as social determinants of health. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography; Centre for Climate Justice; Centre for Migration Studies Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Justice, Health and Wellbeing, Rural and Northern Communities, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies, Agriculture
Kimberly Bain UBC Vancouver History, theory, and philosophy of the African diaspora; Race; Gender; Environmental and medical racism; Anthropocene; Black arts and letters. Faculty of Arts Department of English Language & Literatures; Centre for Climate Justice; The Phil Lund Initiative Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Health and Wellbeing
Susan Baldwin UBC Vancouver Bioprocess engineering; Biomining; Anaerobic fermentation, Bioremediation; Reactor modeling; Biochemical reaction modeling; Reaction kinetics. Faculty of Science Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining; Bioproducts Institute Bioprocesses and Biotechnology, Mining, Biofuels and Biomass, Pollution
Wouter Bam UBC Okanagan Minerals; Mining; Math; Industrial engineering; Manufacturing engineering; Industrial policy industrial systems; Sustainability; Economic complexity; Sustainable development; Resource allocation. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Manufacturing) Mining, Policy and Governance, Economic Modeling and Data Analysis
Hartley Banack UBC Vancouver Outdoor environmental education; Outdoor learning experiences; Connection to the natural world; Diversity; Curriculum; Pedagogy. Faculty of Education Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy; Professional Development & Community Engagement; Centre for Early Childhood Education & Research Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Nemy (Nemkumar) Banthia UBC Vancouver Materials engineering; Concrete; Advanced composite materials; Shotcrete, fibre reinforcement, supplementary cementing materials in concrete; SIERA (Sustainable InfrastructurE ReseArch) working on the improvement of sustainability, repair and condition assessment of construction material. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering Sustainable Materials and Composites, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Waste and Waste Management, Carbon Management, Manufacturing and Heavy Industry
Ignacio Barbeito UBC Vancouver Refining novel silvicultural practices designed to guide the establishment and management of forests under global change. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management Forestry, Biodiversity, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis
Rick Barichello UBC Vancouver Food markets; Analysis of quota systems and quota markets; Analyzing the effects of selected agricultural policy instruments; Economics of raw material export bans; Regulated agricultural markets and farm quotas; World food markets; Trade policy; Poverty alleviation; Food security; Rural-urban linkages. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Food and Resource Economics Program Policy and Governance, Agriculture, International Negotiations and Treaties, Poverty
Karen Bartlett UBC Vancouver Indoor air quality; Bioaerosol exposures in work and community environments, particularly in rural or agricultural settings. Faculty of Medicine School of Population and Public Health Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Pollution, Rural and Northern Communities, Health and Wellbeing
John Bass UBC Vancouver Globalization and contested territory; Social equity; Visualization and community engagement; Drawing to describe narratives of tension and possible avenues of synthesis and reconciliation; Project-based collaboration. Faculty of Applied Science School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Wildfires and Forest Fires, Urban Planning and Cities, Rural and Northern Communities
Bruce Baum UBC Vancouver Critical social theory (including critical “race” theory, feminist theory, critical hermeneutics, and issues of cross-cultural interpretation); Politics of equality, identity, and difference. Faculty of Arts Department of Political Science Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Policy and Governance
J. Thomas Beatty UBC Vancouver Photosynthetic bacteria; Bacterial molecular biology; Physiology and genetics, with an emphasis on the regulation of gene expression; Protein structure and function. Faculty of Science Department of Microbiology & Immunology; Beatty Lab; Biodiversity Research Centre Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Biodiversity, Solar Energy
Roger Beckie UBC Vancouver The physical, geochemical and biological processes and conditions in the hyporheic zone of the lower Fraser River, Vancouver; Neutral - pH drainage from mine waste rock at the Antamina Mine in Peru; Scale up for models of reactive transport in porous media; Fugitive gas effects on groundwater in northeast British Columbia; Characterization strategies in integrated surface-water groundwater systems. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Future Minerals Initiative Freshwater Systems, Mining, Pollution, Oil and Gas
Curtis Berlinguette UBC Vancouver CO2 conversion and utilization; Clean energy; Advanced solar cells; Electrochromic windows; Dynamic windows; Hydrogen fuels production; Catalysis. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Department of Chemistry; Steward Blusson Quantum Matter Institute; Curtis P. Berlinguette Research Group; Clean Energy Research Centre Solar Energy, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Electricity, Hydrogen, Carbon Management, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design
Allan Bertram UBC Vancouver Atmospheric aerosol particles and the role they play in urban air pollution, climate change and atmospheric chemistry; Atmospheric sciences; Chemical sciences; Atmosphere (Including chemical aspects); Physical and analytical chemistry of atmospheric aerosols. Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry; Bertram Research Group Atmospheric Science, Pollution
Pierre Bérubé UBC Vancouver Water treatment, Trace organic contaminants; Membrane and advanced oxidation technologies; Drinking water treatment; Filtration/membrane processes for water and wastewater treatment; Distribution system water quality; Advanced oxidation; Wastewater reuse. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering; Future Waters Group Waste and Waste Management, Water Resources and Supply, Rural and Northern Communities
Brenna Bhandar UBC Vancouver Property studies and legal theory; Property law; Critical theory; Colonial legal history; Critical race feminism; Climate-just housing, transport, and infrastructure; Indigenous-led climate action and planning. Peter A. Allard School of Law Centre for Climate Justice Climate Justice, Housing, Transportation
Tony (Xiaotao) Bi UBC Vancouver Biomass and bioenergy; Life cycle analysis; Green engineering; Industrial symbiosis; Fuel cells water management. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Biorefining Research and Innovation Centre; Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Biofuels and Biomass, Product Lifecycle or Circular Economy, Waste and Waste Management, Bioprocesses and Biotechnology
Alexander Bigazzi UBC Vancouver Department of Civil Engineering; School of Community and Regional Planning; REACT Lab Faculty of Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering; School of Community and Regional Planning; REACT Lab Transportation, Urban Planning and Cities, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Environmental Psychology, Health and Wellbeing
Andrew Binet UBC Vancouver Community Engaged Research; Community development / social planning; Community health and care; Equity; Participatory action research; Participatory planning; Public engagement Faculty of Applied Science School of Community and Regional Planning; Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice Health and Wellbeing, Climate Justice, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Urban Planning and Cities
Andrew Black UBC Vancouver Biometeorology; Soil physics, Microclimate modification; Measuring forest–atmosphere CO2 exchange; Processes controlling the carbon balance of forests. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Applied Biology Program; Biometerology & Soil Physics Group; Diversified Agroecosystem Cluster Atmospheric Science, Carbon Cycle, Forestry, Agriculture
Jennifer Black UBC Vancouver Social determinants of health and dietary choices; Impact of a community food hub program on food bank members’ nutritional status and experiences of food insecurity; Relationship between neighbourhood-level socioeconomic status, demographic factors, land use and access to food in British Columbia. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Department of Food, Nutrition, & Health; Social Exposome Cluster; Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies; Public Health & Urban Nutrition Research Group; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems Health and Wellbeing, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Poverty
Carole Blackburn UBC Vancouver Relationship between Indigenous peoples and settler states; How Indigenous nations assert their rights and sovereignty in struggles over land and political recognition; Consequences for Indigenous people of engaging states in legal and political arenas. Faculty of Arts Department of Anthropology; Law & Society; Interdisciplinary Histories Research Cluster; Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice; International Canadian Studies Centre Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Indigenous Ways of Knowing
Agni Boedhihartono UBC Vancouver Biodiversity; Communities and livelihoods; Conservation; Human behaviour; Land-use change; Social impact; Social science; Sustainability; Tropical landscapes and livelihoods. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS) Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Forestry, Biodiversity, Natural Resource Management, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation
Jörg Bohlmann UBC Vancouver Forest health; Bark beetle; Mountain pine beetle; Natural products; Conifer genomics; Chemical ecology of conifer- insect interactions. Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Science Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Department of Botany, Genome Sciences and Technology (GSAT); Wine Research Centre; Graduate Program; Michael Smith Laboratories; Bohlmann Lab Biodiversity, Bioprocesses and Biotechnology, Forestry, Agriculture
Nadine Borduas-Dedekind UBC Vancouver Chemical reactions within the atmosphere, focusing on the emissions from both anthropogenic and biogenic sources as starting materials; How wind and turbulence influence these reactions, along with the role of sunlight. Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry; Bioproducts Institute; NBD Group Atmospheric Science, Pollution, Health and Wellbeing
Ilan Boris Vertinsky UBC Vancouver Decision theory and corporate strategy; Resource and forest management; International business and the pacific rim; Political evaluation of policy. Sauder School of Business Operations and Logistics Division; Strategy and Business Economics Division; Commerce and Business Administration Natural Resource Management, Policy and Governance, Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Agriculture
Mathieu Bourbonnai UBC Okanagan Geographic information sciences; Spatial analysis and statistics; Movement ecology; Remote sensing. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences; Centre for Wildfire Coexistence Wildfires and Forest Fires, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Forestry, Climate Risk Management, Natural Hazards and Disaster Response
Katherine Bowers UBC Vancouver Genre; Narrative; Environmental humanities; Imagined geography; Digital humanities; Russian literature and culture; Environmental catastrophe; Eco-anxiety. Faculty of Arts Department of Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies; Centre for Migration Studies; UBC Language Sciences; Science and Technology Studies Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Health and Wellbeing
William Bowie UBC Vancouver Climate change; Environmental degradation; Inequities and infection; Immune system; Social, economic and environmental factors which put people at risk for infection. Faculty of Medicine Department of Medicine; Division of Infectious Diseases Health and Wellbeing
David Boyd UBC Vancouver Environmental justice; Environmental rights and responsibilities; Rights of nature; Debate between regulation and economic instruments; Urban environmental issues. Faculty of Arts School of Public Policy and Global Affairs; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS) Environmental Law, Policy and Governance, Climate Justice, Urban Planning and Cities
Hal Bradbury UBC Vancouver Marine sedimentary environments; Early-stage diagenesis; Chemical, mineralogical and petrological changes that sediments undergo before they become rocks; Early diagenetic processes such as oxidation of organic matter in marine sediments, and the effect these have on changes in carbon mineralisation. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences Oceans and Coastal Systems, Carbon Cycle, Freshwater Systems
Michael Brauer UBC Vancouver Linkages between the built environment and human health; Transportation-related and biomass air pollution; Global health impacts of air pollution; Relationships between multiple exposures mediated by urban form and population health. Faculty of Medicine School of Population and Public Health; Air Pollution Exposure Laboratory (APEL); Environmental Health Research Team; The Bridge Program; Marine Systems Research Cluster; Climate Change Health Effects, Adaptation, and ResiLience (HEAL) Urban Planning and Cities, Pollution, Climate Justice, Health and Wellbeing, Policy and Governance
Colin Brauner UBC Vancouver Environmental adaptations (both mechanistic and evolutionary) in relation to gas-exchange; Acid-base balance and ion regulation in fish. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Brauner's Lab; Biodiversity Research Centre Oceans and Coastal Systems, Natural Resource Management, Fisheries, Biodiversity
Emily Brigham UBC Vancouver Indoor air pollution; Asthma; COPD; Adaptation; Determinants of health (social determinants, ecological determinants); Environmental, occupational, public, mental health; Epidemiology; Equity; Environmental justice; Monitoring, exposure assessment, modeling. Faculty of Medicine Division of Respiratory Medicine; Climate Change Health Effects, Adaptation, and ResiLience (HEAL) Pollution, Health and Wellbeing, Climate Justice, Urban Planning and Cities
Joshua Brinkerhoff UBC Okanagan Healthy and efficient buildings; Human/atmosphere interactions; Laminar-to-turbulent transition; Turbomachinery in the LNG industry; Multiphase turbulent flows; Air quality simulation; Biofluid mechanics; Dispersion of atmospheric pollutants in urban and agricultural environments and in buildings employing passive ventilation systems. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Brinkerhoff); UBC Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Hydrogen, Transportation, Oil and Gas
Loch Brown UBC Vancouver Theory and practice of sustainable development; Development-related challenges facing Sub-Saharan Africa; Human environment interactions; Sustainability. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Policy and Governance, Natural Hazards and Disaster Response, Agriculture, Natural Resource Management, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Sandra Brown UBC Vancouver Soil science education; Climate change; Water resources; Water governance; Land-water interactions; Water metabolism. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Soil, Water, and Sustainability Group; Applied Biology Program Land Use, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Water Resources and Supply, Natural Resource Management
Kimberley Brownlee UBC Vancouver Ethics; Social-political philosophy; Emergent climate response research; Climate justice; Loneliness; Belonging; Social human rights; Freedom of association; Civil disobedience; Punishment; Restorative justice. Faculty of Arts Department of Philosophy; Centre for Climate Justice Climate Justice, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Activism and Social Movements
Harry Brumer UBC Vancouver Fundamental and applied carbohydrate enzymology; How particular enzymes act to alter the structure of polysaccharides found in biomass (especially plant cell walls and wood fibers); Molecular details of polysaccharide synthesis and deconstruction in recycling of biomass in the global carbon cycle; Improved use of renewable biomass resources in the forest products, agricultural, and textile industries. Faculty of Science Department of Botany; Department of Chemistry; Genome Sciences and Technology (GSAT) Graduate Program; Michael Smith Laboratories Bioprocesses and Biotechnology, Biofuels and Biomass, Carbon Cycle, Waste and Waste Management
Janette Bulkan UBC Vancouver Community forestry; Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD); Illegal logging; Forest certification systems; Social and cultural indicators of sustainable forest management. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; People, Institutions and Forests Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Forestry, Natural Resource Management, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation
Gary Bull UBC Vancouver Economics of ecosystem services; Modelling the impacts of biotechnology; Sustainability in fibre supply chains. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Bioproducts Institute; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Forestry, Policy and Governance, Biofuels and Biomass, Carbon Management, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation
Cole Burton UBC Vancouver Understanding mammal community dynamics in human-impacted ecosystems; Assessing conservation strategies for human-wildlife coexistence; Carnivore ecology and conservation. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); Biodiversity Research Centre Terrestrial Ecosystems, Natural Resource Management, Biodiversity, Policy and Governance
Marc Bustin UBC Vancouver Reservoir characterisation of unconventional petroleum resources; Gas shales and oil producing shales; Coalbed methane; Organic maturation; Coal sedimentology; Impact of diagenesis on pore systems in tight rocks; Reservoir production modeling; Mechanical stratigraphy of strata. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences Oil and Gas, Carbon Management
Michael Byers UBC Vancouver Human rights; Civil liberties; Arms control; Nuclear; Treaties; Environment; Climate change; Global politics; International law; Outer Space; Arctic sovereignty; Climate change; Law of the sea; Laws of war; Canadian foreign and defense policy. Faculty of Forestry Department of Political Science Environmental Law, International Negotiations and Treaties, Policy and Governance
Holly Caggiano UBC Vancouver Social dimensions of the renewable energy transition in the US and Canada; How diverse stakeholder groups form coalitions to advocate for environmental change; Individual decision-making influences on collective action and how collective action disrupts existing relations of power. Faculty of Applied Science School of Community and Regional Planning; Centre for Climate Justice Climate Justice, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Policy and Governance, Climate Activism and Social Movements
Candis Callison UBC Vancouver The role of social movements in public discourse; How issues related to science and technology become meaningful for diverse publics; Changes to professional norms, practices and standards for Canadian Arctic journalists working in an era of environmental change and global audiences. Faculty of Arts School of Journalism, Writing, and Media; Science and Technology Studies; Centre for Climate Justice; School of Public Policy and Global Affairs Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Climate Justice, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation
Pat Camp UBC Vancouver Determinants of health (social determinants, ecological determinants); Environmental health; Occupational health; Public health; Mental health; Indigenous climate experiences. Faculty of Medicine Department of Physical Therapy; Climate Change Health Effects, Adaptation, and ResiLience (HEAL) Health and Wellbeing, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Pollution, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Warren Cardinal-McTeague UBC Vancouver Plant biodiversity; Indigenous environmental management and food systems (or more accurately, Indigenous relationships with the land); Monitoring of ecosystem health and function. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Biodiversity Research Centre Biodiversity, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Forestry, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Kenneth Carlaw UBC Okanagan Evolutionary economics applied to historical technological change and sustainable long term economic growth; Application in policy analysis of economic growth, development and sustainability as well in the development of measurement methodology; Analysis of issues of socially just wealth distribution. Faculty of Arts Department of Economics, Philosophy and Political Science Policy and Governance, Climate Justice, Economic Modeling and Data Analysis, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Christopher Carlsten UBC Vancouver Air pollution; Respiratory and immunological health effects of inhaled environmental and occupational exposures, using diesel exhaust, western red cedar, and phthalates as model inhalants. Faculty of Medicine Department of Medicine; Air Pollution Exposure Laboratory (APEL); Division of Respiratory Medicine; Centre for Heart Lung Innovation; Climate Change Health Effects, Adaptation, and ResiLience (HEAL) Pollution, Atmospheric Science, Health and Wellbeing, Transportation
Juli Carrillo UBC Vancouver Plant-insect interactions; Agroecology; Invasive species; Evolution; Ecology; Supporting insect communities in their important contributions to ecosystem services in agriculture, leading to more sustainable and resilient food systems. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Plant-Insect Ecology & Evolution Lab; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems; Applied Biology Program; BeeHIVE Research Excellence Cluster; Biodiversity Research Centre; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Diversified Agroecosystem Cluster Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Agriculture, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems
Allan Carroll UBC Vancouver Climate change and the population dynamics and impacts of eruptive forest insects; Climate change; Mountain pine beetle; Bark beetles; Forest disturbance; Integrated pest management in forests; Insect ecology. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Forest Insect Disturbance Ecology Lab Forestry, Biodiversity, Natural Resource Management
Simon Castellarin UBC Vancouver Viticulture and grapevine physiology; Physiological and molecular aspects that underlay fruit ripening and the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites and how they are modulated by the environment and viticultural practices. Faculty of Land and Food Systems, Faculty of Science Department of Botany; Wine Research Centre; Castellarin Lab; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems; Diversified Agroecosystem Cluster; Wine Production and Climate Change Agriculture
Kai Chan UBC Vancouver Ecosystem services; Ecosystem-based management; Biodiversity conservation; Sustainability science; Social-ecological systems; Environmental assessment; Environmental policy, Conservation biology; Ecology; Evolutionary biology; Policy and ethics. Faculty of Science Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Biodiversity Research Centre; CHANS Lab; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Natural Resource Management, Climate Justice, Fisheries, Environmental Psychology, Agriculture
Stephanie Chang UBC Vancouver Disaster and risk management planning; Natural hazards; Climate change; Community resilience; Urban infrastructure systems; Major urban disasters; Computer modeling and analysis of risk reduction strategies; Transportation; Urban infrastructure. Faculty of Applied Science, Faculty of Science Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; School of Community and Regional Planning; Strait of Georgia Data Centre; Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions; Master in Engineering Leadership; Cool Tools Warm World Research Cluster; Disaster Resilience Research Cluster Natural Hazards and Disaster Response, Transportation, Urban Planning and Cities, Climate Risk Management, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Christopher Chanway UBC Vancouver Soil microbiology and plant growth; Bacterial endophytes of gymnosperms; Biological nitrogen fixation; Plant-microorganism interactions; Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences Forestry, Waste and Waste Management, Agriculture
Y. Christine Chen UBC Vancouver Control and operation of electric power systems; Power systems analysis and control; Grid monitoring and analytics; Renewable resource integration. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Electricity, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions
William (Wai Lung) Cheung UBC Vancouver Assessing the responses and vulnerabilities of marine ecosystems, fisheries and dependent human communities to global change; Examining trade-offs in managing and conserving living marine resources; Aquaculture development in a changing ocean; Developing and using scenarios and models to explore solution options and pathways to desirable and sustainable ocean futures. Faculty of Science Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries; Changing Ocean Research Unit (CORU); Solving the Sustainability Challenges at the Food-Climate-Biodiversity Nexus (Solving-FCB) Partnership Oceans and Coastal Systems, Biodiversity, Fisheries, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies
Villy Christensen UBC Vancouver Ecosystem modeling; Global ocean; Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service (IPBES); Ecopath; Ecosystem modeling of aquatic ecosystems; Management systems that are resilient to climate change; Policy. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries; Strait of Georgia Data Centre Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Fisheries, Natural Resource Management
Kendra Chritz UBC Vancouver Evolution of cooperation; Evolutionary dynamics; Structured populations; Social networks; Game theory; Adaptive dynamics. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences Paleoclimate, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Robert Clifford UBC Vancouver Indigenous law and Indigenous legal theory, including on legal pluralism, Indigenous language revitalization, and Indigenous spirituality; How WSÁNE? laws are generated by and reflect the values, philosophies, lands, and worldviews of the WSÁNE? people; W̱SÁNEĆ law and how it functions; How revitalization of W̱SÁNEĆ law can happen given the dynamics of colonialism and climate change. Peter A. Allard School of Law Centre for Law and the Environment Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Environmental Law, Policy and Governance, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation
Peter Cole UBC Vancouver Ecojustice; Indigenous education; Indigenizing research; Indigenous community engagement, First Nations and settler relations; Language regeneration; Human nonhuman and more-than-human relationalities; Aboriginal and northern studies; Indigenous rituals and ceremonies; Cultural appropriation; Academic colonization; Aboriginal peoples and the performing/visual arts; Indigenous healing and wellness modalities; Indigenous peoples and genocide; Indigenous peoples and place-based education. Faculty of Education Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Climate Justice, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems
Patrick Condon UBC Vancouver Sustainable urban design; Landscape architecture; Sustainable communities; Urban landscapes; Carbon neutral cities. Faculty of Applied Science School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture Urban Planning and Cities, Forestry, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Transportation, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design
James Connolly UBC Vancouver Social-ecological conflicts in the urban environment; Institutional challenges of urban climate and environmental governance; Urban green planning; Urban riskscapes; Justice challenges with urban ecosystem services; Urban environmental stewardship; Urban Spatial Analysis. Faculty of Applied Science School of Community and Regional Planning Urban Planning and Cities, Climate Risk Management, Climate Justice
Julie Cool UBC Vancouver Wood machining and process optimization in both the primary and secondary wood manufacturing sectors; Wood-tool interaction which is critical in understanding how to improve surface quality and product durability, reduce waste, and eliminate unnecessary manufacturing operations. Faculty of Forestry Department of Wood Science Manufacturing and Heavy Industry, Forestry, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design
Nicholas Coops UBC Vancouver Ecosystem and carbon accumulation modeling for biodiversity; Production and greenhouse calculations; Wildfire; Post fire severity and fuel hazard load mapping from real-time remote sensing. Faculty of Forestry Department of Geography; Department of Forest Resource Management; Integrated Remote Sensing Studio; Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions; Diversified Agroecosystem Cluster Forestry, Biodiversity
Brian Copeland UBC Vancouver Environmental economics; International trade; Interaction between globalization, the environment, and the sustainability of renewable resources. Faculty of Arts Vancouver School of Economics Policy and Governance, International Negotiations and Treaties, Carbon Management, Economic Modeling and Data Analysis, Natural Resource Management
Jonathan Corbett UBC Okanagan Geography; Ethnobiology; Cartography; Exploration, facilitation and promotion of community and ecosystem-based models of land and resource use in communities in Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines and British Columbia, Canada. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Institute For Community Engaged Research (ICER); Department of Community, Culture and Global Studies Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Climate Justice
Jean-Thomas Cornelis UBC Vancouver Science pedagogy; Feedbacks between soil processes and biogeochemical cycling of elements in terrestrial environments affected by natural and anthropogenic-induced changes; Soil biogeochemical processes; Soil-plant feedback interactions and biogeochemical cycling of elements; Applying the knowledge of soil science for the purpose of suggesting sustainable management of ecosystems. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); The SoilRes3 Lab; Applied Biology Program; BeeHIVE Research Excellence Cluster Terrestrial Ecosystems, Agriculture, Carbon Cycle, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Indigenous Ways of Knowing
Catherine Corrigall-Brown UBC Vancouver Social movements; Political sociology; Social psychology (particularly the study of identity); Global environmental movements; Social movements in Canada. Faculty of Arts Department of Sociology Climate Activism and Social Movements, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Policy and Governance
Glen Coulthard UBC Vancouver Contemporary political theory; Indigenous thought and politics; Radical social and political thought (marxism, anarchism, post-colonialism). Faculty of Arts Department of Political Science; Centre for Climate Justice Climate Justice, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Policy and Governance, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation
Kathleen Coupland UBC Vancouver Novel classification schema onto forests with the aim of trying to quantify non-timber forest values; Modeling how different forest management regimes can impact carbon storage and sequestration while constraining the model to meet biodiversity metrics. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management Forestry, Biodiversity, Carbon Management, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis
Quentin Cronk UBC Vancouver Comparative genomics; Molecular developmental biology and evolutionary biology to study plant form; Next generation sequencing of whole genomes and transcriptomes. Faculty of Science Department of Botany; Biodiversity Research Centre; Centre for Plant Research; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); CronkLab Biodiversity
Sean Crowe UBC Vancouver Improving our capacity to predict and respond to global change by creating new knowledge of the earth system; Biogeochemical cycling of nitrogen, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, and carbon in modern and past environments. Faculty of Science Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Life Sciences Institute; Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining Paleoclimate, Carbon Cycle, Bioprocesses and Biotechnology
Jeff Curtis UBC Okanagan Biogeoclimatic control of water quality; Inferring hydrologic flowpath from geochemical indicators; Optical properties of natural waters; Interaction of metals and natural organic ligands; Scavenging of nutrients and trace elements in biogenic calcite; Fate and transport of endocrine disrupters. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences Freshwater Systems, Pollution
Joe (Joseph) Dahmen UBC Vancouver Technical methods and cultural effects of resource use at the scales of architecture and territory; Emergent materials derived from regionally specific biological and geological processes. Faculty of Applied Science School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture; Bioproducts Institute Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Urban Planning and Cities, Sustainable Materials and Composites
Gregory Dake UBC Vancouver Organic synthesis; Use of shelf-stable dienes in multicomponent cycloaddition reactions to form highly functionalized heterocycles; Construction of medicinally relevant heterocycles using transition metal catalysis; DMAP catalyzed cyclizations to form tetrahydroxanthones; Metal catalyzed annulation; High yielding, mild, multibond forming processes to form complex heterocycles; Total synthesis of natural products and natural product-like molecular structures; Simpler analogs of natural products to examine bioactive mechanisms and/or medicinal chemistry. Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry; Dake Group Bioprocesses and Biotechnology
Lori Daniels UBC Vancouver Impacts of natural and anthropogenic disturbance and climate variation on temperate forest dynamics using a combination of permanent research plots and historical reconstructions based on tree rings; Wildfire coexistence; Partnerships with First Nations, local to national governments, environmental organizations, forest management companies, and community forests. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions; Centre for Wildfire Coexistence; Tree Ring Lab; Climate Change Health Effects, Adaptation, and ResiLience (HEAL); Disaster Resilience Research Cluster Forestry, Wildfires and Forest Fires, Land Use, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Natural Hazards and Disaster Response
Peter Dauvergne UBC Vancouver Refugee law; Immigration law; Citizenship law; Global governance and emerging powers; Environmental politics. Faculty of Arts Department of Political Science; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Microplastic Cluster; Green Shipping Project Policy and Governance, Climate Activism and Social Movements, International Negotiations and Treaties, Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Waste and Waste Management
Jonathan Davies UBC Vancouver Ecology and evolutionary biology; Distribution of biodiversity and the challenges posed to its conservation through recent changes to the environment. Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Science Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Department of Botany; Biodiversity Research Centre; PhyloEcology Lab Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Policy and Governance
Wade Davis UBC Vancouver Biological and cultural diversity and the forces that threaten both; Ethnobotany; Photography and filmmaking. Faculty of Arts Department of Anthropology Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Indigenous Ways of Knowing
Susan Day UBC Vancouver Below-ground systems of urban forests and how they affect ecosystem service provision; Contemporary challenges faced by cities in managing their urban forests; Stormwater management as mediated by the below-ground system; Soil carbon; Managing urban soils during land development; Manufactured, blended and engineered soils; Sustainability standards for soils during site development; Linking design and ecological processes to solve urban problems. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management Urban Planning and Cities, Forestry, Water Resources and Supply, Carbon Cycle, Policy and Governance, Carbon Management
Clarence De Silva UBC Vancouver Multi-robot systems and applications including homecare; Intelligent systems and automation; Mechatronics; Integrated and automated design; Control sensors; Actuators and instrumentation; Automated machine monitoring, diagnosis, and repair; Telemedicine and health monitoring; Environmental monitoring. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Mechanical Engineering; Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems; Industrial Automation Laboratory Oil and Gas
Jessica Dempsey UBC Vancouver Environmental politics; Political ecology; How biodiversity loss continues despite the proliferation of international, national and regional conservation laws, policies and advocacy efforts; How environmental politics is shaped by and shapes economics, science, culture, history, gender, racism, colonialism, social movements and more. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography; Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice; Biodiversity Research Centre; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); Centre for Climate Justice Policy and Governance, Climate Justice, Biodiversity, Poverty, Climate Finance and Investment
Tahia Devisscher UBC Vancouver Managing forests and other greenspaces in and around cities to support human well-being and build social-ecological resilience to climate change; Developing practical strategies to address the increasing disconnect between people and nature caused by rapid urbanization. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Urban Forests Research Hub; Climate Change Health Effects, Adaptation, and ResiLience (HEAL) Health and Wellbeing, Urban Planning and Cities, Forestry, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Justice, Policy and Governance
Gregory Dipple UBC Vancouver Carbon sequestration; Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions; Mineral-fluid reactions, including those that modulate long-term climate through chemical weathering. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Carbon Mineralization Lab; Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining Mining, Carbon Cycle, Carbon Management, Waste and Waste Management
David Dixon UBC Vancouver Hydrometallurgy process analysis and design; Mathematical modelling; Heap leaching; Fluid flow and mass transfer; Leaching kinetics; Fixed bed processing fixed-bed leaching; Fundamentals of hydrometallurgical reactors. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Materials Engineering Mining, Waste and Waste Management
Michael Doebeli UBC Vancouver Mathematical ecology and evolution; Evolution of diversity; Adaptive speciation; Evolution of cooperation; Adaptive dynamics; Game theory; Experimental evolution in microorganisms. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Department of Mathematics; Biodiversity Research Centre Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems
Simon Donner UBC Vancouver Climate changes and impacts; Prediction and climatic Modeling; Marine environment; Climate change science, Climate policy; Science communication; Coastal ecosystems; Coral reefs. Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science Department of Geography; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries; Climate and Coastal Ecosystem Laboratory; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Decision Insights for Business & Society (DIBS) Carbon Cycle, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Policy and Governance, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, International Negotiations and Treaties
Hadi Dowlatabadi UBC Vancouver Energy; Policy and Decision-making; Resource governance and management; Climate change and its related response strategies; Zero carbon economy; Environmental protection & development; Carsharing; Built environment; Assuming responsibility for intergenerational transfers. Faculty of Science Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Electricity, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Transportation, Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Policy and Governance
David Duff UBC Vancouver Tax law and policy; Corporate and international taxation; Environmental taxation; Distributive justice; Tax avoidance; Interpretation of tax legislation and tax treaties; Comparative law; Environmental law, natural resources, and climate change; International law; Law and social justice. Peter A. Allard School of Law Centre for Business Law; Allard School of Law History Project Environmental Law, International Negotiations and Treaties, Policy and Governance, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Climate Finance and Investment
Aleksandra Dulic UBC Okanagan Visual art, new media, video, drawing 2D; Media for social change; Climate change; Interactive art; Experience design. Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies Department of Creative Studies; Centre for Culture and Technology; Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, And Ecosystems Services (BRAES); Cool Tools Warm World Research Cluster Climate Activism and Social Movements, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Trevor Dummer UBC Vancouver Health geography; Environmental exposures; Health inequalities; Geographic information science; Environmental epidemiology and environment and health interactions, with specific emphasis on cancer etiology and cancer prevention. Faculty of Medicine School of Population and Public Health Health and Wellbeing, Pollution, Urban Planning and Cities, Policy and Governance, Rural and Northern Communities
Scott Dunbar UBC Vancouver Development of advanced mining and mineral processing methods; Mining; Mineral processing; Risk; Mineral exploration. Faculty of Applied Science Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering Mining, Waste and Waste Management, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
William (Bill) Dunford UBC Vancouver Electrical power conversion; Electric vehicles; Alternative energy and sustainable development; DC systems with load and battery management; Clean Energy. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Power Group; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Electricity, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Solar Energy
Brett Eaton UBC Vancouver Rivers and climate change; How rivers respond to land use and environmental change; Stream channel morphology; Fish habitat; Impacts of hydropower generation on stream channel processes. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography Freshwater Systems, Natural Hazards and Disaster Response, Fisheries
Wilson Eberle UBC Okanagan Enabling technology for advanced energy applications through power electronics; Developing power conversion and smart-grid technologies for advanced industrial energy applications. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Electrical); Energy Systems and Power Electronics Lab Electricity, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions
Joel Edward Saylor UBC Vancouver Paleoaltimetry; Paleoclimatology; Tectonic basin analysis; Quantitative sediment provenance analysis; Rivers; Tectonics; Sedimentary basins; Structural geology; Field geology; Sedimentology; Stratigraphy; Sequence stratigraphy; Sediments; Geology. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences Paleoclimate
Yousry El-Kassaby UBC Vancouver Tree breeding; Biodiversity; Conservation; Tree domestication; Tree improvement delivery system; Seed orchards’ genetics; Tree breeding; Association genetics and genomic selection. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences Forestry, Biodiversity, Biofuels and Biomass
Naoko Ellis UBC Vancouver CO2 capture and utilization; Thermochemical conversion of biomass; Biomass utilization; Fluidization and multiphase Systems; Sustainability and environmental education; Transdisciplinary research and learning. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; D|N Education Design; Systems Being Lab; Fluidization Research Centre; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Biofuels and Biomass, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Carbon Management, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Shona Ellis UBC Vancouver Sustainability teaching & learning; Biodiversity; Botany; Flexible learning; Moss phylogeny; Medicinal plants; Nitrogen cycling. Faculty of Science Department of Botany; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems Biodiversity, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Lindsay Eltis UBC Vancouver Bacterial catabolic enzymes and pathways responsible for the degradation of aromatic compounds and steroids; Development of novel biocatalysts for more sustainable processes. Faculty of Medicine Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Eltis Lab Bioprocesses and Biotechnology, Biofuels and Biomass, Sustainable Materials and Composites, Health and Wellbeing
Peter Englezos UBC Vancouver CO2 capture and storage; Water treatment; Novel materials from forest bio-resources; Clathrate (gas) hydrates: thermodynamics, kinetics, impact on climate change and technological applications; Optimization and machine learning in process engineering. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Bioproducts Institute; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Carbon Management, Oil and Gas
Bianca Eskelson UBC Vancouver Biometrics; Ecological monitoring; Ecology; Ecosystems; Forest measurements; Modelling; Sampling design; Stand dynamics. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Forest Measurements and Biometrics Forestry, Wildfires and Forest Fires, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Biodiversity, Water Resources and Supply
Cigdem Eskicioglu UBC Okanagan Wastewater and sludge treatment; Pretreatment technologies for enhanced biomethane and biohydrogen production from organic waste; Side-stream nutrient removal; Fate and transformation of micropollutants during biological treatment processes; Modeling, simulation and optimization of biological wastewater/sludge treatment processes; Waste minimization and resource recovery. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Civil); UBC Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); UBC Bioreactor Technology Group Waste and Waste Management, Biofuels and Biomass, Water Resources and Supply
Tamara Etmannski UBC Vancouver Sustainability; Engineering leadership; Entrepreneurship; Impact metrics; sustainability metrics including LCA and PAM methodologies; Water management and treatment; Water treatment technologies; Curricula design and assessment; Experiential teaching and learning in engineering. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Water Resources and Supply, Waste and Waste Management, Pollution
Matthew Evenden UBC Vancouver Environmental history and water history, with a regional specialization in Canada, particularly Alberta and British Columbia; History and politics of large rivers, including controversies over dams, fisheries, as well as water supply and quality. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography Freshwater Systems, Policy and Governance, Electricity, Urban Planning and Cities, Water Resources and Supply
Gerald Fallon UBC Vancouver Notions of sustainability in educational policies in in Canada; Policy and Indigenous education; Legal issues in education; Education finance; Inclusive education and educational administration and leadership; School improvement and notions and processes of change. Faculty of Education Department of Educational Studies Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Policy and Governance, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Anthony Farrell Integrative and comparative animal physiology; Salmon migratory passage, exercise / handling stress and recovery; Sustainable aquaculture; Aquatic toxicology. Faculty of Land and Food Systems, Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Applied Animal Biology Program Freshwater Systems, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Fisheries, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic
Mahmudur Fatmi UBC Okanagan Travel demand forecasting; Transportation and land use interaction; Travel behaviour analysis; Smart and shared mobility; Urban system microsimulation, Activity-based modelling; Transportation and residential emissions and energy modelling; Econometric modelling; Agent-based microsimulation, Survey design and methods. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Civil); UBC Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); UBC Integrated Transportation Research Laboratory Transportation, Economic Modeling and Data Analysis, Environmental Psychology, Urban Planning and Cities, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation
Haibo Feng UBC Vancouver Green building; Building information modeling; Life cycle assessment; Building energy performance; Building rating systems; Mass timber. Faculty of Forestry Department of Wood Science; Sustainable Built Environment Lab; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Bioproducts Institute Product Lifecycle or Circular Economy, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Manufacturing and Heavy Industry, Forestry
Jonathan Fink UBC Vancouver Urban geoengineering; Cascading natural and climate-driven hazards; Wildfire and urban smoke; Campus decarbonization; Climate-related startup company innovation; Carbon removal technologies; Urban thermal energy systems; Geothermal energy; Climate communications; Urban tree canopy conservation. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Carbon Management, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Natural Hazards and Disaster Response, Urban Planning and Cities, Wildfires and Forest Fires
Alexandra Flynn UBC Vancouver Municipal law and governance; Administrative law; Property law; Administrative law and regulatory governance; Law and cities; Law and society; Property, housing and real estate; Urban and municipal law; Governance of personal property of precariously housed people; Human rights and tent encampments. Peter A. Allard School of Law Centre for Feminist Legal Studies; Centre for Law and the Environment; Indigenous Legal Studies Housing, Environmental Law, Urban Planning and Cities, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation
Adam Ford UBC Okanagan Wildlife ecology and conservation; Mammals; Temperate forests, grasslands, and tropical savannas. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Department of Biology; Biodiversity Research Centre; Okanagan Institute For Biodiversity, Resilience, And Ecosystems Services (BRAES); Wildlife Restoration Ecology Lab Terrestrial Ecosystems, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies, Wildfires and Forest Fires, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Biodiversity, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation
Roger Francois UBC Vancouver Climate change; Application of geochemistry to problems of paleoceanography; Carbon and nitrogen isotope geochemistry; Trace element proxies; Water column radiochemistry to constrain abyssal circulation and scavenging. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; UBC Microplastic Cluster; ArcTrain Oceans and Coastal Systems, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic
Tim Frandy UBC Vancouver Indigenous sustainabilities; Eco-relationality; Indigenization of ecological management, education, and health care systems. Faculty of Arts Department of Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies; Centre for Climate Justice Climate Justice, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies
Ian Frigaard UBC Vancouver Cementing of wells; Preventing leakage and techniques for the eventual abandonment; Issues related to GHG emission control and long-term environmental protection. Faculty of Applied Science, Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Department of Mechanical Engineering Carbon Management, Manufacturing and Heavy Industry, Oil and Gas
Andrea Frommel UBC Vancouver Climate change, fisheries and sustainable aquaculture, with a focus on early life stages of finfish; Effects of climate change on commercial fish species in fisheries and aquaculture; Alternative sustainable feeds in hatcheries; Fish welfare in aquaculture. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Applied Biology Program; Aquaculture and Climate Change Lab; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems Fisheries, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems
Joséphine Gantois UBC Vancouver Human ecological footprint in natural and agricultural landscapes; Biodiversity impacts and economic feasibility of different farming strategies; Monitoring ecological outcomes at large scales. Faculty of Land and Food Systems, Faculty of Science Food and Resource Economics Program; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Wildlife and Conservation Economics Laboratory; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS) Biodiversity, Agriculture, Land Use
Joséphine Gantois UBC Vancouver Ecological footprint of humans in natural and agricultural landscapes; Reconciling private land use incentives and conservation goals, especially in agricultural areas; Monitoring biodiversity outcomes and ecosystem functions at large scales; Estimating the causal impact of land use choices and conservation policies on biodiversity. Faculty of Land and Food Systems, Faculty of Science Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability; Food and Resource Economics; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); Food and Resource Economics Biodiversity, Land Use, Agriculture, Policy and Governance
Greg Garrard UBC Okanagan Climate scepticism; Climate fictions; Climate change cinema; Anthropocene culture; Ecocriticism; Climate models as cultural and ethical actors. Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies Department of English and Cultural Studies; Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, And Ecosystems Services (BRAES); Cluster of Research Excellence in Living with Wildfire in the BC Southern Interior Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Climate Activism and Social Movements
