Climate Researcher Database

With over 500 faculty members investigating climate-related topics 
across two UBC campuses, it can be hard to know where to start. 

This page provides a searchable list of UBC faculty members conducting climate and climate-related research across the university. 

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Name Campus Research Interests Faculty Department, School, Affiliations Research Theme(s)
Ifeoma Adaji UBC Okanagan Designing and developing behavior change systems and persuasive technologies such as serious games and mobile/web applications; Modelling the behaviour of online users in social networks and e-commerce systems; Data science; Social computing; Ethics and trust in persuasive technologies. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Environmental Psychology, Business Processes and Corporate Governance
Natasha Affolder UBC Vancouver The diffusion of climate law and transnational environmental legal practices; How environmental law and legal ideas spread; International environmental law; International climate law; Transnational carbon contracting; Law and sustainability; Transnational law; Comparative climate law; Global climate litigation; Global law methodologies. Peter A. Allard School of Law Allard School of Law History Project; Centre for Law and the Environment; Centre for Feminist Legal Studies Environmental Law, Climate Justice, Policy and Governance, International Negotiations and Treaties
Luis Aguiar UBC Okanagan The globalization of the "Justice for Janitors" campaigns; Global unions; Eddie Melo: What were you? The neoliberal university; Whiteness; Canadian Hinterland. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Department of History and Sociology Agriculture, Climate Justice
Cash Ahenakew UBC Vancouver Cultural studies; Higher education; Indigenous studies; Leadership and organizations; Post-colonial studies; Race/ethnicity; Research methodologies; Social justice; Sociology of education. Faculty of Education Department of Educational Studies; Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Health and Wellbeing, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Suborna Ahmed UBC Vancouver Quantitative analysis of complex forestry datasets in various areas: tree improvement, tree plantation, experimental trials, permanent sample plots (PSPs), fertilization trials etc.; Educational research on subject-specific teaching evaluation and identifying effective implementation plans; Effectiveness of open sources for teaching and learning geospatial data analysis using Python; Quantifying quality control tool based on machine learning approaches. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Forest Measurements and Biometrics Forestry, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Philip Ainslie UBC Okanagan Mechanisms of cerebral blood flow regulation; Influence of environmental stress on cerebrovascular function (with focus on hypoxia and temperature regulation); Influence of exercise training on cerebrovascular function. Faculty of Health and Social Development School of Health and Exercise Science; Centre for Heart, Lung & Vascular Health; Centre for Climate Justice Health and Wellbeing
Sally Aitken UBC Vancouver Population genetic structure of temperate and boreal trees and the evolutionary dynamics that have resulted in that structure; Extent of local adaptation to climate in tree populations; Phenotypic traits and genes involved in local adaptation, and the capacity of those populations to adapt to new climates; Ecological genetics; Conservation genetics. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Centre for Forest Conservation Genetics; Institute of Applied Mathematics; The CoAdapTree Project; Biodiversity Research Centre Forestry, Biodiversity, Natural Resource Management, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Policy and Governance
Shahria Alam UBC Okanagan Smart materials; Seismic rehabilitation of steel, concrete, masonry; Seismic analysis and building design. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Civil); Applied Laboratory for Advanced Materials & Structures; Alam Research Group; UBC Microplastic Cluster; Green Construction Research Centre; Disaster Resilience Research Network Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Sustainable Materials and Composites, Waste and Waste Management
Younes Alila UBC Vancouver Forest hydrology; Watershed management; Regional hydrology with a main focus on the transfer of information related to low-flows, floods and precipitation from gauged to ungauged sites. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management Water Resources and Supply, Freshwater Systems, Forestry, Land Use
Susan Allen UBC Vancouver Prediction and climatic modeling; Oceans and inland waters; Coastal oceanography; Mesoscale meteorology and biogeochemical-physical interactions in the ocean. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Microplastic Cluster Oceans and Coastal Systems, Carbon Cycle, Atmospheric Science
Andrew Almas UBC Vancouver Role of native species and other urban forest issues on municipal planning and resident attitudes, actions, and knowledge; Educational leadership components of urban forestry. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management; Urban Forests Research Hub Forestry, Urban Planning and Cities, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Ali Ameli UBC Vancouver Water conservation; Water protection; Groundwater ecohydrology; Hydro-geological engineering; Watershed management; Applied hydro-geochemistry; Groundwater - surfacewater & land interaction; Water resources engineering; Statistical machine learning; Functional data analysis. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Institute of Applied Mathematics; HydroGeoScience For Watershed Management Laboratory Water Resources and Supply, Freshwater Systems, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis, Land Use