Christopher Gaston UBC Vancouver Aboriginal/community development; Aboriginal forestry; Communities and livelihoods; Economics; Forest policy; Sustainability; Indigenous capacity building; Indigenous Participatory Cultural Mapping and Dynamic Decision Modelling (MITACS). Faculty of Forestry Department of Wood Science; Diversified Agroecosystem Cluster Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Forestry, Economic Modeling and Data Analysis, Sustainable Materials and Composites, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation
Kaitlyn Gaynor UBC Vancouver Behavioural responses of animals to human presence; Effects of anthropogenic disturbance on predator-prey and other species interactions; Socio-ecological dynamics of conservation and coexistence. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Department of Botany; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Biodiversity Research Centre; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); Gaynor Lab Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Land Use
Camille Georgeson-Usher UBC Vancouver Contemporary art; Indigenous visual culture; Curatorial practices; Museum studies; Feminism and performance; Public art and graffiti. Faculty of Arts Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Urban Planning and Cities
Sarah Gergel UBC Vancouver Mapping and quantifying ecosystem services; Social-ecological landscapes and resilience; Mapping & monitoring with First Nations and LEK. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Landscape Ecology Lab; Biodiversity Research Centre Freshwater Systems, Forestry, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Health and Wellbeing
Susan Gerofsky UBC Vancouver Art education research; Curriculum studies; Environmental Education; Mathematics; Media; Semiotics; Text Studies; Pedagogy; Mathematics and gesture; Embodied learning; Genre theory; Mathematics and the arts; Garden-based learning; Performance theory; Mathematics and language; History of mathematics. Faculty of Education Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy; David Robitaille International STEM Education Network Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Rural and Northern Communities
Amanda Giang UBC Vancouver Atmospheric pollutants; Climate changes and impacts; Chemical pollutants; Social and cultural factors of environmental protection; Public policies; Air quality; Environmental policy. Faculty of Applied Science, Faculty of Science Department of Mechanical Engineering; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Climate Change Health Effects, Adaptation, and ResiLience (HEAL); Green Shipping Project Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Pollution, Policy and Governance, Atmospheric Science, Climate Justice
Cynthia Girling UBC Vancouver Sustainable urban design; The public realm; Tools for urban design; Methods and tools of measured visualizations for public engagement in community planning and design. Faculty of Applied Science School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture; Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions; elementslab Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Urban Planning and Cities, Forestry, Policy and Governance, Climate Justice, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions
Anita Girvan UBC Okanagan Cultural studies; Environmental humanities; Political ecology; Environmental justice; Black and Indigenous feminist ecological thought; Critical Canadian studies; Environmental humanities; Stories and cultural productions as sites of contestation and reclamation in addressing pressing socio-ecological matters, like (de)colonization and climate change; Cultural politics of climate change; Metaphors and stories as mediators of larger-than-human relations; Local-global traffics of decolonization. Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies Department of English and Cultural Studies Climate Justice, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Carbon Management
Derek Gladwin UBC Vancouver Energy transition and literacy; Systems literacy; Complexity education; Eco-literacy; Transdisciplinary education; Social and spatial justice; Arts-based environmental education. Faculty of Education Department of Language and Literacy Education; Systems Being Lab; Master of Education Technology; Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability, Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program; D|N Education Design; Master of Arts in Children’s Literature Program; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Climate Justice, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Climate Activism and Social Movements
Eagle Glassheim UBC Vancouver History of east/central Europe; Habsburg central Europe; Modern Germany; Environmental history; Post-war Czechoslovakia; Czechoslovak environmental policy. Faculty of Arts Department of History Mining, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Policy and Governance, Climate Justice
Robert Godin UBC Okanagan Transient absorption spectroscopy/microscopy to determine the charge carrier dynamics of materials for solar energy conversion; Photochemistry and photophysics; Carbon-based photocatalytic materials; Sustainable energy and material production. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, And Ecosystems Services (BRAES) Solar Energy, Water Resources and Supply, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Hydrogen
Ernest Goh UBC Okanagan Sustainable transportation; Enclosed narrow-track electric vehicles, with focus on: Aerodynamics, ergonomics and practicality for commercialization; Civil Engineering; Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Civil; Mechanical) Transportation, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Electricity
Gaston Gordillo UBC Vancouver Terrain, place, territory and materiality; Racialized geographies; Insurrections and revolution; Violence; Ruins and ruination; Agro-ecological and climate activism; Agribusiness, deforestation, infrastructures and soy supply chains in South America; Argentina; Campesinos and Indigenous people of the Gran Chaco. Faculty of Arts Department of Anthropology; Centre for Climate Justice Climate Activism and Social Movements, Climate Justice, Agriculture, Policy and Governance, Indigenous Ways of Knowing
Sean Graham UBC Vancouver Plant biodiversity with a focus on both evolutionary and molecular approaches; Comparative genomics of green & mycoheterotrophic plants; Plant deep phylogeny; Evolutionary biodiversity. Faculty of Science Department of Botany; Biodiversity Research Centre Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems
Sue Grayston UBC Vancouver Microbial diversity and function in soils; Plant-microbe interactions; Rhizodeposition; Climate change and soil C sequestration; Soil microbial community structure and function related to GHG emissions. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences Carbon Cycle, Forestry, Terrestrial Ecosystems
Sheldon Green UBC Vancouver Industrial fluid mechanics; Liquid friction modifier application to surfaces; Electrospraying onto a moving surface; Paper creping; Paper pressing; Energy recovery ventilators. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Mechanical Engineering; Applied Fluid Mechanics Laboratory; Bioproducts Institute; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Sustainable Materials and Composites, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design
Jennifer Grenz UBC Vancouver Invasive species management; Ecological restoration; Science communication; Indigenous ecology; Climate change and invasive species. Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Land and Food Systems Department of Forest Resource Management; Indigenous Ecology Lab; Applied Biology Program; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Biodiversity, Forestry, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Policy and Governance
Lee Groat UBC Vancouver Environmental mineralogy; Acid mine drainage potential; Natural acid rock drainage; Mine wastes and neutralization potential. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences Mining, Waste and Waste Management, Bioprocesses and Biotechnology
Sumeet Gulati The economics of urban transportation; Effectiveness of carbon taxes; Effectiveness of environmental policy; Economics of human wildlife conflict; Political economy of environmental and trade policy; International trade and its effect on the environment. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Food and Resource Economics Program; Wildlife and Conservation Economics Laboratory; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS)
Penny Gurstein UBC Vancouver Socio-cultural aspects of community planning with particular emphasis on those who are the most marginalized in planning processes; Developing strategies and interventions that encourage diversity, equity and urban sustainability in the planning and design of communities; Affordable homeownership and rental housing. Faculty of Applied Science School of Community and Regional Planning; Balanced Supply of Housing Research Cluster Housing, Urban Planning and Cities, Climate Justice, Policy and Governance, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Poverty
Robert Guy UBC Vancouver Climate change; Ecology; Forest biology; Genomics; Ecophysiology and stress physiology of trees and other plants; Use of stable isotopes in plant physiology and ecology; Phenotypic plasticity and resource allocation; Photosynthesis; Respiration (particularly alternative path respiration); Water relations; Phenology; Forest regeneration and stock quality. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences Forestry, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Biodiversity
Előd Gyenge UBC Vancouver Alternative energy sources (fuel cells, batteries, supercapacitors); Pollution control of gaseous (e.g. CO2, NOx) and liquid effluents and environmentally more sustainable chemical process development (e.g. the electrosynthesis alternative to conventional thermochemical processes). Faculty of Applied Science Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Electricity, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions
Shannon Hagerman UBC Vancouver Environmental values; Politics of knowledge; Social-ecological systems; Human-dimensions of conservation; Environmental decision-making and policy; Climate change adaptation. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; The CoAdapTree Project; Social-Ecological Systems Research Group Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Policy and Governance, Environmental Psychology, Forestry
Steven Hallam UBC Vancouver Microbial ecology; Synthetic biology and bioinformatics with specific emphasis on the creation of functional screens and computational tools that reveal hidden metabolic powers of uncultivated microbial communities. Faculty of Science Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Bioproducts Institute; Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining; Hallam Lab; Life Sciences Institute; Microplastic Cluster; Future Packaging Research Cluster Bioprocesses and Biotechnology, Oceans and Coastal Systems
Richard Hamelin UBC Vancouver Forest pathology; Using genetic and genomic approaches to better understand forest disease epidemics; Biology and genomics of tree rust diseases. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; The Hamelin Lab; The CoAdapTree Project Forestry, Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Natural Hazards and Disaster Response
Cara Haney UBC Vancouver Biochemistry; Biotechnology; Bioinformatics; Biological imaging; Genomics; Immunology; Systems biology; Evolution; Infectious disease; Microbiome; Agriculture; Microbial pathogenesis; Plant biology; Food security. Faculty of Science Department of Microbiology and Immunology; The Haney Lab (Plant Microbiome Lab); Biodiversity Research Centre; Life Sciences Institute; Diversified Agroecosystem Cluster Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Health and Wellbeing
Kevin Hanna UBC Okanagan Environmental impact assessment; Natural resources management; Energy systems and resources; Canadian west, north and Arctic. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences; UBC Centre for Environmental Assessment Research Natural Resource Management, Mining, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Policy and Governance, Forestry
David Hardisty UBC Vancouver Consumer behaviour; Sustainability; Energy efficiency; Judgement and decisions about the future; Product attribute framing . Sauder School of Business Marketing and Behavioural Science Division; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); Decision Insights for Business & Society (DIBS) Environmental Psychology, Economic Modeling and Data Analysis
Christopher Harley UBC Vancouver Community ecology; Climate change; Plant and animal distributions; Biotic forces such as temperature and ocean acidification; Biological relationships such as predation, competition, and facilitation; Coastal marine ecology and structure. Faculty of Forestry Department of Zoology; Biodiversity Research Centre; Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries Biodiversity, Oceans and Coastal Systems
Leila Harris UBC Vancouver Drinking water; Fresh water; Water; Resources management; Development policies; International development; Social and cultural factors of environmental protection; Social contract and social justice; Water politics; Water governance; Environmental justice; Gender and social difference; Equity and social justice; Participatory resource management; Turkey and Middle East, Africa , Ghana, South Africa. Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science Department of Geography; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Environmental & Development: Gender, Equity, and Sustainability (EDGES) Research Collaborative; Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice; Program on Water Governance Policy and Governance, Water Resources and Supply, Poverty, Climate Justice, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation
Sara Harris UBC Vancouver Science education; Climate science education; Oceans; Geoscience education; Environmental science. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Cool Tools Warm World Research Cluster Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Environmental Psychology
Kathryn Harrison UBC Vancouver Environmental politics; Environmental policy; Climate change; Global warming; Climate change policy; Energy policy; Federalism; Comparative public policy. Faculty of Arts Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Department of Political Science; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Green Shipping Project International Negotiations and Treaties, Policy and Governance, Natural Resource Management, Oil and Gas
Miranda Hart UBC Okanagan Microbial ecology of soil microbes; Role and the applications of microbes in sustainable agriculture, viticulture, and ecological restoration. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Department of Biology; Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, And Ecosystems Services (BRAES) Agriculture, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems
Marwan Hassan UBC Vancouver Geomorphology; Hydrology; Landscape evolution; Stream ecology; Urban hydrology; Desert floods; Water quality; Water resources. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography; Future Waters Group Freshwater Systems, Water Resources and Supply
Cristoph Hauert UBC Vancouver Evolution of cooperation; Evolutionary dynamics; Structured populations; Social networks; Game theory; Adaptive dynamics. Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics; Department of Zoology Environmental Psychology
Lindsey Heagy UBC Vancouver Mineral exploration; Carbon sequestration; Geophysics; Groundwater and environmental studies; Geophysical inversions. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences; Future Minerals Initiative Freshwater Systems, Mining, Carbon Management, Water Resources and Supply, Oceans and Coastal Systems
Tracey Heatherington UBC Vancouver Sociocultural anthropology; Globalization; Development and political ecology; Social justice; Critical study of biodiversity conservation at a broader scale, in relation to plant genetic resources for food and agriculture; Seed banking and seed saving; Agricultural science; Technology and institutions in international efforts to adapt to climate change. Faculty of Arts Department of Anthropology Climate Justice, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems
Nancy Heckman UBC Vancouver Environmental and spatial statistics; Forest products stochastic modeling; Functional data analysis; Applications in evolutionary biology; Analysis of animal movement; Nonparametric regression; Shapes of regression functions. Faculty of Science Department of Statistics Forestry, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis
Sarah Henderson UBC Vancouver Air pollution from all provincially relevant sources (wildfire smoke, residential woodsmoke, industry, road dust, shipping, and vehicles); Extreme weather events; Radon gas; Food safety; Water quality; Exposures managed by the Drug and Poison Information Centre (DPIC). Faculty of Medicine School of Population and Public Health; Future Waters Group; Social Exposome Cluster Health and Wellbeing, Pollution, Weather and Climate Extremes, Water Resources and Supply, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis
Greg Henry UBC Vancouver Climate change's effect on Arctic tundra ecosystems; Helping Arctic communities to understand and interpret observations of environmental change; Plant growth; Phenology and reproduction; Biodiversity responses; Biotic interactions; Evolutionary and migration potential of plant species; Carbon and nutrient fluxes; Effects of permafrost disturbance. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography; Biodiversity Research Centre Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Carbon Cycle
Klaske van Heusden UBC Okanagan Data-driven and learning control; System identification; Optimizing energy use of buildings; Emerging applications in agriculture and health care. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Mechanical); Materials & Manufacturing Research Institute Agriculture, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions
Kasun Hewage UBC Okanagan Lifecycle assessment of construction products and processes; Waste management in construction; Energy based sustainability analysis in infrastructure projects; Construction productivity and safety; Human factors and information technology in construction; Construction process optimization. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Civil); UBC Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Life Cycle Management Laboratory; Battery Innovation Research Excellence Cluster Waste and Waste Management, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Policy and Governance
Nina Hewitt UBC Vancouver Biogeography; Vegetation dynamics with a focus on the impacts of human activities, particularly ecosystem fragmentation, altered disturbance regimes, biological invasions and climate change, and the solutions to manage these impacts; Plant populations in forest ecosystems of eastern North America, and in alpine and subalpine systems of the Karakoram Himalaya and BC Coast Mountains. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography; Biogeography Teaching and Research Lab Biodiversity, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Land Use, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Terrestrial Ecosystems
Andrea Hilland UBC Vancouver Intersections of Indigenous laws, Aboriginal rights, and environmental regulation to challenge discriminatory theories of colonial supremacy and Indigenous inferiority that are perpetuated through the contemporary colonial legal system; Supporting the resurgence of Indigenous laws; Demonstrating the potential of Indigenous laws to enhance Canada's multi-juridical legal system. Peter A. Allard School of Law Centre for Law and the Environment; Centre for Feminist Legal Studies; Indigenous Legal Studies Environmental Law, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Indigenous Ways of Knowing
Scott Hinch UBC Vancouver Salmon migration behavioural physiology and ecology; Land-use effects on fish ecology and habitat; Adult salmon migration survival, behaviour, energetics, physiology, habitat use, environmental cues, effects of fisheries and capture-release, passage in regulated rivers, disease and pathogens. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Pacific Salmon Ecology and Conservation Laboratory; Strait of Georgia Data Centre; UBC Animal Research Freshwater Systems, Fisheries, Forestry, Land Use, Natural Resource Management
George Hoberg UBC Vancouver Forest policy; Energy policy; Environmental policy; Trade and environment; Softwood lumber; Olympics; Aboriginal issues (land rights), Forestry policy. Faculty of Arts Department of Political Science; School of Public Policy and Global Affairs; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability Policy and Governance, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Forestry, Pollution, Climate Activism and Social Movements
Karen Hodges UBC Okanagan Ecology; Conservation biology; Effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on behaviour and population dynamics; Predator-prey dynamics; Extinction risks; Species-at-risk legislation; Wildfires and wildlife; Biosolids and wildlife. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Department of Biology; Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, And Ecosystems Services (BRAES); Biodiversity Research Centre Biodiversity, Wildfires and Forest Fires, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Land Use, Policy and Governance, Waste and Waste Management
Maria Holuszko UBC Vancouver Recovery of metals from industrial and municipal waste streams; Urban mining; Biomass waste from forestry and tailings from coal mining to produce new bio-renewable fuel for the power industry. Faculty of Applied Science Future Minerals Initiative; Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining; Urban Mining Innovation Center; Microplastic Cluster; Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering
Jordi Honey-Rosés UBC Vancouver Environmental planning; Water resource management; Impact evaluation; Ecological planning; Ecosystem services; Natural resource management. Faculty of Applied Science, Faculty of Science Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; School of Community and Regional Planning; Future Waters Group; The Water Planning Lab Natural Resource Management, Water Resources and Supply, Urban Planning and Cities, Climate Finance and Investment, Forestry, Transportation
Michael Hooper UBC Vancouver Comparative politics; Climate migration; Densification; Disasters and natural hazards; Displacement; Participatory planning; Urban planning and policy; Urban spatial transformation: Displacement, disasters and densification. Faculty of Applied Science School of Community and Regional Planning; Centre for Migration Studies; Disaster Resilience Research Cluster Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Natural Hazards and Disaster Response, Urban Planning and Cities, Policy and Governance, Housing
Kristen Hopewell UBC Vancouver International trade; Global governance; Industrial policy and development; Emerging powers; Global powers; WTO; International political economy. Faculty of Arts School of Public Policy and Global Affairs Policy and Governance, International Negotiations and Treaties, Agriculture, Poverty, Climate Finance and Investment
Ed Hornibrook UBC Okanagan Biogeochemistry; Stable isotopes; Biosphere-atmosphere exchange of greenhouse gases; Natural and restored wetlands; Lakes; Soil; Groundwater; Trace gas analysis; Automation of monitoring equipment. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences Atmospheric Science, Carbon Cycle, Freshwater Systems, Forestry
Kurt Hübner UBC Vancouver Sustainability and innovation policies; Politics and economics of European integration as well as on contradictions and complementarities of sustainability and international competitiveness. Faculty of Arts Department of Political Science International Negotiations and Treaties, Policy and Governance, Economic Modeling and Data Analysis
Emily Huddart Kennedy UBC Vancouver Human-environmental relationships; What motivates civic engagement in efforts to protect the environment?; How do pro-environmental practices reflect and reproduce social differences?; Household-level sustainable consumption; Alternative food initiatives; Gender, politics and social class in Environmentalism. Faculty of Arts Department of Sociology; Centre for Climate Justice; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems Environmental Psychology, Policy and Governance, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Climate Activism and Social Movements
Zachary Hudson UBC Vancouver Development of new materials to address issues of sustainability in chemistry and materials science; Synthesis of organic and organometallic materials directed towards applications in sensing, printed electronics, and efficient solid-state lighting. Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry; Bioproducts Institute; Hudson Research Group Sustainable Materials and Composites
Brian Hunt UBC Vancouver Biological oceanography; Structure and function of pelagic marine ecosystems and their response to climate forcing and anthropogenic impacts; Plankton dynamics; Response of lower trophic levels to bottom-up forcing by climatic and oceanographic conditions, and the implications of this response for mid-trophic levels; Antarctic; Tropical South Pacific; New Zealand; Mediterranean; North Pacific and Arctic. Faculty of Science Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries; Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Pelagic Ecosystems Laboratory; Biodiversity Research Centre Oceans and Coastal Systems, Fisheries, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic
Dallas Hunt UBC Vancouver Indigenous-led climate action and planning; Climate justice; Indigenous literatures; Indigenous theory & politics; Canadian literature; Speculative fiction; Settler colonial studies; Environmental justice. Faculty of Arts Department of English Language and Literatures; Centre for Climate Justice Climate Justice, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Kshamta Hunter UBC Vancouver Climate education; Sustainability curriculum and pedagogy; Sustainable development goals; Transformative learning. Faculty of Education Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy Climate Activism and Social Movements, Climate Justice, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Alessandro Ielpi UBC Okanagan Earth and planetary geomorphology; Watersheds, rivers, and floodplains; Basin analysis; Fluvial biogeochemistry. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences Freshwater Systems, Paleoclimate, Terrestrial Ecosystems
John Innes UBC Vancouver Plants and forests; Climate changes and Impacts; Forest management; Communities and Indigenous knowledge; Sustainable forest management. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Sustainable Forest Management Group; Forest Carbon Research Lab Forestry, Natural Resource Management, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Business Processes and Corporate Governance
Darren Irwin UBC Vancouver How new species arise, how geographical variation within species is produced, and how behaviors evolve; Hybrid zones and their role in speciation; Genomic “islands of differentiation”; Cytonuclear discordance; Ring species; Migratory behaviour; Cryptic species. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Irwin Lab; Biodiversity Research Centre Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems
Tara Ivanochko UBC Vancouver Embedding open source computational tools into earth science courses; Climate studies and action certificate; Community engaged experiential learning; Educational portfolios; Advancing sustainability education in EOAS, Faculty of Science and UBC. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Sustainability Hub; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Sara Jacobs UBC Vancouver Reinterpreting landscape through histories of environment, care; Infrastructures of race and coloniality; Politics and possibilities of care; Histories of racialization within landscape practice; Environmental histories of soil, contamination, and carceral labour; Climate crisis at the overlaps of water, land, and collective memory. Faculty of Applied Science School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Urban Planning and Cities
Kedrick James UBC Vancouver Adolescent literacy; Arts based education; Canadian poetry and poetics; Critical literacies & critical pedagogies; Data visualization and sonification; Digital literacy; Digital research methods; Discourse analysis; Eco-poetics, Environmental literacy; Language and literacy teacher education; Language assessment; Literary studies; Multimodality; Online learning; Orality and literacy; Poetic inquiry; Remix; Research methodologies; Technology & language education. Faculty of Education Department of Language and Literacy Education; Research-Based Theatre Collaborative Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Jill Jankowski UBC Vancouver The study of patterns of species diversity and distributions in heterogeneous landscapes, and how those patterns are influenced by physiological, ecological and evolutionary forces. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Biodiversity Research Centre; Jankowski Lab Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic
John Janmaat UBC Okanagan Environmental and resource economics, with an emphasis on the role of environmental services; Knowledge mobilization and sustainability policy; Environmental economics; Natural resource economics. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Department of Economics, Philosophy and Political Science; Future Waters Group; Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, And Ecosystems Services (BRAES); Cluster of Research Excellence in Living with Wildfire in the BC Southern Interior Economic Modeling and Data Analysis, Agriculture, Natural Resource Management, Policy and Governance, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies, Land Use
Juri Jatskevich UBC Vancouver Power and energy systems; Smart energy grids; Power electronic systems and converter circuits; Electrical machines and drives; Controls; Electromagnetic transients; Computer modeling and simulation; Distributed and parallel simulation. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems; Marine Systems Research Cluster; Power Group; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Electricity, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions
Mark Jellinek UBC Vancouver Climate change's effects on plate tectonics; Undersea eruptions and black smoker vents influence on the chemistry and biodiversity of the deep ocean; Climatic footprint of a super continental cycle; How the formation and destruction of supercontinents influence the evolution of Earth's atmosphere, ocean and biosphere; Volcanic eruptions driving climate variability; Climate variability's effect on volcanic eruptions. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences Atmospheric Science, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Climate Risk Management, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Natural Hazards and Disaster Response
Reinhard Jetter UBC Vancouver Molecular biology; Genes and enzymes; The cuticle: Waxy "skin" covering plant surfaces foring the interface between plants and their environment, the study of which will help better protect crop plants against adverse conditions such as drought, engineer novel chemical structures that are analogous to those on plant leaves to improve the surface properties of artificial materials (e.g., plant-like wax coatings can protect building materials against adverse climatic conditions). Faculty of Science Department of Botany; Department of Chemistry; Jetter Lab Biodiversity, Agriculture, Sustainable Materials and Composites
Feng Jiang UBC Vancouver Green approaches in nanocellulose isolation, characterization, and modification; Energy storage applications of bio-based nanomaterials; Bio-based nanomaterials isolation. Faculty of Forestry Department of Wood Science; Bioproducts Institute; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Sustainable Functional Biomaterials Lab Biofuels and Biomass, Forestry, Sustainable Materials and Composites
Zhichun Jing UBC Vancouver Archaeology of Shang civilization; Early urbanism; Culture contact; Environmental archaeology; Archaeology of collapse and sustainability; Archaic jades; Archaeological ceramics. Faculty of Arts Department of Anthropology Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Urban Planning and Cities
Stacey Jocelyn UBC Vancouver Environmental crises and the visible and invisible ways in which law creates and prevents these events; Environmental assessment law; Disaster law; Climate change; Emergency powers; Environmental emergencies; How law regulates disaster as disconnected and exceptional events, contrary to the experiences of those most vulnerable to disaster and in spite of our current era of climate disruption; Work with First Nations on legal issues related to disasters, emergency powers and Indigenous jurisdiction. Peter A. Allard School of Law Centre for Law and the Environment; Centre for Climate Justice; Indigenous Legal Studies; Centre for Feminist Legal Studies; Disaster Resilience Research Cluster Environmental Law, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Natural Hazards and Disaster Response, Climate Justice
Mark Johnson UBC Vancouver Hydrological cycle and reservoirs; Land and soil; Climate changes and impacts; Agriculture; Ecology and quality of the environment; Running water hydrosystem; Fresh water; Ground water and water tables; Ecohydrology; Carbon cycle; Land use; Water and sustainability; Biogeochemistry; Data science. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Diversified Agroecosystem Cluster Freshwater Systems, Water Resources and Supply, Carbon Cycle, Agriculture, Natural Resource Management
Melanie Jones UBC Okanagan Physiology of ectomycorrhizas and roots of woody plants; Effects of fire and silviculture on ectomycorrhizal fungal communities; Carbon allocation within and between woody plants; Orchard management under climate change. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Department of Biology; Jones Research Lab; Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, And Ecosystems Services (BRAES) Forestry, Biodiversity, Carbon Management, Carbon Cycle, Agriculture, Wildfires and Forest Fires
Lee Jongho UBC Vancouver Environmental engineering; Environmental systems engineering; Water/wastewater treatment, Desalination; Resource harvesting; Nanoporous media; Electrokinetics. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering; Lee Research Group; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Water Resources and Supply, Waste and Waste Management, Sustainable Materials and Composites, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions
Eduardo Jovel UBC Vancouver Indigenous plant knowledge; Mycology; Natural product chemistry; Aboriginal health; Organismal and chemical diversity and their intersection with human and environmental health; Indigenous peoples’ worldviews and their use of ecosystem resources to maintain health and wellness, particularly plants uses; Indigenous medicinal systems; Food security; Environmental health; Research ethics; Gender relations; Indigenous research methods. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Indigenous Research Partnerships (Centre for Indigenous Land-Based Education, Research and Wellness); Diversified Agroecosystem Cluster; Aboriginal Research Lab; Applied Biology Program; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Agriculture, Health and Wellbeing, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Indigenous Ways of Knowing
Vinay Kamat UBC Vancouver Global health and emerging diseases; Marine conservation; Extractive industry; Political ecology; Indian primary health care, the resurgence of urban malaria, and the political economy of the outsourcing of pharmaceutical clinical trials; Tanzanian ethnographic research on the everyday lived experience of marginalized people caught in rapid social transformation engendered through neoliberal economic reforms. Faculty of Arts Department of Anthropology Health and Wellbeing, Natural Resource Management, Poverty, Policy and Governance, Weather and Climate Extremes, Oil and Gas
Milind Kandlikar UBC Vancouver Focus on the intersection of technology innovation, human development and the global environment; Cross-national comparisons of regulation of agricultural biotechnology; Air pollution and air quality in Indian cities; Risks and benefits of nanotechnology; New technologies for sustainable transportation; Development and climate change; Human development and global environment. Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science School of Public Policy and Global Affairs; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Liu Institute for Global Issues; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Pollution, Policy and Governance, Agriculture, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Bioprocesses and Biotechnology
Denise Kenney UBC Okanagan Devised theatre; Physical theatre; Art and social practice; Eco-art; Performance art; Interventionist performance; Experimental and documentary digital media. Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies Department of Creative Studies; Centre for Culture and Technology Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Paul Kershaw UBC Vancouver Generational fairness, particularly focusing on the impact of housing and taxation policies on different age groups; Policies that address the financial challenges faced by younger Canadians, emphasizing the need for intergenerational solidarity and a more equitable approach to housing and taxation. Faculty of Medicine School of Population and Public Health; Balanced Supply of Housing Research Cluster Health and Wellbeing, Climate Activism and Social Movements, Housing, Pollution, Policy and Governance
Park Keunhyun UBC Vancouver Using drones, sensors, and VR to understand how people use urban areas like parks and streets, aiming to improve design decisions; Sustainable communities: Compact, mixed-use communities to address issues like poor health and environmental damage caused by urban sprawl, focusing on how design affects people's lives; Green access for all: Equal access to urban nature, particularly for different socio-economic groups, with tools and policies for fair access to parks and green spaces. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Urban Forests Research Hub; UNDER (Urban Nature DEsign Research) Lab Urban Planning and Cities, Forestry, Climate Justice, Transportation, Health and Wellbeing
Samia Khan UBC Vancouver Science education; Pedagogy; How people learn (k-16); Teacher education; Educational technology; Visualization; Classroom integration. Faculty of Education Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Tarun Khanna UBC Vancouver Economics of the decarbonization of the energy sector and the policies that are needed to get there; Evidence synthesis; Policy evaluation; Electricity markets and energy in development. Faculty of Arts School of Public Policy and Global Affairs; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Decision Insights for Business & Society (DIBS) Electricity, Carbon Management, Policy and Governance, Agriculture, Economic Modeling and Data Analysis
Sina Kheirkhah UBC Okanagan Combustion; Turbulence; Laser-based diagnostics; Low/zero carbon fuels; Sprays; Gas turbine engines. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Mechanical); UBC Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Transportation, Carbon Management
Alyse Kiesser UBC Okanagan Systems ecology; Big data science; Microbial metabolic interactions; Natural and engineered microbial ecosystem; Multi-omics (DNA, RNA and protein sequencing). Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Civil) Water Resources and Supply, Bioprocesses and Biotechnology, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Carbon Cycle
Amy Kim UBC Vancouver Transportation systems analysis; Multimodal networks; Transportation infrastructure planning; Adaptation; Long-distance transportation; Air transportation; Resource allocation and optimization; Multicriteria analysis and decision-making; Supply-and-demand models. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering; Disaster Resilience Research Cluster Transportation, Urban Planning and Cities, Wildfires and Forest Fires, Natural Hazards and Disaster Response
Kayla King UBC Vancouver Virulence evolution; Biodiversity loss and global climate change; Zoonoses and emerging infectious diseases; Protective microbiome; Social interactions; Sexual reproduction. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Health and Wellbeing
Patrick Kirchen UBC Vancouver Thermochemical energy conversion; Understanding the impacts of engine operating parameters such as fuel type, injection strategies, and charge preparation on the fundamental combustion and emission formation processes. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Mechanical Engineering; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Transportation, Hydrogen
Bern Klein UBC Vancouver Technology and innovation for improved energy efficiency and reduced environmental footprint in mining; Geometallurgy; Energy-efficient comminution technologies. Faculty of Applied Science Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering Mining
Naomi Klein UBC Vancouver Gender, race, class; Power, colonialism, justice; Climate emergency as a catalyst for bold, justice-based transformation in our bio-region and beyond, with particular attention to the intersections between climate justice and Indigenous land rights; Gendered and racialized labour of care; Rights of migrants. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography; Centre for Climate Justice; Disaster Resilience Research Cluster Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Justice, Policy and Governance, Climate Activism and Social Movements, Natural Hazards and Disaster Response, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation
Peter Klein UBC Vancouver Global journalism; Under-covered issues around the world; Producing; Investigative reporting; Health; Corruption and national security; Documentaries. Faculty of Applied Science School of Journalism, Writing, and Media; Coordinated Arts Program; Centre for Migration Studies Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Brian Klinkenberg UBC Vancouver Endangered species (plants); Conservation biology; Health geography; Uncertainty; Advanced spatial analysis in the physical, health and social sciences; Medical biogeography; Geographic Information Science; Landscape classification; Biogeography; Environmental geography; Human-ecosystem interactions and conservation biology; Biodiversity informatics. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography Health and Wellbeing, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Biodiversity, Land Use
Thorsten Knipfer UBC Vancouver Drought stress responses of woody perennial crops at micro- and macroscopy level using a combination of cutting-edge and traditional research tools; Spatiotemporal coupling of organ and cell specific processes that govern whole-plant performance under water stress by drought and following soil rehydration. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Plant-Water Relations Lab; Applied Biology Program Agriculture, Water Resources and Supply, Weather and Climate Extremes
Michael Kobor UBC Vancouver Environmental and biological factors that affect genome function and gene expression; DNA packaging; Molecular machinery of the DNA packaging process as it relates to fetal alcohol syndrome, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; Effects of socio-economic status on gene expression. Faculty of Medicine Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Edwin S.H. Leong Centre for Healthy Aging; Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics; Social Exposome Cluster Health and Wellbeing
Michael Koehle UBC Vancouver The interaction between exercise and environmental pollution; Health interventions; Health promotion; High performance sport; Physiology; Systems biology. Faculty of Education School of Kinesiology; Air Pollution Exposure Laboratory (APEL) Health and Wellbeing, Pollution
Hoi Kong UBC Vancouver Constitutional law; Administrative law; Municipal and comparative law; Constitutional and public law theory; Administrative law and regulatory governance; Comparative law; Environmental law, natural resources, and climate change; Jurisprudence, legal theory, and critical studies; Public and constitutional law. Peter A. Allard School of Law Centre for Asian Legal Studies Environmental Law, Policy and Governance
Cecil Konijnendijk UBC Vancouver Design and planning of space; Landscape and environmental organization; Urban and rural planning policies; Urban forestry; Green infrastructure planning; Green space governance; Urban ecosystem services; People-nature relationships. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Urban Forests Research Hub Urban Planning and Cities, Policy and Governance, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Health and Wellbeing
Michele Koppes UBC Vancouver Glaciers, mountains, and the people who dwell within them's response to ongoing climate change; Landscape and hazards responses to changing ice dynamics; Effects of climate change on meltwater resources and on mountain cultures; Lived experiences of people living with the cascading effects of climate change in glacial regions. Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Department of Geography Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Climate Risk Management, Freshwater Systems, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Rural and Northern Communities
Robert Kozak UBC Vancouver Sustainable business management practices; Issues and providing solutions to complex problems related to sustainable development, forestry, wood products and the emerging conservation economy. Faculty of Forestry Department of Wood Science; FACT | Forests and Communities in Transition Lab Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Forestry, Poverty, Policy and Governance, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies, Climate Justice
Charles J. Krebs UBC Vancouver Ecology of smaller mammals, including deer mice, voles, and other related species; Population fluctuations of voles and lemmings. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Biodiversity Research Centre Terrestrial Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic
Claire Kremen UBC Vancouver How to reconcile biodiversity conservation with agricultural production using field, lab, and modeling studies on a variety of taxonomic groups; How do different forms of agricultural land management influence long-term persistence of wildlife populations by promoting or curtailing dispersal movements and population connectivity? Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); Biodiversity Research Centre; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems; Diversified Agroecosystem Cluster Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land Use, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Natural Resource Management
Maja Krzic UBC Vancouver Linking soil science research with teaching along with community involvement to create educational environment where students can actively engage in ‘real-world’ problems; Combining soil science concepts and the impact of humans on soil properties and processes in crop, grassland, and forest ecosystems; Exploring the role of soil in addressing some of the existential global sustainability challenges we are facing. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Applied Biology Program; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems Terrestrial Ecosystems, Forestry, Agriculture, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
McKenzie Kuhn UBC Vancouver Consequences of climate change on boreal-Arctic ecosystems; Exchange of carbon and greenhouse gases between freshwaters, plants, soils, and the atmosphere; Influence of disturbances and management on freshwater carbon and nutrient cycling; Interactions of between northern freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems and global change. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Carbon Cycle, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Freshwater Systems
Nadja Kunz UBC Vancouver Works at the interface of research and practice to resolve private sector water challenges, with a focus on the mining and resources sector Faculty of Arts School of Public Policy and Global Affairs; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining; Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering; Future Minerals Initiative Mining, Water Resources and Supply, Climate Justice, Climate Risk Management, Policy and Governance, Waste and Waste Management
Marysa Laguë UBC Vancouver How terrestrial processes impact the atmosphere and surface climate from the scale of a single plant to the scale of a planet, by modulating fluxes of water and energy between the land and the atmosphere. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography Atmospheric Science, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Carbon Cycle, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis
Frank Lam UBC Vancouver Wood products; Solid sawn timber; Wood-based composites; Engineered wood systems; Timber engineering; Wood-based composites mechanics. Faculty of Forestry Department of Wood Science; Timber Engineering and Applied Mechanics Laboratory Sustainable Materials and Composites, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design
Anthony Lau UBC Vancouver Environmental engineering; Waste-to-resource recycling; Composting; Odor control; Biohydrogen energy. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Master in Engineering Leadership; Biomass and Bioenergy Research Group at UBC; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Biofuels and Biomass, Waste and Waste Management, Product Lifecycle or Circular Economy
Nathanael Lauster UBC Vancouver Housing justice and health; Housing; Immigration; Population; Environment; Built Environment; Urban Sociology; Life Course; Community & Demography. Faculty of Arts Department of Sociology; Balanced Supply of Housing Research Cluster Housing, Urban Planning and Cities, Policy and Governance, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Health and Wellbeing
Bernard Laval UBC Vancouver Environmental fluid mechanics; Water management; Rehabilitation of lakes; Mine tailings; Dispersion of nutrients and pollutants in lakes and coastal waters; Movement of toxic materials in aquatic environments. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering Freshwater Systems, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Mining
Suzie Lavallee UBC Vancouver How ecological pressures can shift the investment of resources in insects; Experiential learning; Impact of conservation and forest resources management on the livelihoods of people and the vast biodiversity of India. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Forestry, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies
Leslie Lavkulich UBC Vancouver Soil resources; Soil and environmental chemistry; Mine reclamation and maintenance of environmental services; Perspectives on resources and environment; Sustainable agricultural systems; Land use hydrology; Mining and the environment; Land-water interactions and uncertainty in natural science and policy development. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Department of Global Resource Systems; Mother Tree Project Agriculture, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Land Use, Water Resources and Supply, Policy and Governance, Carbon Cycle
Gregory Lawrence UBC Vancouver Environmental fluid mechanics; Hydraulics; Hydrodynamic stability and mixing; Physical limnology; Water quality management. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering Pollution, Freshwater Systems, Water Resources and Supply, Waste and Waste Management
Philippe Le Billon UBC Vancouver Political geography; Political ecology; War studies; Links between natural resources and armed conflicts; Political economy of war and reconstruction; Resource curse; Corruption; Natural disasters; Governance of extractive sectors; Food security. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; School of Public Policy and Global Affairs; Disaster Resilience Research Cluster International Negotiations and Treaties, Policy and Governance, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Climate Finance and Investment, Poverty, Climate Justice, Oil and Gas
Valerie LeMay UBC Vancouver Biometrics; Forest measurements; Modelling; Sampling design; Stand Dynamics; Stand regeneration estimation; Genetic impacts on growth at the stand level. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Forest Measurements and Biometrics Forestry, Carbon Management
Barbara Lence UBC Vancouver Optimizing design and operational strategies of water resources projects; Reliable withdrawal-treatment strategies for contaminated groundwater supply systems; Water distribution system operational procedures to meet hydraulic and water quality objectives. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering; Master in Engineering Leadership Pollution, Policy and Governance, Water Resources and Supply, Freshwater Systems, Climate Risk Management, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design
Avi Lewis UBC Vancouver Social and political change; Communication, education and documentary filmmaking; Climate justice. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography; Centre for Climate Justice Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Climate Justice, Policy and Governance, Climate Activism and Social Movements, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Eric Li UBC Okanagan Consumer culture; Social innovation and social enterprise; Healthy living and well-being; Food consumption and food security; Digital economy, Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of People (IoP); Social media marketing and consumption; Ethical consumerism and prosocial behaviour; Corporate philanthropy; Fashion marketing and consumption. Faculty of Management Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention (IHLCDP); Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies; Institute for Community Engaged Research (ICER); Battery Innovation Research Excellence Cluster Environmental Psychology, Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Poverty, Health and Wellbeing, Rural and Northern Communities
Loretta Li UBC Vancouver Contaminated site investigation and management; Environmental monitoring; Risk and impact assessment; Soil-contaminant interactions; Mobility and migration of contaminants; Remediation technology; Mine tailings waste disposal and treatment processes. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering; Microplastic Cluster; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Climate Change Health Effects, Adaptation, and ResiLience (HEAL) Pollution, Water Resources and Supply, Waste and Waste Management, Biofuels and Biomass, Mining, Policy and Governance
Sunny Li UBC Okanagan Enhanced heat transfer; Multiphase flows; Aerosol (Airborne) transmission; Electronics cooling; Thermal-fluidics in sustainable energy systems; Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Mechanical); UBC Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Natural Gas Fuel System Laboratory (NGFSL); Airborne Disease Transmission Research Cluster; Thermal Management and Multi-phase Flows Lab (TMMFL) Sustainable Materials and Composites, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions
Carol Liao UBC Vancouver Social enterprise law; Business ethics; Corporate law and sustainability; Climate governance; Social justice; Climate risk disclosures; Fiduciary obligations. Peter A. Allard School of Law Centre for Law and the Environment; Centre for Business Law; Centre for Asian Legal Studies; Centre for Feminist Legal Studies; Allard School of Law History Project; Decision Insights for Business & Society (DIBS); Future Minerals Initiative Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Environmental Law, Mining, Climate Justice, International Negotiations and Treaties
Jim Lim UBC Vancouver Spouting and fluidization phenomena; Biomass gasification with CO2 capture in a circulating fluidized bed; Hydrogen production in a fluidized bed membrane reactor from steam reforming of higher hydrocarbons; Performance of limestone for CO2 capture from a high-temperature/ pressure reactor over many calcinations/carbonation cycles; Chemical looping combustion for CO2 separation; Development of thin Pd-based composite membrane suitable for hydrogen separation at high temperature/pressure. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Biomass and Bioenergy Research Group at UBC; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Fluidization Research Centre Biofuels and Biomass, Hydrogen, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Carbon Management, Waste and Waste Management
Liwen Lin UBC Vancouver Comparative corporate governance; Corporate social responsibility; State capitalism; Chinese law; Law and economic sociology. Peter A. Allard School of Law Centre for Asian Legal Studies; Centre for Business Law Environmental Law, Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Policy and Governance
Charles (Robin) Lindsey UBC Vancouver Traffic congestion; Road pricing; Financing transportation infrastructure; Public transit; Advanced traveler information systems. Sauder School of Business Operations and Logistics Division; Commerce and Business Administration Transportation, Economic Modeling and Data Analysis, Climate Finance and Investment, Environmental Psychology, Urban Planning and Cities
Jane Lister UBC Vancouver Corporate social responsibility; Environmental governance; Sustainable supply chain management; Maritime policy and trade. Faculty of Science, Sauder School of Business Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Operations and Logistics Division; Global Reporting Centre Commerce and Business Administration; Centre for Transportation Studies; Green Shipping Project Business Processes and Corporate Governance, International Negotiations and Treaties, Carbon Management, Policy and Governance, Environmental Psychology, Transportation
Jian Liu UBC Okanagan Advanced nanofabrication; Nanomaterials and nanotechnology; Energy storage systems; Next-generation batteries. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Mechanical); Advanced Materials for Energy Storage Lab; Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions; Battery Innovation Research Excellence Cluster; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Electricity, Sustainable Materials and Composites
Wenying Liu UBC Vancouver Use of sea water in heap leaching; Release of selenium and associated toxic elements from mine waste materials; Heap leach modelling. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Materials Engineering; Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining Mining, Waste and Waste Management, Water Resources and Supply
Kees Lokman UBC Vancouver Sea level rise adaptation; Energy transition; Design challenges related to water and food shortages; Depleting energy resources; Climate change; Ongoing urbanization. Faculty of Applied Science School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture; Collaborative for Advanced Landscape Planning; Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions; UBC Coastal Adaptation Lab; Disaster Resilience Research Cluster Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Urban Planning and Cities, Climate Risk Management, Policy and Governance
Tina Loo UBC Vancouver Environmental history of Canada; Postwar Canada; Canadian wildlife; Rivers; State power; Dams; Caribou. Faculty of Arts Department of History Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Gordon Lovegrove UBC Okanagan SMARTer Growth; Sustainable community planning & design; Sustainable transport & safety; Hydrail powered, zero-emission regional passenger & freight rail; Affordable housing & Cohousing. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Civil); Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention (IHLCDP); SMARTer Growth Partnership; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Health and Wellbeing, Housing, Transportation, Urban Planning and Cities, Hydrogen
Maggie Low UBC Vancouver Indigenous-state relations; Indigenous community planning; Indigenous-led reconciliation efforts; Indigenous sovereignty and jurisdiction; Environmentalism and climate change; Public sector innovation labs. Faculty of Applied Science School of Community and Regional Planning; Centre for Climate Justice; Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions; UBC Indigenous Community Planning Program; Balanced Supply of Housing Research Clutster; Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice; Disaster Resilience Research Cluster Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Urban Planning and Cities, Climate Justice, Housing
Juliet Lu UBC Vancouver Conflicts and governance issues around resource extraction and intensive land use; Transnational land investments; Chinese rubber plantations in Laos; Promotion of monoculture plantations at the expense of more biodiverse systems; Rise of private sector sustainable governance initiatives worldwide. Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; School of Public Policy and Global Affairs; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS) Policy and Governance, Land Use, Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Forestry, International Negotiations and Treaties
Allison Macfarlane UBC Vancouver Technical, social, and policy aspects of nuclear energy production and nuclear waste management and disposal; Regulation, nuclear nonproliferation, and energy policy. Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science School of Public Policy and Global Affairs; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Liu Institute for Global Issues; Future Minerals Initiative Policy and Governance, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Waste and Waste Management
Mark MacLachlan UBC Vancouver Developing new organic and inorganic materials with interesting properties that may find applications in electronics, photonics, catalysis, and other applications; Combating environmental problems or improving alternative energy applications, such as solar energy conversion and hydrogen fuel cells. Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry; Nanomat: Create Nanomaterials Science & Technology Program; Maclachlan Group Sustainable Materials and Composites, Solar Energy, Sustainable Materials and Composites
John Madden UBC Vancouver New and unusual electronic materials for application in solar cells, energy storage (batteries and supercapacitors), printable electronics and as artificial muscle. Faculty of Applied Science School of Biomedical Engineering; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Molecular Mechatronics Lab; Microsystems and Nanotechnology (MiNa) Group Electricity, Solar Energy, Sustainable Materials and Composites
Ali Madiseh UBC Vancouver Mine-mechanical equipment; Energy systems; Energy efficiency; Renewable energy systems; Energy conservation; Energy storage; Energy decarbonization. Faculty of Applied Science Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining; Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering Mining, Oil and Gas, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Manufacturing and Heavy Industry, Sustainable Materials and Composites, Waste and Waste Management
Maria T. (Maite) Maldonado UBC Vancouver The role of trace metal availability in controlling the ecology and evolution of marine phytoplankton and bacteria; Role of the biota in controlling biogeochemical cycles of trace elements in the ocean; Trace elements regulation of harmful algal blooms; 'Biological carbon pump'; Regulation of the global carbon cycle. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Microplastic Cluster Oceans and Coastal Systems, Carbon Cycle, Biodiversity, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic
Shawn Mansfield UBC Vancouver Tree biotechnology; Trees and the environment; Remediation of anthropogenic contaminants: Phosphorous, salt, heavy metals. Faculty of Forestry Department of Wood Science; Department of Botany; Biodiversity Research Centre; Tree Molecular Biology Research Lab; Bioproducts Institute Bioprocesses and Biotechnology, Pollution, Forestry, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Terrestrial Ecosystems
Matias Margulis UBC Vancouver Global governance of food security; Food insecurity; Renewed centrality of food security in global governance and policy, especially in the context of agricultural trade liberalization, large-scale land acquisitions (A.K.A. “land grabs”), international human rights agreements and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Land and Food Systems Food and Resource Economics Program; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; School of Public Policy and Global Affairs International Negotiations and Treaties, Policy and Governance, Climate Justice, Poverty, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems
Katie Marshall UBC Vancouver How abiotic stress filters through physiology to shape species abundance and distribution; How impact of frequency of stress (rather than the duration or intensity of stress) is a superior predictor of both survival and reproductive success. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Biodiversity Research Centre; Marshall Lab Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Oceans and Coastal Systems
Peter Marshall UBC Vancouver Quantifying and forecasting stand and forest dynamics, particularly with respect to uneven-aged and/or mixed species (complex) stands; Biometrics; Forest measurements; Modelling; Sampling design; Stand dynamics. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Forest Measurements and Biometrics Forestry, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Terrestrial Ecosystems
José Martí UBC Vancouver Computer modelling of response to disasters; Infrastructures Interdependencies Simulation (I2Sim) project; Electric power; Energy systems. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Power Group; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Electricity
Kathy Martin UBC Vancouver Conservation of birds in high elevation habitats; Nest webs – cavity nesting bird community dynamics in natural and managed forests in relation to forest cutting regimes and natural disturbance events. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Biodiversity Research Centre; Centre for Alpine Studies Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Forestry
Tara Martin UBC Vancouver Biodiversity; Climate change; Climate models; Conservation; Ecological monitoring; Ecology; Land-use change; Landscape ecology; Landscape planning; Modelling. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); Martin Conservation Decisions Lab Biodiversity, Freshwater Systems, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Forestry
Patrick Martone UBC Vancouver Biology and biodiversity of seaweeds; Plant cell walls; Tissue development; Ecophysiology; Ecology and community structure; Intertidal zones; Coralline algal evolution, phylogenetics, and taxonomy; Algal physiology and climate change. Department of Botany; Martone Lab; Biodiversity Research Centre Oceans and Coastal Systems, Biodiversity
Renisa Mawani UBC Vancouver Law and society; Historical methods; Social and cultural theory; Sociology of knowledge and culture; Political philosophies of law and justice; Histories of colonial dispossession; Indigenous peoples and restrictions imposed on marginalized groups; Colonial legal processes; State racisms produced through land, law, and labor. Faculty of Arts Department of Sociology Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Ulrich Mayer UBC Vancouver Geochemical evolution of low-temperature groundwater systems with a focus on groundwater contamination and remediation; Groundwater contamination problems and remediation solutions. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Energy and Environment Research Initiative; Carbon Mineralization Lab Freshwater Systems, Pollution, Mining
Murdoch McAllister UBC Vancouver Statistical methods for fisheries risk assessment; Estimations; Decision analysis and management strategy evaluation. Faculty of Science Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries Fisheries, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Policy and Governance, Climate Risk Management
Carol McAusland UBC Vancouver Interactions between globalization and public good provision; Impacts of trade liberalization on environmental politics; Potential use of trade policy to stem damages from exotic species introductions and biological invasions; Environmental impacts of international trade; Implications of skilled labor migration for the global provision of public goods. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Food and Resource Economics Program Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Policy and Governance, International Negotiations and Treaties, Transportation, Carbon Management, Climate Finance and Investment
Kathryn McConnell UBC Vancouver Relationship between the environment and migration; Changes to housing and infrastructure as a result of and in response to climate-related hazards; Politics of building and development under climate change; Wildfires and rural communities; Social dynamics of climate change. Faculty of Arts Department of Sociology; Disaster Resilience Research Cluster Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Fiona McDonald UBC Okanagan Visual anthropology; Anthropology of art; Sensory ethnography; Material culture; Curatorial studies; Museum studies; Textiles; Oral history; Contemporary Indigenous art; Informal science learning and the environment; Anthropocene; Water rights; Open access and digital publishing; North America & Aotearoa New Zealand. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Department of Community, Culture and Global Studies Climate Justice, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Indigenous Ways of Knowing
Shirley McDonald UBC Okanagan Canadian literature; Colonial history; Prairie settler narratives; Racial stereotypes and postcolonial studies; Embodied and phenomenological approaches to life writing; Composition theory and practice; Scholarship on teaching and learning. Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies Department of English and Cultural Studies Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation
Melissa McHale UBC Vancouver Sustainable urbanization processes; Resilient social-ecological systems; Urban ecology; Urban forestry; Green infrastructure. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Urban Forests Research Hub; Climate Change Health Effects, Adaptation, and ResiLience (HEAL) Forestry, Urban Planning and Cities, Rural and Northern Communities, Natural Resource Management
Ian McKendry UBC Vancouver Air pollution; Climatology; Meteorological phenomena that develop in regions of complex, urbanized terrain and the effect on the transport and dispersion of air pollution. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography Pollution, Wildfires and Forest Fires, Urban Planning and Cities, Atmospheric Science
Siobhán McPhee UBC Vancouver Economic geography; Labor geography; Newly emerging global cities; Migrant labour; Location-aware technologies; Augmented reality; Alternative methods of knowledge mobilization; Internationalized pedagogy. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Urban Planning and Cities
Parisa Mehrkhodavandi UBC Vancouver The power of catalysis to address environmental challenges; “Green” polymers that are either derived from biorenewable sources and/or are biodegradable in composts, in the oceans, or in the human body; Synthesis and characterization of new families of bio-based / biodegradable / green polymers. Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry; Mehrkhodavandi Research Group Sustainable Materials and Composites, Pollution, Waste and Waste Management
Mike Meitner UBC Vancouver Environmental psychology; Scenic beauty and aesthetics of the natural world; Environmental visualization and geographic information systems; Sustainability planning. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability Environmental Psychology, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Forestry, Urban Planning and Cities, Climate Justice, Natural Resource Management
Charles Menzies UBC Vancouver Fisheries crises; Traditional ecological knowledge; Local ecological knowledge; Social inequality; Neoliberalism; Tsimshian; Ethnoecology; First Nations land claims; Natural resource management; Fish; Political economy. Faculty of Arts Department of Anthropology; Ethnographic Film Unit Natural Resource Management, Fisheries, Policy and Governance, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies
Walter Mérida UBC Vancouver Sustainable energy systems; Transportation; Hydrogen; Fuel cells; Policies, technologies and partnerships that enable an equitable society and a low-carbon economy. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Mechanical Engineering; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Transportation Futures Research Network; Merida Labs Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Transportation, Hydrogen, Carbon Management, Electricity
AnnaLisa Meyboom UBC Vancouver Impact of advanced computing on the language of wood design; Design of future infrastructures and their critical and catalytic relationships to public space; Transportation infrastructure and public space. Faculty of Applied Science School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Transportation, Urban Planning and Cities, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions
Carl Michal UBC Vancouver Solid-state NMR; Nuclear magnetic resonance; White matter brain tissue; Transport and diffusion in polymers, gels, and electrolytes. Faculty of Science Department of Physics and Astronomy; Department of Chemistry; Bioproducts Institute; Solid-State NMR Group Bioprocesses and Biotechnology, Sustainable Materials and Composites
Sean Michaletz UBC Vancouver Links between environmental variation to plant physiology; Monitoring of climate, ecophysiology, and vegetation dynamics; Ecophysiology; Ecosystem ecology; Climate change; Macroecology; Geophysics; Scaling; Fire. Faculty of Science Department of Botany; Physiological Ecology Lab; Biodiversity Research Centre Biodiversity, Forestry, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Carbon Cycle
Karin Mickelson UBC Vancouver Environmental law; International environmental law; International human rights; Impact of developing countries on the evolution of international environmental law; International law of North-South relations; Third World approaches to international law. Peter A. Allard School of Law Allard School of Law History Project; Centre for Law and the Environment International Negotiations and Treaties, Environmental Law, Climate Justice, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Sanja Miskovic UBC Vancouver Optimization and control of mineral processing units and circuits for increased plant availability, increased productivity and reduction of water and energy consumption; Addressing the world's needs through the development of innovative solutions, new technologies and processing pathways that will enable efficient and environmentally sound concentration, extraction, and refinement of minerals, metals, fuels and waste. Faculty of Applied Science Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering Mining
Matthew Mitchell UBC Vancouver Managing human-dominated landscapes, including agricultural and urban landscapes; Understanding how the arrangement of different land uses and habitats across these areas affects ecosystem services and biodiversity; How to effectively quantify both the supply of ecosystem services and their demand by people; Identifying key management actions that can lead to win-win situations for multiple ecosystem services and biodiversity. Faculty of Land and Food Systems, Faculty of Science Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Department of Forest Resource Management; Diversified Agroecosystem Cluster Agriculture, Forestry, Biodiversity, Urban Planning and Cities, Terrestrial Ecosystems
Bill (William) Mohn UBC Vancouver Pollutant biodegradation; Pollutant bioremediation; Biological treatment of forest industry effluents and wastes; Environmental biotechnology; Forest soil microbial ecology. Faculty of Science Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Bioproducts Institute; Biodiversity Research Centre; Mohn Lab; Life Sciences Institute Health and Wellbeing, Bioprocesses and Biotechnology
Madjid Mohseni UBC Vancouver Water treatment; Ultraviolet (UV), ozone, and advanced oxidation technologies; Environmental pollution control; Bioenergy from waste; Environmental bioprocesses; Biofiltration; Biological wastewater treatment; Advanced oxidation. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Pulp and Paper Centre; Sustainable Water Innovation and Research Laboratory; Bioproducts Institute; Research-Based Theatre Collaborative; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Pollution, Water Resources and Supply, Waste and Waste Management, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design
Bernard Momer UBC Okanagan Urban cultural geography; Urban planning; Sustainability of cities; Morphogenesis; Geography of wine; Role of local culture in urban planning and sustainability in mid-size cities; Changing landscapes of wine-producing regions in Canada. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Department of Community, Culture and Global Studies Urban Planning and Cities, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Agriculture
David Montwé UBC Vancouver Increasing forest resilience to climatic extremes using silvicultural interventions; Growth and yield; Tree-ring science and climate change adaptation; Evaluating silvicultural treatments on timber quality and value; Reducing impacts from forest disturbance agents under climate change. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management Forestry, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Weather and Climate Extremes
Alex Moore UBC Vancouver Applied community and ecosystem ecology research; Impact of predator-prey interactions on the health and functioning of coastal wetland ecosystems; Role of cultural values and knowledge in ecosystem restoration conservation. Faculty of Forestry Department of Botany; Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); Moore Inclusive Conservation Lab; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability Oceans and Coastal Systems, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Natural Resource Management
Dan Moore UBC Vancouver Influence of climate variability and change, in conjunction with forest and glacier dynamics, on hydrological processes and the patterns of streamflow and water quality; Environmental monitoring; Management and policy. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography Water Resources and Supply, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Forestry, Policy and Governance, Freshwater Systems
Ben Mortenson UBC Vancouver Acute and residential care; Aging and assistive technology; Social participation; Caregiving and outcome measurement; Individuals with spinal cord injury and residents in long-term care. Faculty of Medicine Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy; Centre for Aging SMART Health and Wellbeing
Laura Moss UBC Vancouver Contemporary literatures of Canada and South Africa; Canadian environmental art, literature, and creative activism; Postcolonial theory. Faculty of Arts Department of English Language & Literatures Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Activism and Social Movements
Shaylih Muehlmann UBC Vancouver Environmental politics; Indigeneity; Water scarcity; Human rights; Linguistic anthropology; Drug trafficking; Water scarcity; Anthropology of the awkward; US-Mexico borderlands; Mexico. Faculty of Arts Department of Anthropology; Language Sciences Policy and Governance, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Justice
Gordon Munro UBC Vancouver Economics and management of world fishery resources; Environmental economics; Sustainable fisheries; Fishery subsidies. Faculty of Arts Vancouver School of Economics Oceans and Coastal Systems, Fisheries, Economic Modeling and Data Analysis
Srinivas Murthy UBC Vancouver Blood; Sepsis; Vaccines & treatment; Global public health, including outbreaks, emerging infections, and novel respiratory pathogens; Climate justice. Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediactics; Centre for Climate Justice; Center for Advancing Health Outcomes; BC Children's Hospital Research Institute Climate Justice
Isla Myers-Smith UBC Vancouver Global change drivers and impacts with a focus on tundra ecosystems; How tundra ecosystems beyond the latitudinal and elevational treeline are responding to climate change; How an accelerating warming is leading to a ‘greening’ of the Arctic including an increase in shrubs, shifts in the timing of plant growth and altered tundra biodiversity. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Team Shrub Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Rural and Northern Communities, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation
Ryozo Nagamune UBC Vancouver Robust control; System identification; Optimization; Hard disk drives servo; Automotive engine control; Machine tool servo control; Analytic interpolation; Spectral estimation; Wind turbine control; Automotive engine control; Hard disk drive track-following control. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Mechanical Engineering; Marine Systems Research Cluster; Advanced Materials Manufacturing; Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems; Control Engineering Laboratory Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Solar Energy, Manufacturing and Heavy Industry