Kiana Amini UBC Vancouver Electrochemical energy storage and conversion; Redox flow batteries; Electrochemical carbon capture systems; In situ characterization of electrochemical processes. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Materials Engineering; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) Electricity, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Carbon Management
Leonora Angeles UBC Vancouver Gender analysis; Gender mainstreaming and other gender planning related tools; Feminist critiques and perspectives on the integration of gender and other social axes of difference and diversity in community planning and international development work. Faculty of Arts School of Community and Regional Planning; Asian Canadian and Asian Migration Studies; Women's Health Research Cluster; Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice; Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies Policy and Governance, Climate Justice, Urban Planning and Cities, Agriculture, Poverty
Amy Angert UBC Vancouver Biodiversity and biocomplexity; Biogeography; Ecological and ecophysiological processes; Evolutionary ecology; Population biology; Biological responses to climate change; Conservation biology. Faculty of Science Department of Botany; Department of Zoology; Biodiversity Research Centre; Angert Lab Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic
Werner Antweiler UBC Vancouver International environmental issues; Trade and the environment; Canada’s National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI); Environmental economics and management; Energy and electricity economics. Sauder School of Business Entrepreneurship & Innovation Group; Strategy and Business Economics Division; Future Minerals Initiative; Green Shipping Project Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Economic Modeling and Data Analysis, Electricity, International Negotiations and Treaties, Policy and Governance
Peter Arcese UBC Vancouver Population demography and genetics of vertebrates; Biogeography of native plant and animal communities; Adaptive management and monitoring of rare species and ecosystems; Conservation area design. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Peter Arcese Lab; Biodiversity Research Centre; Centre for Applied Conservation Research Forestry, Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Land Use
Mohammed Rafi Arefin UBC Vancouver Urban environmental politics; Infrastructural geographies; Urban political ecology; Environmental justice; Geographical political economy; Science and technology studies; Discard studies; Politics of urban waste and sanitation; Wastewater epidemiology. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography; Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice; Centre for Climate Justice Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Urban Planning and Cities, Climate Justice, Housing, Waste and Waste Management, Policy and Governance
Mohammad Arjmand UBC Okanagan Synthesis of multifunctional conductive and magnetic nanomaterials; Polymer processing and forming; Multifunctional polymer nanocomposites; Gas sensors; 3D printed polymer nanocomposites; Circular economy and plastic recycling. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Mechanical); Nanomaterials and Polymer Nanocomposites Laboratory; Bioproducts Institute Product Lifecycle or Circular Economy, Electricity, Sustainable Materials and Composites
Jeannette Armstrong UBC Okanagan Indigenous philosophies; Okanagan Syilx thought and environmental ethics coded into Syilx literatures. Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Department of Community, Culture and Global Studies; Watershed Ecosystems Project Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies
Adeniyi Asiyanbi UBC Okanagan Political ecology; Governmentality; Environmental governance; Forest-based climate change mitigation; Wildfires; Nature conservation; Global development; Community engagement; Nigeria, Ghana, Canada (British Columbia and Alberta). Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Department of Community, Culture and Global Studies; Centre for Climate Justice; Cluster of Research Excellence in Living with Wildfire in the BC Southern Interior Climate Justice, Forestry, Policy and Governance, Wildfires and Forest Fires, Carbon Management, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change
Edouard Asselin UBC Vancouver Hydrometallurgy; Electrochemistry; Corrosion; Novel hydrometallurgy processes and applications; Extracting resources from lower grade ores in an economically viable and environmentally sustainable manner. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Materials Engineering; Corrosion and Applied Electrochemistry Group Mining, Waste and Waste Management
Nima Atabaki UBC Vancouver Ventilation; Experimental and theoretical research in the field of heat and mass transfer; Conversion, storage, and use of energy resources. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Mechanical Engineering Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Electricity, Solar Energy, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions
Marie Auger-Méthé UBC Vancouver Statistical ecology; Polar and marine ecosystems; Challenging ecological questions; Movement strategies used by animals to find resources and cope with the dynamics of their habitat; Statistical methods to help identify important habitats for marine animals. Faculty of Science Department of Statistics; Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries; Biodiversity Research Centre; Marine Mammal Research Unit Oceans and Coastal Systems, Alpine, Arctic and Antarctic, Biodiversity, Indigenous Ways of Knowing