Vin Nardizzi UBC Vancouver Ecotheory; Plant studies; Queer studies; Disability studies; English Renaissance literature, especially Shakespeare. Faculty of Arts Department of English Language & Literatures; Science and Technology Studies Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Lisa Nathan UBC Vancouver Information & climate justice; Information in times of crisis; Indigenous-led information initiatives; Information policy/ethics; Human-computer interaction; Multi-lifespan information systems. Faculty of Arts School of Information; Designing for People Research Network Climate Justice, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Astrida Neimanis UBC Okanagan Feminist studies (with a focus on embodiment, ecofeminisms, material feminisms and intersectionality); Environmental studies (with a focus on cultural studies of water, weather and climate change, and multispecies justice); Everyday militarisms; Interdisciplinarity; Epistemologies and non-traditional research methodologies. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Department of Community, Culture and Global Studies; The FEELED Lab; Centre for Climate Justice Climate Justice, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Harry Nelson UBC Vancouver Natural and environmental resource policy; Forestry; Ecosystem Services as an alternative business model for Indigenous groups managing forest lands in BC; Assessing the impacts of climate change on how we manage our forests and exploring adaptation options; Climate change; Conservation; Economics; Ecosystem services; Forest management; Forest policy; Human behaviour, International trade; Sustainability. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management Policy and Governance, Forestry, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Natural Resource Management
Susan Nesbit UBC Vancouver Engineering education for sustainable development; Engineering education as a socio-curricular system; Transdisciplinary education; Curricula design and assessment; Beliefs and attitude development in engineering education. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Lorien Nesbitt UBC Vancouver Urban forestry and socio-ecological interactions in urban environments; Environmental justice; Public health; Social science; Sustainability. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Urban Forests Research Hub; Centre for Climate Justice; Climate Change Health Effects, Adaptation, and ResiLience (HEAL) Urban Planning and Cities, Climate Justice, Forestry, Health and Wellbeing
Dave Ng UBC Vancouver Societal, cultural, corporate, political, economic, and ethical nuances of the general sciences, and life sciences in particular. Faculty of Science Advanced Molecular Biology Laboratory (AMBL); Michael Smith Laboratories Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Environmental Psychology
Craig Nichol UBC Okanagan Hydrogeology and vadose zone processes; Regional groundwater resources; Surface water and groundwater interactions; Agricultural irrigation efficiency and nitrate leaching; Agricultural greenhouse gas production; Acid rock drainage and mine reclamation; Soil physics; Geoscience education. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences Freshwater Systems, Agriculture, Carbon Cycle, Mining, Pollution
Frederik Noack UBC Vancouver Interaction of economic development and the environment; How improved market access and property rights affect rural welfare and natural resources such as forests, fish stocks and biodiversity. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Food and Resource Economics Program; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS) Economic Modeling and Data Analysis, Natural Resource Management, Biodiversity, Agriculture, Policy and Governance, Land Use
Michael Noonan UBC Okanagan Animal movement; Conservation; Encounter theory; Evolutionary processes; Macro-ecology; Statistical ecology. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Department of Biology; Quantitative Ecology Lab; Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, And Ecosystems Services (BRAES) Terrestrial Ecosystems, Biodiversity
Nathan Nunn UBC Vancouver Historical and dynamic process of economic development; Differences in the evolution of institutions and cultures across societies; Historical process of a wide range of factors that are crucial for economic development, including distrust, gender norms, religiosity, norms of rule-following, conflict, immigration, state formation, and support for democracy. Faculty of Arts Vancouver School of Economics Economic Modeling and Data Analysis, Policy and Governance
Mary O'Connor UBC Vancouver Ecological dimensions of global change, with an emphasis on the effects of warming and biodiversity change on complex ecological systems; Effects of changing predator diversity in the ocean; Consequences of invasive species in marine habitats. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Biodiversity Research Centre; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); O'Connor Lab - Unifying Ecological Understanding Across Scales Biodiversity, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Carbon Cycle
Gunilla Öberg UBC Vancouver Use of knowledge in environmental decision making; Chlorine biogeochemistry in soil; Chemicals of concern; Microplastics. Faculty of Science Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Microplastic Cluster; Future Waters Grou; Egesta Lab Pollution, Policy and Governance, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Health and Wellbeing, Water Resources and Supply, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Alix Ohlin UBC Vancouver Narratives, visions, and vocabularies of climate justice; Climate writing; Fiction; Nonfiction. Faculty of Arts School of Creative Writing; Centre for Climate Justice Climate Justice, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Colin Oloman UBC Vancouver Electrochemical engineering; Electrosynthesis; Electrochemical power generation; Coupling electrosynthesis with electrochemical power generation in carbon neutral “regenerative” fuel cell cycles; Simplified electrochemical reactors for application in new energy systems that reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Faculty of Applied Science Chemical and Biological Engineering; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Electricity, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Carbon Management
Martin Ordonez UBC Vancouver Energy systems; Renewable energy; Wind power; Solar power; Battery systems; Fuel cells; Electric vehicles; Smart grid. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Electricity, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Transportation
Anais Orsi UBC Vancouver Climate change; Polar climate; Isotope geochemistry; Data analysis; Inverse modeling; Paleoclimate; Arctic humidity. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Paleoclimate, Atmospheric Science, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Carbon Cycle
Sarah (Sally) Otto UBC Vancouver Understanding how evolution has led to the remarkable diversity of life; Mathematical models to study evolutionary transitions probability; Genomic architectures; Ploidy levels; Mating systems. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Zoology; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); Biodiversity Research Centre Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems
Gaby Pailer UBC Vancouver German literature in transcultural contexts from the Renaissance to the 21st century; Women’s drama and theatre in German cultural history; Literary history; Decolonizing German literature; Changing climate; Catastrophe and gender; Cultural sustainment; Women’s call of the wild: Female adventure between old and new worlds. Faculty of Arts Department of Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Evgeny Pakhomov UBC Vancouver Biological oceanography; Species ecology; Ecosystem structure; Variability and responses of marine ecosystems to climate change using stable isotopes, large-scale and retrospective analyses; Land-sea interface. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries; Strait of Georgia Data Centre Oceans and Coastal Systems, Fisheries, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Carbon Cycle, Land Use
Laura Parfrey UBC Vancouver Microbial ecology of eukaryotic microbes (protists) and their interaction with bacteria; Mammalian gut; Coastal ecosystems. Faculty of Science Department of Botany; Department of Zoology; Biodiversity Research Centre; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); Parfrey Lab Biodiversity, Oceans and Coastal Systems
Jen Park UBC Vancouver Judgment and decision-making; Framing & context effects; Digital interfaces & information processing; Prosocial & pro-environmental behavior Sauder School of Business Marketing and Behavioural Science Division; Decision Insights for Business & Society (DIBS) Environmental Psychology, Business Processes and Corporate Governance
Lael Parrott UBC Okanagan Understanding ecosystems and landscapes as complex systems in which human and biophysical processes are coupled across multiple scales of space and time; Incorporating complexity into natural resource management approaches; Regional-scale landscape modelling; Social-ecological networks; Agent and individual-based modelling approaches; Landscape science and scenario building. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Department of Biology, Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences; Complex Environmental Systems Lab; Watershed Ecosystems Project; Biodiversity Research Centre; Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, And Ecosystems Services (BRAES); Cluster of Research Excellence in Living with Wildfire in the BC Southern Interior Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Natural Resource Management, Biodiversity, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Land Use
Daniel Pauly UBC Vancouver World fisheries; Marine life; Global catch; Management of fisheries; Ecosystem modeling; Aquatic ecosystems; Ichthyology. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries; Biodiversity Research Centre Fisheries, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Policy and Governance, International Negotiations and Treaties, Natural Resource Management
Richard Pawlowicz UBC Vancouver Oceans; Pressure gradiets; Currents; Tides; Fjords; Salinity; Ocean temperature; Surface water flows; Oceanography. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Strait of Georgia Data Centre Oceans and Coastal Systems, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis
Maziar Peihani UBC Vancouver Intersection of law and the financial system; Banking regulation; Financial crises; Financial institution restructuring; Sovereign debt markets. Peter A. Allard School of Law Lawson Lundell LLP Environmental Law, International Negotiations and Treaties, Policy and Governance
Nicolas Peleato UBC Okanagan Evaluation of drinking water treatment processes; Source water quality assessment; Integrated data analysis and machine learning pertaining to water quality. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Civil) Water Resources and Supply, Waste and Waste Management
Nathan Pelletier UBC Okanagan Sustainability measurement and management; Life cycle thinking; Environmental and social life cycle assessment of food; Feed and biomass supply chains; Resource efficiency; Social license and market access; Trade-based externalization of environmental and social risk. Faculty of Management, Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Department of Biology; Food Systems Prism Lab Product Lifecycle or Circular Economy, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Biofuels and Biomass, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Agriculture
Bernard Perley UBC Vancouver Indigenous community-based research and advocacy; Indigenous anthropology; Language death and endangerment; Indigenous language revitalization; Climate justice; Climate response. Faculty of Arts Institute of Critical Indigenous Studies; Centre for Climate Justice Climate Justice, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation
Kavita Philip UBC Vancouver Nineteenth-century environmental knowledge in British India; Information technology in post-colonial India; Intersections of art, science fiction, and social activism with science and technology. Faculty of Arts Department of English Language & Literatures; Department of Geography; Centre for Climate Justice Climate Justice, Climate Activism and Social Movements
Michael Pidwirny UBC Okanagan Anthropogenic climate change impact assessment and adaptation; Use of climate databases in assessing climate change; Historical climate change at North American ski resorts; Forecasts of future climate change at North American ski resorts. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences; Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, And Ecosystems Services (BRAES) Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Atmospheric Science, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis
Tony Pitcher UBC Vancouver Evaluation of the impacts of fishing on marine ecosystems with special emphasis on restoration ecology; Development of a predictive understanding of how fish shoaling behavior impacts fisheries. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries Fisheries, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Freshwater Systems, Biodiversity
Jason Pither UBC Okanagan Biodiversity patterns and processes; Community ecology; Invasive species biology; Landscape connectivity; Biogeography; Principles and practices of Open Science; Indigenous engaged research; Terrestrial plant community ecology and biogeography; Quantifying biodiversity patterns in space and through time; Elucidating the role of specialization in governing biodiversity patterns and landscape connectivity; Improving rigour and reproducibility in ecological research. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Department of Biology; Biodiversity Research Centre; Biodiversity and Landscape Ecology Research Facility; Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, And Ecosystems Services (BRAES) Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Freshwater Systems, Natural Resource Management
Gabriel Potvin UBC Vancouver Laboratory education; Problem-based learning; Interdisciplinary education; Bioprocessing; Industrial microbiology; Microalgal biotechnology; Sustainable engineering. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Bioprocesses and Biotechnology, Sustainable Materials and Composites
Geraldine Pratt Labour precarity; Global migration; New geographies of care; Collaborative research with migrant organisations on temporary foreign worker programs; Critical assessment of new geographies of care for aging persons; Housing (in)justice in the face of weather effects/climate change. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography; Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice; Centre for Climate Justice; Research-Based Theatre Collaborative; UBC Centre for Migration Studies Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Housing, Health and Wellbeing, Urban Planning and Cities, Climate Justice
Cindy Prescott UBC Vancouver Rates of litter decomposition: Controlling factors and influences of forestry practices; Influence of site and species on N availability; Linking soil microbial and faunal communities and nutrient cycling processes; Ecosystem restoration and soil reclamation; Effects of clearcutting and other silvicultural systems on N availability; Causes and amelioration of nutrient deficiencies; Long-term effects of forest fertilization. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems; Diversified Agroecosystem Cluster Forestry, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Carbon Cycle
Jonathan Proctor UBC Vancouver How light, water, and temperature jointly determine crop growth; How high resolution imagery can be used to measure socio-environmental conditions. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Food and Resource Economics Program; Environmental Economics and Data Sciences Lab Agriculture, Economic Modeling and Data Analysis, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Land Use
Matthew Rader UBC Okanagan Poetic genres and forms; Poetics of collaboration; Community engaged poetics; Creative nonfiction; Short fiction; Community engaged writing; Literary aesthetics; Literary history; Interdisciplinary art practices; Embodied poetics; Disability aesthetics. Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies Department of Creative Studies Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation
Valentina Radic UBC Vancouver Response of mountain glaciers to climate change on regional and global scales; Uncertainties in projections of glacial contributions to regional streamflow as well as to global sea level rise; Modelling and data analysis methods; Models of surface energy balance and climate downscaling; Assessment of turbulent heat fluxes under katabatics; Applications of machine learning methods. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Future Waters Group Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Freshwater Systems, Water Resources and Supply, Oceans and Coastal Systems
Ethan Raker UBC Vancouver Consequences of these climate-related extremes, e.g., tropical cyclones and heat waves, for racial and socioeconomic disparities in human health and well-being and for community well-being; Role of social contexts and political institutions in creating the conditions for disaster and in responding or changing in ways that exacerbate inequality. Faculty of Arts Department of Sociology; Centre for Climate Justice; Disaster Resilience Research Cluster Health and Wellbeing, Weather and Climate Extremes, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Justice
M.V. Ramana UBC Vancouver Energy production; Nuclear disarmament; Arms control; Nuclear policy; Risk of nuclear accidents; International security and energy supply, with a particular focus on topics related to nuclear energy and fissile materials that can be used to make nuclear weapons. Faculty of Arts Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; School of Public Policy and Global Affairs; Liu Institute for Global Issues Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, International Negotiations and Treaties, Policy and Governance, Climate Justice
Navin Ramankutty UBC Vancouver Environment and society; Agriculture; Climate changes and impacts; Global food security; Sustainable agriculture; Land use change. Faculty of Science School of Public Policy and Global Affairs; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Land Use and Global Environment (LUGE) Research Group; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems; Diversified Agroecosystem Cluster Agriculture, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Policy and Governance, Land Use, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis
Mia Raynard UBC Vancouver Organization theory; Disruptive change in industries; Professions and organizations; Emerging economies; Climate change and sustainability; Family business. Sauder School of Business Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Division Environmental Psychology, Business Processes and Corporate Governance
Andrea Reid UBC Vancouver Culturally significant fish and fisheries; Leading threats to aquatic ecosystems and their interactive effects for fish, people and place; Consequences of fisheries-related stressors for fish and methods to ameliorate survival; Two-Eyed Seeing approaches to assessing aquatic ecosystem and fish health and evaluating associated changes through time and space; Indigenous understandings and methodologies for effectively stewarding fish and waterways. Faculty of Science Biodiversity Research Centre; Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries; Centre for Indigenous Fisheries Fisheries, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies, Freshwater Systems
Scott Renneckar UBC Vancouver Advanced renewable materials; Biopolymer structure characterization; Clean fractionation of biomass; Electrospinning fibers; Nanocellulose; Self-assembly of biopolymers. Faculty of Forestry Department of Wood Science; Bioproducts Institute; Advanced Renewable Materials Lab Forestry, Sustainable Materials and Composites
Graham Reynolds UBC Vancouver Intellectual property law; Copyright law; Property law; Intellectual property and human rights; Intellectual property and climate change; Intellectual property and social justice; Technology and access to justice. Peter A. Allard School of Law Centre for Business Law; Centre for Law and the Environment Environmental Law, Product Lifecycle or Circular Economy, Housing
Jeanine Rhemtulla UBC Vancouver Ecology and quality of the environment; Ecological trends; Landscape and restoration; Environment management and protection; Biodiversity and biocomplexity; Landscape ecology & spatial analysis; Ecosystem services; Reforestation; Socio-ecological systems; Temperate & tropical forest & agroforestry systems; Historical ecology, especially reconstructing and assessing land-use legacies; Quantifying and mapping ecosystem services; Trade-offs between conservation & poverty alleviation. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Landscapes & livelihoods Lab Land Use, Biodiversity, Carbon Cycle, Agriculture, Poverty, Forestry
Kimberly Richards UBC Vancouver Performance as a vehicle for resisting extractivism and inspiring a just energy transition; Culture and climate; Environment; Cultural studies. Faculty of Arts School of Journalism, Writing, and Media; Centre for Climate Justice Climate Activism and Social Movements, Climate Justice, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
John Richardson UBC Vancouver Ecological processes that limit populations and contribute to the assembly of communities, and how land use impacts those processes; Ecology; Freshwater biology; Food webs; Streams. Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Biodiversity Research Centre; Stream and Riparian Research Laboratory Biodiversity, Freshwater Systems, Land Use, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Forestry, Urban Planning and Cities
Loren Rieseberg UBC Vancouver Plant evolutionary biology; Adaptation; Speciation; Crops; Weeds; Invasive plants; How gene flow influences adaptation and speciation. Faculty of Science Department of Botany; Biodiversity Research Centre; Rieseberg Lab - Plant Evolutionary Genomics; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems; Diversified Agroecosystem Cluster Biodiversity, Agriculture, Terrestrial Ecosystems
Andrew Riseman UBC Vancouver Plant breeding; Plant genetics; Horticulture; Roots; Stress physiology; Plant breeding; Intercrop interactions; Nutrient use efficiency; Root physiology; Biotic/abiotic stressor. Faculty of Land and Food Systems, Faculty of Science Department of Botany; Applied Biology Program; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Carbon Cycle, Urban Planning and Cities, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems
Kermit Ritland UBC Vancouver Population genetics; Ecology; Genomics; Genome sequencing; Plant mating systems; Phylogeny; Adaptation and speciation; Genetic mapping. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Biodiversity Research Centre Forestry, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Biodiversity
Leslie Robertson UBC Vancouver Circulation of forms of social knowledge (public histories, academic theories and representations, colonial legends, medical discourses), in sensitive political and cultural contexts (settler colonialism, medical crises, resource extraction, tourism development). Faculty of Arts Department of Anthropology Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Oil and Gas, Climate Justice
Leslie Robertson UBC Vancouver Circulation of forms of social knowledge (public histories, academic theories and representations, colonial legends, medical discourses), in sensitive political and cultural contexts (settler colonialism, medical crises, resource extraction, tourism development). Faculty of Arts Department of Anthropology Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Oil and Gas, Climate Justice
Inge Roecker UBC Vancouver Sustainable forms of urban habitation; Inclusion in architecture of the everyday; Inclusive housing models; Community equity; Climate justice. Faculty of Applied Science School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture; Housing and Wellbeing Group Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Climate Justice, Housing
Daniel Roehr UBC Vancouver Creating “open access” climate resilience tools for landscape architects; Stormwater management application to size the scale of Low Impact Development (LID) in the concept design phase of an urban design project. Faculty of Applied Science School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture; Future Waters Group; GreenSkinsLab Urban Planning and Cities, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Land Use, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Dominik Roeser UBC Vancouver Sustainable use of forest biomass in the bioeconomy; Harvesting in difficult terrain; Application of innovative tools in forest planning and management; Productivity of forest operations; Carbon management along the forest supply chain; Impacts of reforestation on community sustainability. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions; Bioproducts Institute; Forest Action Lab; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Forestry, Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Biofuels and Biomass, Carbon Management
Steve Rogak UBC Vancouver Aerosols; Atmospheric contaminants; Impact on human health; Concentrations of aerosols in the indoor and outdoor environments; Filtration systems that do not require excessive energy consumption; New fuel injectors and injection strategies to minimize particle formation in compression ignition engines. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Mechanical Engineering; Aerosol Laboratory; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Atmospheric Science, Pollution, Carbon Management
Lindsay Rogers UBC Vancouver Environmental science and environmental health where biochemical understanding can elucidate complex and often controversial global issues; Novel targets of ADAM17 and MMP12 (A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase and Matrix Metalloproteinase) using proteomics methods. Faculty of Medicine Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Emerging Media Lab; The Overall Lab Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Health and Wellbeing
Orlando Rojas UBC Vancouver Supporting global sustainable development through research on the fundamental and utilization aspects of renewable resources, including lignocellulose, proteins and other biopolymers; Competitive alternatives for fossil materials. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Department of Chemistry Sustainable Materials and Composites
David Rosen UBC Vancouver Bioenergetics (energy requirements and expenditures) of marine mammals; Root causes of population changes; Interactions between the physiology of individual animals and biotic and abiotic environmental changes; Conservation and management of marine resources, particularly those in Arctic region; Scientific approach to measuring and ensuring the welfare of these animals. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries; Marine Mammal Research Unit; Marine Mammal Energetics and Nutrition Lab Oceans and Coastal Systems, Natural Resource Management
Emily Rubidge UBC Vancouver Marine protected area network design and decision support; Understanding and predicting spatial patterns in species diversity and community structure; Seascape metrics as surrogates for nearshore fish diversity; Biodiversity monitoring tools and strategies. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences Oceans and Coastal Systems, Policy and Governance, Biodiversity, Climate Risk Management
Claudia Ruitenberg UBC Vancouver Citizenship and democracy; Gender studies; Philosophy of education; Queer studies; Social justice; Sustainability. Faculty of Education Department of Educational Studies; UBC Language Sciences Policy and Governance, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Activism and Social Movements
Michael Russello UBC Okanagan Population genomics; Conservation genetics; Molecular ecology; Life-history evolution. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; The Ecological and Conservation Genomics Laboratory; Okanagan Institute For Biodiversity, Resilience, And Ecosystems Services (BRAES); Biodiversity Research Centre Biodiversity, Freshwater Systems, Fisheries
Adam Rysanek UBC Vancouver Green building design; Construction and operation, including the integrated technical and economic modelling of building- and community-integrated low-carbon energy systems; Finding new ways to visualize, analyze and communicate building data and information. Faculty of Applied Science School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture; Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions; Master in Engineering Leadership; Climate Change Health Effects, Adaptation, and ResiLience (HEAL) Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Urban Planning and Cities, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Health and Wellbeing
Jack (John) Saddler UBC Vancouver Microbiology of wastewater treatment; Application of fungi to upgrading and modification of forest products, pulp and paper and waste streams. Faculty of Forestry Department of Wood Science; Forest Products Biotech & Bioenergy; Bioproducts Institute; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Biofuels and Biomass, Bioprocesses and Biotechnology, Transportation, Sustainable Materials and Composites, Waste and Waste Management
Rehan Sadiq UBC Okanagan Water supply systems; Infrastructure management; Environmental risk analysis; Lifecycle thinking; Water-energy nexus of built environment. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Civil); Life Cycle Management Laboratory; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Battery Innovation Research Excellence Cluster Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Urban Planning and Cities, Climate Risk Management, Water Resources and Supply, Hydrogen
Risa Sargent UBC Vancouver How ecological context impacts plant-pollinator dynamics; Impacts of disruptions; Species invasions and land use changes (especially agriculture and urban use). Faculty of Land and Food Systems Applied Biology Program; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); Plant-Pollinator and Global Change Lab (PPGC); Biodiversity Research Centre; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems; Diversified Agroecosystem Cluster Land Use, Agriculture, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Biodiversity
Janis Sarra UBC Vancouver Climate-related financial risk and corporate governance; Climate governance; Banking and finance law; Business, corporate and commercial law; Contract law; Environmental law, natural resources, and climate change. Peter A. Allard School of Law Centre for Law and the Environment; Centre for Feminist Legal Studies; Centre for Business Law Environmental Law, Climate Finance and Investment, Business Processes and Corporate Governance
Blair Satterfield UBC Vancouver Use of second stream materials in construction; Design and application of energy and material efficient methods for construction; Generation of sophisticated but universally accessible tool sets and strategies for efficiently and sustainably building using low-impact materials and techniques. Faculty of Applied Science Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture; Hilo Lab; Designing for People Research Network Sustainable Materials and Composites, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Waste and Waste Management, Carbon Management
Terre Satterfield UBC Vancouver Sustainable development; Environmental health; First Nations; Land management; Social and cultural consequences of contamination. Faculty of Science Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS) Environmental Psychology, Natural Resource Management, Carbon Management, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Agriculture
Jeffrey Sayer UBC Vancouver Integrated approaches to natural resources management; Landscape approaches; Integrating science into natural resources decision making; Tropical forest conservation; Reconciling conservation and development in tropical forest landscapes; Forest conservation in Indonesia. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Vibrant Forest Landscapes Lab; Biodiversity Research Centre; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS) Natural Resource Management, Land Use, Forestry, Environmental Psychology, Policy and Governance
Laurel Schafer UBC Vancouver Biodegradable polymers; Sustainable synthesis; Green chemistry; Synthesis of chiral ligands for early transition metal and lanthanide complexation suitable for enantioselective transformations. Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Bioproducts Institute; Schafer Group Sustainable Materials and Composites, Manufacturing and Heavy Industry, Oil and Gas
Dolph Schluter UBC Vancouver Ecology of recent adaptive radiations; Ecological forces responsible for the origin and persistence of species; Evolution of differences between them in resource use, body form, and mating preferences; Natural selection in wild populations; Threespine sticklebacks. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Biodiversity Research Centre; Schluter lab Biodiversity, Freshwater Systems
Christian Schoof UBC Vancouver Glaciers; Ice sheets; Sea level change; Climate; Glaciology; Applied math dynamics of ice sheets; Fluid dynamics; Crevasse evolution and buckling in ice sheets and ice shelves; Evolving thermal state of ice sheets; Subglacial hydraulics and their interaction with ice flow. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Freshwater Systems
Patricia Schulte UBC Vancouver Molecular biology; Biochemistry; Physiology; Genomics; Population genetics; Evolutionary biology to address the question, what are the physiological adaptations that allow animals to live in particular environments? Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Biodiversity Research Centre; UBC Animal Research; Schulte Lab Freshwater Systems, Oceans and Coastal Systems
Sandra Scott UBC Vancouver Children & youth; Community research; Curriculum studies; Environmental education; Literacy; Middle years; Museum education research; Non-formal learning; Pedagogy; Science education research; Teacher education research; Ways of knowing; Narrative story; Slow science; Indigenous Science; Land and Marine education; Environmental ethics; Practitioner inquiry; Caring curriculum; Ecojustice; Climate & nature education; Climate emergency; Southern resident killer whales of the Salish Sea. Faculty of Education Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Oceans and Coastal Systems
Maged Senbel UBC Vancouver Urban design; Environmental planning; Climate change planning; Public engagement; Urban agriculture; Multimedia; Social media and youth engagement. Faculty of Applied Science School of Community and Regional Planning; UBC Centre for Migration Studies; Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions; Balanced Supply of Housing Research Clutster; Cool Tools Warm World Research Cluster Urban Planning and Cities, Climate Activism and Social Movements, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Donna Senese UBC Okanagan Rural resilience; Tourism and sustainability; Landscapes of wine and food; International experiential education; Hazards, gender and vulnerability. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Department of Community, Culture and Global Studies Rural and Northern Communities, Agriculture, Land Use, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Natural Hazards and Disaster Response, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Peyman Servati UBC Vancouver Advanced nanomaterials; Low-cost and flexible solar cells and batteries; Novel device engineering for medical and energy applications. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; School of Biomedical Engineering; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Centre for Flexible Electronics and Textiles (CFET); Bioproducts Institute; The Flexible Electronics and Energy Lab (FEEL); Microsystems and Nanotechnology (MiNa) Group Solar Energy, Electricity, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Sustainable Materials and Composites
Mohammad Shahrad UBC Vancouver Sustainability in computing; Efficiency of data centres; Cloud computing; Serverless computing. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Cloud Infrastructure Research for Reliability, Usability, and Sustainability (CIRRUS) Electricity, Carbon Management, Product Lifecycle or Circular Economy, Economic Modeling and Data Analysis
Pete Shandin UBC Vancouver Indigenous research methodologies; Geoscientific ethnography; Indigenous astronomy; Social-political tribal structures; Culturally congruent instructional strategies; Indigenous science philosophies. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Future Minerals Initiative; Future Minerals Initiative Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Policy and Governance, Water Resources and Supply
Ziad Shawwash UBC Vancouver Modeling and optimization of large-scale civil engineering systems; Planning, design and operation of hydroelectric generating facilities; Use of decision, policy and risk analysis techniques in water resource planning and management; Use of artificial intelligence systems in water resource and hydroelectric systems. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Water Resources and Supply, Natural Hazards and Disaster Response, Climate Risk Management, Electricity, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design
Stephen Sheppard UBC Vancouver Climate change planning, outreach, and community engagement; Visioning methods and visualization of climate change causes, impacts, and mitigation/adaptation; Low-carbon future scenarios visualized in the CIRS’ BC Hydro Decision Theatre; Community energy planning, renewables, and energy literacy; Public perceptions, aesthetics and sustainability; Social aspects of forestry. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Collaborative for Advanced Landscape Planning; Asia Forest Research Centre; Cool Tools Warm World Research Cluster; Centre for Culture and Technology Forestry, Urban Planning and Cities, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Climate Justice, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Sara Shneiderman UBC Vancouver Climate migration; Cross-border mobility; Conflict and political mobilization; Territory and land use; Development discourses and practices; Disaster aftermath and preparedness. Faculty of Arts Department of Anthropology; School of Public Policy and Global Affairs; Institute of Asian Research; Centre for Migration Studies; Disaster Resilience Research Cluster Natural Hazards and Disaster Response, Policy and Governance, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Urban Planning and Cities
Anil Shrestha UBC Vancouver Climate change impacts on wildlife and their habitats; Conservation sciences; Climate policy; Natural based solutions; Restoration under climate change. Faculty of Forestry Forest Resources Management Biodiversity, Carbon Management, Climate Finance and Investment, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Forestry, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies, Natural Resource Management, Policy and Governance, Poverty, Terrestrial Ecosystems
Naomi Shwartz UBC Vancouver Causes and consequences of disturbance and extreme events in tropical forest landscapes; Forest vulnerability to climate change; Effects of disturbance on forest landscapes; Processes that underlie spatial heterogeneity in forest responses. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); Biodiversity Research Centre Weather and Climate Extremes, Forestry, Natural Hazards and Disaster Response, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Land Use
Sumi Siddiqua UBC Okanagan Chemical and biological treatment of problematic soils; Underground nuclear waste disposal modeling; Contaminant migration; Sustainable infrastructure. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Civil); Advanced Geomaterials Testing Lab; Bioproducts Institute Waste and Waste Management, Product Lifecycle or Circular Economy, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Pollution
Suzanne Simard UBC Vancouver Forest ecology; Global change; Forest stand dynamics (regeneration, growth, mortality); Forest disturbances; Complex adaptive systems and ecological resilience. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Simard Lab; Mother Tree Project Forestry, Biodiversity, Land Use, Carbon Cycle, Terrestrial Ecosystems
Onyx Sloan Morgan UBC Okanagan Socio-legal and colonial geographies; Queering and critical political ecologies; Healthy environments and communities in rural, remote, northern, and Indigenous locales. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Department of Community, Culture and Global Studies; The FEELED Lab; Centre for Climate Justice Climate Justice, Mining, Climate Activism and Social Movements, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Rural and Northern Communities
Kevin Smith UBC Vancouver Design and development of improved catalysts and catalytic processes; Issues related to Canadian energy; Investigation of hydrogen production by catalytic methane decomposition; Synthesis gas conversion to alcohols and hydrocarbons; Residue and bio-oil hydroconversion (upgrading); Hydrogen storage using heteroaromatic liquids. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Bioproducts Institute; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Hydrogen, Oil and Gas
Leslie Smith UBC Vancouver Mathematical modeling of fluid flow and solute transport in fractured geologic media, with applications to problems of groundwater contamination; Hydrogeological processes within waste rock piles; Hydrogeologic aspects of continental and oceanic hydrothermal systems; Design of groundwater monitoring networks at hazardous waste management sites. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences Freshwater Systems, Waste and Waste Management, Mining
Sean Smukler UBC Vancouver Agriculture; Environment; Sustainable development; Ecosystem services; Impact of farm management practices on plant biomass and biodiversity; Soil physical and chemical properties; Nutrients in water; Carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems; Soil Science Program; Sustainable Agricultural Landscapes Lab; Diversified Agroecosystem Cluster Agriculture, Carbon Management, Biodiversity, Carbon Cycle, Water Resources and Supply, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems
Taraneh Sowlati UBC Vancouver Biomass supply chain management; Mathematical modeling and optimization; Multi-criteria decision making; Simulation; Life cycle assessment. Faculty of Forestry Department of Wood Science; Bioproducts Institute; Industrial Engineering Research Group Product Lifecycle or Circular Economy, Waste and Waste Management, Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Biofuels and Biomass, Forestry
Camilla Speller UBC Vancouver Molecular environmental archaeology; Marine ecosystems (Long-term fishing and subsistence patterns; Marine biogeography and biodiversity; Documenting shifting baselines; Patterns of resource management; Sustainable development; Traditional resources management); Human-animal interactions (Social and ecological impacts; Hunting strategies; Human impacts on biodiversity; Animal domestication; Conservation biology); Ancient microbiomes. Faculty of Arts Department of Anthropology; Indigenous/Science: Partnerships in the Exploration of History & Environments; Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies, Biodiversity, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems
Jerry Spiegel UBC Vancouver Global health; International health; Environmental health; Effects of globalization on health; Ecosystem approaches to human health; Understanding and addressing influences of physical and social environments on health; Global health and human security; Economic evaluation of interventions; Health and equity in Latin America. Faculty of Medicine School of Population and Public Health; Global Health Research Program; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems Health and Wellbeing, Policy and Governance
Diane Srivastava UBC Vancouver Biodiversity; Tropics; Costa Rica; Insects; Mites; Food webs; Habitat loss; Community ecology; Conservation; How species loss from food webs can affect the way ecosystems function. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Biodiversity Research Centre; Srivastava Lab Biodiversity, Land Use
Dan Starling UBC Vancouver How strategies of repetition, sequence, and layering of images and texts can generate new ideas that challenge the myths necessary to maintaining the status quo; How art can create friction to rupture and de-stabilize normative narratives; How art can leap into the past to re-situate present cultural, social, and political configurations; How art’s speculative fictions open the door to an equitable future. Faculty of Arts Department of Art History; Visual Art and Theory Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Sheryl Staub-French UBC Vancouver Virtual Design and Construction (VDC); Building Information Modeling (BIM); Collaboration and integrated project delivery, design and construction coordination; 4D (3D + time) visualization; Interactive workspaces. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering; Designing for People Research Network Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Business Processes and Corporate Governance
Daniel Steel UBC Vancouver Values and ethics at the crossroads of science, environmental policy, and public health; Philosophy; Diversity; Opioid crisis. Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Medicine School of Population and Public Health; Department of Philosophy; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; The W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics Health and Wellbeing, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Sharon Stein UBC Vancouver Higher education; Indigenous studies; International and comparative education; Political economy of education; Post-colonial studies; Race/ethnicity; Social and cultural foundations of education; Social justice; Sustainability. Faculty of Education Department of Educational Studies; Centre for Climate Justice Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation
Craig Stephen UBC Vancouver Conservation; Global health; Emerging threat preparedness; Ecohealth; Fish and wildlife health; Health promotion; Harm reduction. Faculty of Medicine School of Population and Public Health Health and Wellbeing, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Natural Hazards and Disaster Response
Mark Stevens UBC Vancouver Land use planning efforts; Sustainable development; Plan-making and implementation; Growth management; Natural hazard mitigation; Municipal climate change planning in BC; Environmental policy adoption. Faculty of Applied Science School of Community and Regional Planning Urban Planning and Cities, Natural Hazards and Disaster Response, Policy and Governance, Land Use
Elise Stickles UBC Vancouver Book history; Digital humanities and Media Studies; Cognitive linguistics; Contemporary linguistics; Climate justice. Faculty of Arts Department of English Language and Literatures; Centre for Climate Justice Climate Justice
Mary Stockdale UBC Okanagan Community natural resource management; Environment and resilience; Community-based management of forests, specifically non-timber forest products (NTFP); Environmental and resilience-related initiatives. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Department of Community, Culture and Global Studies Natural Resource Management, Forestry, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems
Roland Stull UBC Vancouver Atmospheric sciences; Green energy; Wind power; Hydro power; Weather disasters; Natural disasters; Storms; Forest-fire weather; Avalanche weather; Wind storms; Geophysical disasters. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences; Weather Forecast Research Team Atmospheric Science, Weather and Climate Extremes, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Wildfires and Forest Fires
Thomas Sullivan UBC Vancouver Integrated management of wildlife resources within agricultural and forest environments; Evaluation of biodiversity and sustainability in a landscape mosaic of agro-ecosystems and natural habitats. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Applied Biology Program; Applied Animal Biology Program Agriculture, Forestry, Biodiversity
Rashid Sumaila UBC Vancouver Bioeconomics; Marine ecosystem valuation and the analysis of global issues such as fisheries subsidies; IUU (illegal, unreported and unregulated) fishing and the economics of high and deep seas fisheries. Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science School of Public Policy and Global Affairs; Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries; Sea Around Us; Biodiversity Research Centre; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); Decision Insights for Business & Society (DIBS) Oceans and Coastal Systems, Policy and Governance, Fisheries, Natural Resource Management
Juanita Sundberg UBC Vancouver Feminist political ecology; Nature conservation; Border security; Militarization; Environmental dimensions of United States’ border security policies in the United States-Mexico borderlands, with a specific focus on protected areas like national wildlife refuges. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography; Centre for Climate Justice; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice; Centre for Migration Studies Climate Justice, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Policy and Governance, Biodiversity
Terry (Terence) Sunderland Biodiversity; Communities and livelihoods; Conservation; Ecosystem services; Forest management; Land-use change; Landscape ecology; Social science; Sustainability. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); Sunderland Lab; Centre for International Forestry Research; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems; Diversified Agroecosystem Cluster Natural Resource Management, Forestry, Biodiversity, Land Use, Rural and Northern Communities, Policy and Governance
Lisa Sundstrom UBC Vancouver Russian climate policy; Democratization; Human rights; Gender politics; Politics of international democracy assistance; NGO activism in both domestic and transnational politics; Comparative climate policy. Faculty of Arts Department of Political Science; Centre for European Studies Policy and Governance, International Negotiations and Treaties, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Environmental Law, Climate Activism and Social Movements, Climate Activism and Social Movements
Curtis Suttle Marine microbiology; Arctic microbiology; Biological oceanography; Marine microbiology; Environmental virology; Bacteriophage; Bacteria; Viruses; Environmental microbiology. Faculty of Science Department of Botany; Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries; Biodiversity Research Centre Oceans and Coastal Systems, Biodiversity, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic
Omar Swei Asset management; Life cycle modeling; Optimization methods; Real options; Reinforcement learning; Risk analysis; Sequential decision-making; Stochastic modeling; Sustainable infrastructure management; Time-series methods; Uncertainty estimation and propagation. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering; Microplastic Cluster Product Lifecycle or Circular Economy, Transportation, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Water Resources and Supply, Climate Risk Management, Economic Modeling and Data Analysis
Fariborz Taghipour UBC Vancouver Chemical and photochemical systems with application to energy and environmental engineering; Sustainable ways of producing solar fuels by utilizing earth-abundant materials and cost-effective processes; Water purification. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Solar Energy, Water Resources and Supply, Pollution, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Health and Wellbeing
James Tansey UBC Vancouver Emerging markets and institutions for carbon trading; Social determinants of health; GM crops and animals; Social innovation; Impact investing and social finance; Social entrepreneurship; Ecosystem service markets; Social acceptability of technology; Institutional theories of risk. Sauder School of Business Centre for Social Innovation & Impact Investing; Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions; Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Commerce and Business Administration; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Carbon Management, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Policy and Governance, Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Alexanda Victoria Tavasoli UBC Vancouver Industrial decarbonization; Community-based and/or distributed infrastructure; Chemical and material manufacturing processes; Carbon dioxide capture and conversion; Photocatalysis. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Mechanical Engineering; Cluster of Research Excellence in Solar Energy for Net Zero Carbon Management, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Solar Energy, Product Lifecycle or Circular Economy, Urban Planning and Cities
Rick (Eric) Taylor UBC Vancouver Biodiversity; Speciation; Fishes; Conservation; Biogeography; Ecological and molecular approaches to understanding the origins and persistence of biodiversity. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Biodiversity Research Centre; Beaty Biodiversity Museum Biodiversity, Freshwater Systems
John R.J. Thompson UBC Okanagan Nonparametric statistics; Distance metric learning; Clustering; Change-point analysis; Applications to wildfire science; Behavioural finance and climate finance. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics Wildfires and Forest Fires, Economic Modeling and Data Analysis, Climate Finance and Investment
Yves Tiberghien UBC Vancouver Global governance; Global climate change politics; Governance of agricultural biotechnology in China and Japan; Trade-offs between economic policy goals and public goods such as biodiversity protection, transparency in food policy, and climate change issues. Faculty of Arts Department of Political Science; School of Public Policy and Global Affairs; Hong Kong Studies Initiative; Centre for Korean Research; Institute of Asian Research Policy and Governance, Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Agriculture
David Tindall UBC Vancouver Environmental movements; Social movements; Environmental protest; Social protest; Social networks; Social aspects of climate change and of forestry; Aboriginal protest about natural resources and environmental issues; Environmental politics; Environmental attitudes; Environmental values; Protests about pipelines, oil sands, and tar sands; Wilderness; Wilderness preservation; Use of social media in social protest and social movements; Climate change policy; News media; Social psychology of environmental issues; Environmental sociology; Social research methods; Aboriginal forestry. Faculty of Arts Department of Sociology Policy and Governance, Climate Justice, Climate Activism and Social Movements, Forestry, Environmental Psychology, Land Use
Marco Todesco UBC Vancouver Adaptive diversity: How it mediates the interactions between plants and their environment, what are the genes and genetic variants controlling it, and how it can contribute to producing crops that are more sustainable, more resilient, and more productive. Faculty of Land and Food Systems, Faculty of Science Department of Biology; Department of Botany; Applied Biology Program; Plant Science Program, Michael Smith Laboratories Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Agriculture