Philip Austin UBC Vancouver "Cloud physics"; Cloud aerosol feedbacks and climate; Ways in which stratus and cirrus clouds form, persist, and dissipate; Global climate; Climate change; Greenhouse effect; Global warming; Lightning; Storms; Cloud physics. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences Atmospheric Science, Climate Education and Environmental Literacy
Leticia Avilés UBC Vancouver Ecology and biogeography of social evolution; Short and long term consequences of inbreeding; Evolution of life history traits and local population dynamics in metapopulations; Sociality and community assembly. Faculty of Science Department of Zoology; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS); Biodiversity Research Centre Terrestrial Ecosystems, Biodiversity
Jemima Baada UBC Vancouver Gendered lenses to examine how diversely situated individuals and groups are affected by climate change, domestic and foreign investment, health inequalities and rural migration in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and other parts of the world; Experiences of rural dwellers, women and those whose livelihoods depend on environmental/natural resources (e.g., farmers); How factors such as gender, climate-vulnerability and migration status may act as social determinants of health. Faculty of Arts Department of Geography; Centre for Climate Justice; Centre for Migration Studies Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Climate Justice, Health and Wellbeing, Rural and Northern Communities, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies, Agriculture
Kimberly Bain UBC Vancouver History, theory, and philosophy of the African diaspora; Race; Gender; Environmental and medical racism; Anthropocene; Black arts and letters. Faculty of Arts Department of English Language & Literatures; Centre for Climate Justice; The Phil Lund Initiative Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Health and Wellbeing
Susan Baldwin UBC Vancouver Bioprocess engineering; Biomining; Anaerobic fermentation, Bioremediation; Reactor modeling; Biochemical reaction modeling; Reaction kinetics. Faculty of Science Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining; Bioproducts Institute Bioprocesses and Biotechnology, Mining, Biofuels and Biomass, Pollution
Wouter Bam UBC Okanagan Minerals; Mining; Math; Industrial engineering; Manufacturing engineering; Industrial policy industrial systems; Sustainability; Economic complexity; Sustainable development; Resource allocation. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering (Manufacturing) Mining, Policy and Governance, Economic Modeling and Data Analysis
Nemy (Nemkumar) Banthia UBC Vancouver Materials engineering; Concrete; Advanced composite materials; Shotcrete, fibre reinforcement, supplementary cementing materials in concrete; SIERA (Sustainable InfrastructurE ReseArch) working on the improvement of sustainability, repair and condition assessment of construction material. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering Sustainable Materials and Composites, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Waste and Waste Management, Carbon Management, Manufacturing and Heavy Industry
Ignacio Barbeito UBC Vancouver Refining novel silvicultural practices designed to guide the establishment and management of forests under global change. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Resource Management Forestry, Biodiversity, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis
Rick Barichello UBC Vancouver Food markets; Analysis of quota systems and quota markets; Analyzing the effects of selected agricultural policy instruments; Economics of raw material export bans; Regulated agricultural markets and farm quotas; World food markets; Trade policy; Poverty alleviation; Food security; Rural-urban linkages. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Food and Resource Economics Program Policy and Governance, Agriculture, International Negotiations and Treaties, Poverty
Karen Bartlett UBC Vancouver Indoor air quality; Bioaerosol exposures in work and community environments, particularly in rural or agricultural settings. Faculty of Medicine School of Population and Public Health Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Pollution, Rural and Northern Communities, Health and Wellbeing
John Bass UBC Vancouver Globalization and contested territory; Social equity; Visualization and community engagement; Drawing to describe narratives of tension and possible avenues of synthesis and reconciliation; Project-based collaboration. Faculty of Applied Science School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Wildfires and Forest Fires, Urban Planning and Cities, Rural and Northern Communities
Bruce Baum UBC Vancouver Critical social theory (including critical “race” theory, feminist theory, critical hermeneutics, and issues of cross-cultural interpretation); Politics of equality, identity, and difference. Faculty of Arts Department of Political Science Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Policy and Governance
Patrick Baylis UBC Vancouver How people respond to environmental threats like wildfires, air pollution, and extreme temperatures; Climate changes and impacts; Economic planning of energy; Environmental economics; Climate change economics; Energy economics. Faculty of Arts Vancouver School of Economics; Decision Insights for Business & Society (DIBS) Environmental Psychology, Policy and Governance, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Wildfires and Forest Fires, Climate Modelling and Data Analysis
J. Thomas Beatty UBC Vancouver Photosynthetic bacteria; Bacterial molecular biology; Physiology and genetics, with an emphasis on the regulation of gene expression; Protein structure and function. Faculty of Science Department of Microbiology & Immunology; Beatty Lab; Biodiversity Research Centre Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Biodiversity, Solar Energy