Fernanda Tomaselli UBC Vancouver Sustainability and climate communications; Message framing; Mental models, public opinion and environmental perception; Ecological economics; Community forestry and sustainable livelihoods. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; LandOne Program Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Environmental Psychology, Forestry, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies
Philippe Tortell UBC Vancouver Marine biogeochemical cycles; Understanding the biological, chemical and physical factors regulating oceanic primary productivity and the concentration of climate active gases including carbon dioxide (CO2), dimethylsulfide (DMS), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O); Primary productivity and trace gas dynamics along natural iron gradients in the Subarctic Pacific Ocean; Inter-annual Methane and Nitrous Oxide dynamics in Saanich Inlet, a seasonally anoxic coastal fjord; Oceanic concentrations and turnover rates of Dimethylsulfide (DMS) and related sulfur compounds. Faculty of Science Department of Botany; Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Future Minerals Initiative Oceans and Coastal Systems, Carbon Cycle
Babak Mohamadpour Tosarkani UBC Okanagan Operations & supply chain analytics; Blockchain-based decision support systems; Life cycle assessment & circular economy; Process design & simulation; Strategic sustainable development. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Manufacturing); Battery Innovation Research Excellence Cluster Manufacturing and Heavy Industry, Product Lifecycle or Circular Economy, Oil and Gas, Transportation, Natural Hazards and Disaster Response, Natural Resource Management, Urban Planning and Cities, Waste and Waste Management
Heather Trajano UBC Vancouver Biomass conversion; Biorefinery; Large-scale biorefineries; Pulp and paper; Hemicellulose; Extractives; Enzymatic hydrolysis; Catalysis; Kinetic modeling; Transport phenomena. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Pulp and Paper Centre; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Bioproducts Institute Biofuels and Biomass, Manufacturing and Heavy Industry, Waste and Waste Management, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions
Martino Tran UBC Vancouver Predictive modelling and simulation of urban infrastructure and technology to inform policy and investment strategies with positive societal and sustainability outcomes; Smart energy; Transport technologies. Faculty of Applied Science School of Community and Regional Planning; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions; Climate Change Health Effects, Adaptation, and ResiLience (HEAL) Urban Planning and Cities, Policy and Governance, Transportation, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions
Andrew Trites UBC Vancouver Seals; Sea lions; Whales and dolphins; Ecology; Nutrition; Physiology; Animal behaviour; Conservation of marine mammals; Resolve conflicts between people and marine mammals. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Strait of Georgia Data Centre; Biodiversity Research Centre Oceans and Coastal Systems, Fisheries
Michelle Tseng UBC Vancouver Evolutionary and ecological processes underlying adaptation to changing environments; Aquatic and insect ecology & evolutionary biology; Applications to conservation biology; Healthy ecosystems; Urban biodiversity. Faculty of Science Department of Botany; Department of Zoology; Biodiversity Research Centre; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); Tseng Lab; Microplastic Cluster Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Urban Planning and Cities, Pollution, Freshwater Systems
Qingshi Tu UBC Vancouver Transforming the information of engineering systems through process simulation, statistical methods and machine learning for sustainability modeling applications; Building models for analyzing the environmental, economic and social impacts of emerging technologies for bioenergy, biofuels and bioproducts at different scales; Investigating the synergies and tradeoffs between bioeconomy, product lifecycle or circular economy and climate change mitigation through a systems modeling approach. Faculty of Forestry Department of Wood Science; Bioproducts Institute; Sustainable Bioeconomy Research Group; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability Product Lifecycle or Circular Economy, Biofuels and Biomass, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Forestry, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Rebecca Tyson UBC Okanagan Mathematical biology and spatial ecology; Mathematical models of ecological systems; Development and analysis of mathematical and computational models; Cyclic predator-prey populations. Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics; Rebecca's Lab Group; Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, And Ecosystems Services (BRAES) Terrestrial Ecosystems
Alexander Uhl UBC Okanagan Solar energy conversion; Photovoltaics; Solar fuels and thin film semiconductors; Printed solar cells; Tandem devices; Photoelectrochemical devices for clean and renewable electricity and storable fuels. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Mechanical; Electrical); Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Laboratory for Solar Energy and Fuels; Cluster of Research Excellence in Solar Energy for Net Zero Solar Energy, Electricity, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Carbon Management, Sustainable Materials and Composites
Chester Upham UBC Vancouver Heterogeneous catalysis; Clean energy; CO2-free chemical conversion; GHGs-to-fuels; Reaction engineering; Kinetics and understanding reaction mechanisms; Liquid heterogeneous catalysts; Integration of reaction and separation; Natural gas conversion; Chemical looping for process intensification and thermodynamic equilibrium perturbation. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Carbon Management, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Oil and Gas, Hydrogen
Will Valley UBC Vancouver Sustainable food systems education; Systems thinking and cognitive psychology; School food and nutrition education + K-12 school food systems; Community-engaged scholarship; Urban agriculture. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Applied Biology Program; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems Agriculture, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Policy and Governance, Climate Justice
Hamish van der Ven UBC Vancouver Tech and climate interactions; Digital activism; Sustainable production; Eco-labeling; Transnational governance; Corporate social responsibility. Faculty of Forestry Department of Wood Science; Bioproducts Institute Forestry, Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Climate Activism and Social Movements, Environmental Psychology, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Robert VanWynsberghe UBC Vancouver Citizenship and democracy; Social justice; Sustainability; Environmental education; Adaptive education; Adult education; Community engagement; Education for sustainability; Social movements, Sociology of education; Sport mega-events. Faculty of Education Department of Educational Studies; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Health and Wellbeing, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Marcello (Mariz) Veiga UBC Vancouver Biogeochemical cycle of heavy metals in the environment and artisanal and small-scale mining; Improving the image of mining; Contribute for sustainable mining communities. Faculty of Applied Science Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering Mining, Pollution, Product Lifecycle or Circular Economy
James Vercammen UBC Vancouver Agri-food markets; Agri-environmental contracts; Agri-risk and insurance; Commodity futures markets; Carbon markets. Faculty of Land and Food Systems, Sauder School of Business Food and Resource Economics Program; Strategy and Business Economics Division Agriculture, Policy and Governance, Natural Resource Management, Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Carbon Management
Amanda Vincent UBC Vancouver Pressing ocean concerns; Conservation action to improve the status of marine species and habitats; Biological and social research; Empowering local communities; Establishing marine protected areas; Managing small-scale fisheries; Restructuring international trade; Promoting integrated policy; Advancing environmental understanding. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries; Biodiversity Research Centre Oceans and Coastal Systems, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Natural Resource Management, Policy and Governance, International Negotiations and Treaties, Biodiversity
John Wagner UBC Okanagan Environmental anthropology; Political ecology; Water, food security and food sovereignty; Local ecological knowledge; Conservation and development; Language documentation; Okanagan Valley; Columbia River Basin; Papua New Guinea. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Department of Community, Culture and Global Studies; Future Waters Group; Watershed Ecosystems Project; Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, And Ecosystems Services (BRAES) Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Water Resources and Supply, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies, Policy and Governance, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Indigenous Ways of Knowing
Kristen Walker UBC Vancouver Urban wildlife; Identifying humane deterrents systems and reducing coyote conflicts for urban coyotes; UBC Farm Biodiversity Monitoring project assessing the diversity of vertebrates through the use of remote trail cameras. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Animal Welfare Program; Applied Biology Program; BC Pain Research Network; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems Biodiversity, Urban Planning and Cities
Shannon Walsh UBC Vancouver South Africa; Afropessimism & critical race studies; Documentary; Film Production; Indigenous studies; Environmental justice; Affect theory. Faculty of Arts Department of Theatre and Film; Hong Kong Studies Initiative Climate Activism and Social Movements, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Pierre Walter UBC Vancouver Environmental education; Literacy; Gender and development; Sustainability; Environmental justice; Decolonization; Climate justice; Indigenous knowledge. Faculty of Education Department of Educational Studies Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Climate Justice, Climate Activism and Social Movements, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Carl Walters UBC Vancouver Development of rapid techniques for teaching systems analysis and mathematical modeling to biologists and resource managers; Fish population dynamics; Fisheries assessment and sustainable management. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries; Strait of Georgia Data Centre Fisheries, Natural Resource Management, Policy and Governance, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies, Business Processes and Corporate Governance
Guangyu Wang UBC Vancouver Sustainable forest management; Integrated watershed management; Computer modelling applications; Business management; Climate change; Conservation; Forest policy; Land-use change; Bioregional assessments and geographic information systems; Chinese forest management practices. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Adaptation of Asia-Pacific Forests to Climate Change; Asia Forest Research Centre; Multidisciplinary Institute of Natural Therapy; Forest Carbon Research Lab; Asia-Pacific Forestry Education Coordination Mechanism; Sustainable Forest Management Group; The Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet) American’s Office Forestry, Freshwater Systems, Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Health and Wellbeing, Natural Resource Management
Liwei Wang UBC Okanagan Power system analysis; Electrical machine and drives; Power electronic converter design; Control and topology; Utility power electronics applications; HVDC and FACTS; renewable energy sources; Distributed generation. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Electrical) Electricity, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions
Tongli Wang UBC Vancouver Developing climate models; Modeling climatic niches of forest ecosystems and tree species; Projecting shift of climatic niches under a changing climate; Building climate response functions for tree populations; Developing climate-based seed transfer systems based on genecology and genomics. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Centre for Forest Conservation Genetics; National Parks Research Center Forestry, Biodiversity, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Natural Resource Management, Terrestrial Ecosystems
Stephanie Waterman UBC Vancouver Ocean dynamics; Scale interactions; Inter-relationships between various components of the oceanic circulation at different time and length scales; Implications of these interactions for the large-scale circulation and the ocean's role in the climate system. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Waterman Lab Oceans and Coastal Systems, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Carbon Cycle, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Adam Wei UBC Okanagan Eco-hydrological processes in forested watersheds; Forest disturbance (e.g., timber harvesting, wildfire) and cumulative hydrological impacts in large watershed; Interactions of forest change, climate and water; Sustainable forest management, aquatic habitat, carbon budget, and various watershed processes; Wholistic approach on watershed ecosystem science and management. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences; Watershed Ecosystems Project; Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, And Ecosystems Services (BRAES) Forestry, Wildfires and Forest Fires, Freshwater Systems, Carbon Cycle
Steven Weijs UBC Vancouver Water resources management and hydrology, with a special focus on the dynamics of uncertainty and information within that context; Mountain hydrology; Catchment hydrology; Flood forecasting; Uncertainty; Information theory; Control of water systems. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering; Future Waters Group; Disaster Resilience Research Cluster Water Resources and Supply, Freshwater Systems, Natural Hazards and Disaster Response
Dominique Weis UBC Vancouver Environmental geochemistry; Geochemical constraints on mantle plume dynamics and structure; Arc volcanism; Environmental applications; Analytical applications. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Social Exposome Cluster; BeeHIVE Research Excellence Cluster Oceans and Coastal Systems, Pollution
William Welch UBC Vancouver Design and analysis of computer experiments; Machine/statistical learning; Computer-aided design of experiments; Quality improvement; Design and analysis of computer experiments; Statistical methods for drug discovery; Machine/statistical learning. Faculty of Science Department of Statistics Forestry, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis
Brian Wetton UBC Vancouver Modelling Li-ion batteries and other electrochemical energy systems; Scientific computation; Industrial mathematics; Electrochemical systems. Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Electricity
Katherine White UBC Vancouver Social influence; Social marketing; Sustainability; Prosocial consumption; Corporate social responsibility; How social contexts, identities, and emotions shape how consumers make ethical, prosocial, and sustainable choices. Sauder School of Business Marketing and Behavioural Science Division; Commerce and Business Administration; Decision Insights for Business & Society (DIBS) Environmental Psychology, Business Processes and Corporate Governance
Rachel White UBC Vancouver Atmospheric science; How large-scale atmospheric dynamics (circulation patterns, planetary-scale atmospheric waves...) contribute to extreme weather events such as heat waves and cold snaps; Fundamental aspects of our current climate; How atmospheric circulation may change in the future under anthropogenic warming. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Climate Dynamics Group Weather and Climate Extremes, Paleoclimate, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Health and Wellbeing, Atmospheric Science
Lorne Whitehead UBC Vancouver Novel geometrical approaches to applied physics challenges, with a focus on the interactions of electromagnetic fields with microstructures; Sunlighting system that guides direct sunlight deep into the interior of a building. Faculty of Science Department of Physics and Astronomy Electricity
Michael Whitlock UBC Vancouver Evolution in structured populations: What are the forces which control the nature and distribution of genotypes in subdivided populations and how does this affect the outcome of other evolutionary processes? Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Biodiversity Research Centre Biodiversity
Jeannette Whitton UBC Vancouver Conservation policy; Species at risk; Ecology and evolution related to biodiversity; Biology and climate change. Faculty of Science Department of Botany; Whitton Lab; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS) Biodiversity, Policy and Governance
David Wilkinson UBC Vancouver CO2 conversion and utilization; Clean energy; Advanced solar cells; Eelectrochromic windows; Dynamic windows; Hydrogen fuels production; Catalysis. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Advanced Materials and Process Engineering Laboratory; Res'eau Waternet Strategic Network; Nanomat: Create Nanomaterials Science & Technology Program; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Electricity, Water Resources and Supply, Hydrogen, Carbon Management, Solar Energy, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions
Jennifer Williams UBC Vancouver Ecological and evolutionary processes that shape population dynamics and species interactions, particularly in a spatial context; Process-based understanding of the conservation and management of threatened and invasive species; Spread of populations through fragmented landscapes and life history evolution of reproductive strategies under changing climates. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography; Biodiversity Research Centre Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems
Brian Wilson UBC Vancouver Social inequality; Social movements; Environment; Consumer culture; Media; Youth; Peace; Qualitative methods; Sport and leisure studies. Faculty of Education School of Kinesiology; Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice; Centre for Sport and Sustainability Environmental Psychology, Climate Justice, Climate Activism and Social Movements, Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Policy and Governance
Scott Wilson UBC Vancouver Conservation of migratory species across the annual cycle; Impacts of land-use and climate change on species at macro-ecological scales; Impacts of agricultural practices on biodiversity; Development and application of demographic and population models. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences Land Use, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems
Stephen Withers UBC Vancouver Molecular biology; Enzymes that catalyse glycoside formation and hydrolysis; Development of new catalysts for industrial processes; Design, synthesis and testing of new therapeutics. Faculty of Science Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Department of Chemistry; Bioproducts Institute; Withers Research Group Bioprocesses and Biotechnology, Health and Wellbeing
Hannah Wittman UBC Vancouver Social movements; Environment and society; Dynamics of social transformations; Food sovereignty; Sustainable agriculture; Socio-ecological systems; Agro-ecology. Faculty of Land and Food Systems, Faculty of Science Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Department of Food, Nutrition, & Health; Food Sovereignty Research Group; Centre for Climate Justice; Biodiversity Research Centre; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); Diversified Agroecosystem Cluster Agriculture, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Climate Justice, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Elizabeth Wolkovich UBC Vancouver Global change; Biodiversity; Conservation science; Population and ecosystem ecology; Plant invasions; Climate change; Plant communities; Temporal ecology; Wine Grapes. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Biodiversity Research Centre Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Forestry
Stepan Wood UBC Vancouver Sustainability; Globalization; Transnational governance; Voluntary environmental standards; Climate change; Environmental law; Corporate social responsibility; Social justice; Rights of nature; Environmental rights; Homelessness; Reception of English law in colonial British Columbia; Future of the International Organization for Standardization. Peter A. Allard School of Law Centre for Law and the Environment Environmental Law, Policy and Governance, Business Processes and Corporate Governance, Housing, Urban Planning and Cities
Bob (Robert) Woollard UBC Vancouver Complex adaptive systems; Ecosystem approaches to health; Medical education; Social accountability of medical schools; Poverty reduction and sustainable development. Faculty of Medicine Department of Family Practice Health and Wellbeing, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Rural and Northern Communities
Vikramaditya Yadav UBC Vancouver Biocatalysis; Bioremediation; Bioprocess engineering; Green chemistry; Sustainable manufacturing technologies for the production of cleaner fuels and more efficacious pharmaceuticals. Faculty of Applied Science, Faculty of Medicine Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; School of Biomedical Engineering; The BioFoundry; UBC Master in Engineering Leadership; Bioproducts Institute; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Health and Wellbeing, Manufacturing and Heavy Industry, Biofuels and Biomass, Waste and Waste Management, Bioprocesses and Biotechnology, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions
Han Yan UBC Vancouver Banking; Climate finance; Voluntary disclosure; Earnings quality; Reduced form and structural estimation. Sauder School of Business Accounting and Information Systems Division Climate Finance and Investment, Policy and Governance, Business Processes and Corporate Governance
Yu (Claire) Yan UBC Okanagan Computational fluid dynamics; Renewable energy technologies; Fluid mechanics; Thermofluids and energy; Heat and mass transfer; HVAC and refrigeration. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Mechanical); Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Clean Energy and Energy Transitions
Pasang Yangjee Sherpa UBC Vancouver Indigeneity; Human dimensions of climate change; Sherpa diaspora; Cultural appropriation; Representation; Migration history; Role of matriarchs in Sherpa society; Just pathways for sustainable futures in the Anthropocene. Faculty of Arts Department of Asian Studies Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Rural and Northern Communities, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Justice
Liv Yoon UBC Vancouver Climate change; Environment; Energy; Housing; Climate justice; Intersectionality and health; Social and environmental determinants of health; Bodies, media and communication; Qualitative methodologies; Inter- and trans-disciplinary research; Knowledge translation / knowledge to action. Faculty of Education School of Kinesiology; Centre for Climate Justice; Climate Change Health Effects, Adaptation, and ResiLience (HEAL) Health and Wellbeing, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Cristina Zanotti UBC Vancouver Infrastructure repair and durability; Sustainable construction materials; Alternative cementitious materials; Durability of concrete structures; Historical heritage structures; Concrete-concrete bond; Numerical analysis of reinforced concrete structures; Early-age thermal cracking; Fiber reinforced concrete. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering; Materials & Manufacturing Research Institute Manufacturing and Heavy Industry, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Sustainable Materials and Composites, Carbon Management
Hisham Zerriffi UBC Vancouver The intersection of technology, energy and the environment, with a particular focus on rural areas of the developing world; Institutional factors impacting the diffusion of new technology; Determinants and patterns of household energy choice; Welfare implications of rural energy use. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC), Bioproducts Institute; Energy Resources, Development, and Environment Lab Forestry, Rural and Northern Communities, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Climate Justice, Land Use, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems
Anming Zhang UBC Vancouver Airports and airlines economics and policy; Economic impact of transportation infrastructure, air transportation, and high-speed rail. Sauder School of Business Operations and Logistics Division; Commerce and Business Administration; Green Shipping Project Transportation, Housing, Urban Planning and Cities
Jiaying Zhao UBC Vancouver Cognitive causes and consequences of scarcity; What behavioral interventions improve the performance in low-income individuals; How to promote recycling and composting behavior; Water and energy conservation; What cognitive, motivational, and sociocultural factors shape the perception of climate change; How to engage the public on biodiversity conservation. Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science Department of Psychology; Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Climate Change Health Effects, Adaptation, and ResiLience (HEAL); Cool Tools Warm World Research Cluster; Decision Insights for Business & Society (DIBS) Environmental Psychology, Poverty, Policy and Governance, Housing
Ryan Ziels UBC Vancouver Resource recovery via biological waste treatment processes; Microbial ecology within these engineered processes; Improved performance in the recovery of water, nutrients, bioenergy, and other resources; Anaerobic treatment technologies for the recovery of biomethane; Microbial biotechnologies for nutrient removal. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering; Environmental Microbial Biotechnology for Resource Recovery (EMBeRR) Lab; Bioproducts Institute; Microplastic Cluster; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Waste and Waste Management, Bioprocesses and Biotechnology, Water Resources and Supply, Biofuels and Biomass
Naomi Zimmerman UBC Vancouver Development and application of real-world-based tools to quickly and quantitatively assess the impact of our policy and technology decisions on air pollution and climate outcomes, and to use the knowledge gained to support better environmental policy planning; Climate change; Air pollution; Understanding the impact of renewable energy technology in developing countries (e.g. solar microgrids) on combined air, climate and socioeconomic outcomes. Faculty of Applied Science, Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Department of Mechanical Engineering; iREACH Lab (Integrated Research in Energy, Air, Climate & Health); Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Atmospheric Science, Transportation, Oil and Gas, Health and Wellbeing, Policy and Governance, Pollution

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that UBC’s campuses are situated within the traditional territories of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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