Roger Beckie UBC Vancouver The physical, geochemical and biological processes and conditions in the hyporheic zone of the lower Fraser River, Vancouver; Neutral - pH drainage from mine waste rock at the Antamina Mine in Peru; Scale up for models of reactive transport in porous media; Fugitive gas effects on groundwater in northeast British Columbia; Characterization strategies in integrated surface-water groundwater systems. Faculty of Science Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Future Minerals Initiative Freshwater Systems, Mining, Pollution, Oil and Gas
Curtis Berlinguette UBC Vancouver CO2 conversion and utilization; Clean energy; Advanced solar cells; Electrochromic windows; Dynamic windows; Hydrogen fuels production; Catalysis. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Department of Chemistry; Steward Blusson Quantum Matter Institute; Curtis P. Berlinguette Research Group; Clean Energy Research Centre Solar Energy, Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Electricity, Hydrogen, Carbon Management, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design
Allan Bertram UBC Vancouver Atmospheric aerosol particles and the role they play in urban air pollution, climate change and atmospheric chemistry; Atmospheric sciences; Chemical sciences; Atmosphere (Including chemical aspects); Physical and analytical chemistry of atmospheric aerosols. Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry; Bertram Research Group Atmospheric Science, Pollution
Pierre Bérubé UBC Vancouver Water treatment; Trace organic contaminants; Membrane and advanced oxidation technologies; Drinking water treatment; Filtration/membrane processes for water and wastewater treatment; Distribution system water quality; Advanced oxidation; Wastewater reuse. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering; Future Waters Group Waste and Waste Management, Water Resources and Supply, Rural and Northern Communities
Brenna Bhandar UBC Vancouver Property studies and legal theory; Property law; Critical theory; Colonial legal history; Critical race feminism; Climate-just housing, transport, and infrastructure; Indigenous-led climate action and planning. Peter A. Allard School of Law Centre for Climate Justice Climate Justice, Housing, Transportation
Tony (Xiaotao) Bi UBC Vancouver Biomass and bioenergy; Life cycle analysis; Green engineering; Industrial symbiosis; Fuel cells water management. Faculty of Applied Science Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Biorefining Research and Innovation Centre; Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining; Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC); Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions Clean Energy and Energy Transitions, Biofuels and Biomass, Product Lifecycle or Circular Economy, Waste and Waste Management, Bioprocesses and Biotechnology
Alexander Bigazzi UBC Vancouver Department of Civil Engineering; School of Community and Regional Planning; REACT Lab Faculty of Applied Science Department of Civil Engineering; School of Community and Regional Planning; REACT Lab Transportation, Urban Planning and Cities, Buildings and Sustainable Infrastructure Design, Environmental Psychology, Health and Wellbeing
Andrew Binet UBC Vancouver Community Engaged Research; Community development / social planning; Community health and care; Equity; Participatory action research; Participatory planning; Public engagement Faculty of Applied Science School of Community and Regional Planning; Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice Health and Wellbeing, Climate Justice, Social Dimensions of Climate and Systems Change, Urban Planning and Cities
Andrew Black UBC Vancouver Biometeorology; Soil physics, Microclimate modification; Measuring forest–atmosphere CO2 exchange; Processes controlling the carbon balance of forests. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Applied Biology Program; Biometerology & Soil Physics Group; Diversified Agroecosystem Cluster Atmospheric Science, Carbon Cycle, Forestry, Agriculture
Jennifer Black UBC Vancouver Social determinants of health and dietary choices; Impact of a community food hub program on food bank members’ nutritional status and experiences of food insecurity; Relationship between neighbourhood-level socioeconomic status, demographic factors, land use and access to food in British Columbia. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Department of Food, Nutrition, & Health; Social Exposome Cluster; Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies; Public Health & Urban Nutrition Research Group; Centre for Sustainable Food Systems Health and Wellbeing, Sovereign or Sustainable Food Systems, Poverty
Carole Blackburn UBC Vancouver Relationship between Indigenous peoples and settler states; How Indigenous nations assert their rights and sovereignty in struggles over land and political recognition; Consequences for Indigenous people of engaging states in legal and political arenas. Faculty of Arts Department of Anthropology; Law & Society; Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice; International Canadian Studies Centre Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation, Indigenous Ways of Knowing
Agni Boedhihartono UBC Vancouver Biodiversity; Communities and livelihoods; Conservation; Human behaviour; Land-use change; Social impact; Social science; Sustainability; Tropical landscapes and livelihoods. Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences; Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS) Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Forestry, Biodiversity, Natural Resource Management, Oceans and Coastal Systems, Livelihoods and Traditional Economies, Indigenous Relationships and Reconciliation

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that UBC’s campuses are situated within the traditional territories of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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